This was posted 4 years 11 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, PS4] Final Fantasy 7 Remake $69.00 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Price Guarantee applies if you already have it preordered. Assume delays due to COVID-19 virus.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Assume delays due to COVID-19 virus.

    Even before Covid-19 you could guarantee a delay. Release day is Good Friday. The game won't be delivered until the Tuesday. Good price though if you're happy to wait.

    • +1

      You can still get the digital version for $100. What I hate is the digital store won't break the street date on games Persona 5 Royal, even though Amazon and EB are already selling it.

      • +1

        Yeah I picked up Royal from EB price match and cancelled my Amazon order. Was a strange situation that one! FFVII Remake is shaping up to be just as amazing. Mount and Blade Bannerlord releasing on Steam PC a day earlier. Shaping up to be a fun quarantine isolation session ;P

    • Yeah lot of game releases for us tend to be a Friday (Thursday USA release). I've been lucky that most games I order from Amazon AU releasing on a Friday come on the Friday even though the website tells me not until Monday/Tuesday. I thought I'd just put there could be delays due to the virus because it was on their website as well as a notice.

    • four of my last 5 games from amazon came the day before (SA). So hoping for a Thursday Delivery, the 1 time it was late, it arrived on the Saturday, so should not be a issue.

    • +1

      Amazon sometimes deliver earlier and on weekends. My Persona 5 Royal preorder was delivered yesterday (A Saturday) when the official release date is the 31st (Tues).

    • -1

      I love that a person with your username made this comment lol.

      Dev team just posted. Looks like they are trying hard to get the shipments out earlier for us Aussies. Hopefully Amazon also ship it early.

  • Released on April 10th though my order shows it will be delivered on 14th. Guessing due to long weekend.

    • mines shows arriving by the 10th. good thing is if it doesnt they always give you $5. Already had $10 off this pre-order - $5 for the promo and $5 because they had some incorrect images in the listing (did not complain just got a email about it).

  • I've got it pre-ordered and rarely ever go digital but am thinking it might be my only choice to get it release day. Here's hoping it might get an early release before retail stores close..

    • +9

      I'd rather play it a few days after launch than pay $100 for a digital copy, myself.

      • +6

        I'd normally be in the same boat but long weekend plus favorite game of all times.. could almost be worth the extra $30.

        • Yeah, that makes sense. Whether it's worth it or not entirely depends on you. I could name a few games where I'd do the exact same thing. Did you try out the demo? I loved it.

        • +4

          I like the part where you pretended that the long weekend is only 4 days and not 3 months.

          But on a serious note, I know that I personally will really want the physical copy of this game, so I'm prepared to wait a week or two if necessary. Otherwise I'll end up buying both digi and phys, and that is not acceptable Ozbargainer behaviour.

  • +6

    Final Fantasy VII: Remake $68 at Harvey Norman. Assuming you can get it on Saturday after Good Friday in store or you can wait for delivery which is Tuesday.…

    • Can you?

      • +3

        probably locked down by then, so i ordered it with delivery instead of pickup

    • +2

      Wouldn't be surprised if there's a more comprehensive shut down by then.

      • Stores like Harvey Norman are essential (not an endorsement of Gerry) and should remain open for as long as possible. Otherwise what is someone to do if their fridge breaks and they need a new one for instance.

        • -8

          retail shouldnt close even in lockdown

        • appliances online or harvey norman online.

          • +2

            @Gristy: Maybe in your head-theory, but not realistic. My fridge died 2 weekends ago. If I couldn't have gotten down to the local HN and negotiated a same-day delivery, everything inside would have been spoiled and I would have had no fridge for days or even a week.

        • they need to turn their stores online like restaurants turned takeaway/delivery only

          • +1

            @johnwinkle: What do you mean? HN have an online store lol

          • @johnwinkle: Last time I ordered something from HN online it took a few days for them to send it, then 3 weeks for Couriers Please to admit that they'd lost it, then another 3 days for HN to get a different HN to send the item out again.

            With something like a fridge or freezer, you need that thing immediately. It's not like a coffee machine or a desk lamp.

  • -5

    I wouldn't rush, the game ends when your leave Midgar.

    • +4

      The game has been greatly expanded upon, and will take considerably longer than the 1st disc in the original.

      As per interviews, devs are stating a standard playtime of 50-60 hours.
      Even if you're to be conservative and knock off about 10-20 hours, that is still a long game.

      Now we can argue that its over-hyped, but in a current climate of really good remakes and re-imaginings (refer to RE2/RE3 remake),
      Square-Enix cannot afford to bungle this game, and the small snippet in the demo shows that they have a very competent development team on this game,
      and with that i would say we are to expect a very faithful, but new retelling of a beloved entry in the Final Fantasy series.

      But then again, you could just be giving the same expression as your avatar reading this thinking "WTF!?".

    • Midgar was already big enough to be its own game in the original..

  • -7

    Don't pre-order games until reviews etc. are out, especially something like this where there's a whole bunch of possible disappointment lying in wait.

    People don't seem to learn.

    • +6

      This game already has a demo out.

      • I still won't buy game at full price.

        Games drop to half price within 3 months…I rather wait a little…especially in the current climate when tens and thousands of people have lost their job.

        • -2

          Agreed, especially for single player games that don't hold value as much as multiplayer ones.

        • I will say 6 months to a year and NON- Switch games, including third party games.

          • @kazuyamishima: Also, remakes in particular have a pretty strong history of dropping to $20 pretty quickly after release, they tend to spearhead black Friday sales towards the back end of the year.

            No disrespect to OP, good to know this is an option for launch day or close to.

  • +4

    Ordered the Deluxe Version for $136 delivered.

    This is the only time in the last 20 years I am buying at full price and not regretting it a bit.

    • Where did you find the deluxe version? I can't seem to find it anywhere in Oz. If you google it there's an EB Games link, but it's dead once opened.

      • +1

        Set an alert for the EB Games page, it has gone out of stock & come back in stock a few times since the demo came out.

  • Damn so the only way to get this on the day is to download Ivona the store?
    Would be great for the long weekend while stuck at home

  • +4

    The reunion is near!

  • I think for once for a launch title and current situation of a possible lockdown level 3 soon….get digital copy.

  • +3

    So just to confirm - Is this remake episodic where I will have to pay for the additional “episodes” every time they get released?
    Or is it a case of just paying for the base game and getting the additional content for free as they get released

    • +4

      Every episode will be a brand new full release. Episode 1 only covers Midgar and you'll have to buy the next game in the series to continue the story (whenever that will be). It doesn't say anywhere on the box that it's "episode 1" so I can see why people would think the rest of the game comes as DLC.

    • +3

      Not exactly. While it's not the entire FFVII story (as it only covers Midgar), this release is still a full-length game. We'll then get another full-length game to cover the next part of the story in however long.

      • +1

        While I don't mind paying for quality, you can't say a remake now is two full length games.

        It's 1 game (original story) broken into two parts. When I bought FF7 all those years ago, it wasn't FFVII and FFVII-2.

    • +2

      I would wait till they release it all, knowing Square Enix they'll release some special version that integrates it all seamlessly, (any way to charge a few extra $$)

      • +1

        I would just for the fact that it may be a year or two till the second half, and that's a long time between drinks now they've finally given us a taste.
        Almost easier to pretend the first half isn't out.

        • Agree totally

  • +6
    • dude, i can't believe you just ruined the ending!

    • LOL that was a crack up. Loved it lololol

      • "why are aerith's tits cross-eyed?" hahaha

  • +2

    I’ve pre-ordered from Amazon hoping it might turn up early, but I have no faith it will.
    If it hasn’t arrived by the Thursday I’m getting it from PSN. I can’t wait any longer!!!

  • +2

    Not impressed with this game will wait half a year someone finished it and I buy second hand.

    While P5 royal is the best

  • Wow so they divided the original up into episodes? FF7-1. FF7-2. FF7-3..? Well I guess since they ran out of good ideas for the franchise, this is the best they can do.

    • +5

      I hated the idea at first, but now we know each segment will be the size of a full FF game, i’m actually pretty stoked. Gonna be awesome to see all the new content and longer missions etc. even just the city of midgar itself is now at least 10x the size of the OG version, in terms of scale and actual buildings etc.

      • +2

        The original story will be stretched to its breaking point, and gaps will be filled by new subplots and origin stories the fanbase will inevitably not care for i.e. The Hobbit trilogy effect. So strap yourselves in for great stories like Radagast the Brown and Elf-Dwarf romance in Midgar.

        • +2

          The difference is that Square had a lot of detail that had to be cut from the original, to make it punchy and cohesive enough for a single game. It's great they are taking a risk. If you add a bunch more stuff and only half of it is any good, that's still a bunch more cool stuff.

          If they just went with the original story and didn't add any new content, that would be tragic. It would be like the new version of the Lion King - technically very good, but creatively barren - ultimately a boring and pointless undertaking.

          Even if FF7R completely flops, we can always replay the original.

    • +4

      If you’ve played the demo and made half an effort to look into what content will be in th game, you’d know better,

  • +1

    Mail might be the only option given the lockdown.

  • I've been waiting for this for so long - FF7 was my favorite childhood game.

    Let's hope they can even finish the game considering it's a mammoth game and may be over 3-4 releases. Square enix has a reputation for long development times

    • +1

      One of my favourites as well. I too am worried about a Half Life 3 situation (where it never gets finished). But there are at least 4 good reasons this hopefully won't happen:

      1. The original story exists in a complete form.
      2. Square (hopefully) isn't about to monumentally pivot from game developer to licensing platform, which is what Valve did.
      3. The groundwork and format has been deliberated over and decided upon (battle system, scale, pacing, etc)
      4. It would be very un-Japanese for Square not to finish what they started - especially considering this project is being led by much of the original brainstrust.


      • This game is going to print money, of course Square will finish it.

    • +1

      Cool story bro.

    • lol. if that's what you took from the demo, you weren't paying attention.

    • -1

      I wish I could neg myself to join your moron bandwagon :)

  • +2

    I ordered and heard it’s not a full FF7 game, then cancelled.

    • I'm also going to wait till they release the whole thing. Splitting it across multiple games seems to be another cash grab

      • That could be years from now.

        • I'd hope not, there's only so much milking of the FF7 franchise they can get away with

          • -1

            @buckster: Plenty of cases where publishers have milked a franchise and people still bought it.
            Call of Duty, FIFA etc.

    • +1

      Not something will be said by those played the original game for sure

      • Played 2 times on ps, 2 times on pc and 1 time on PS4. Thanks.

    • +3

      you're gonna be waiting a long time for the complete game. It'll probably end up like Starcraft 2. Wings of liberty 2010 -> legacy of the void 2015.

    • You're gonna wait a few years for all the episodes then play it? ok

      • Haha 😂 better than trap myself in the waiting. There are many good games over this like TLOU pt2, cyberpunk etc. love ff7 tho but not prepared to wait and pay $200+ for a full ff7 assuming 3 episodes $69 ea.

  • +1

    I do think this would be better digitally especially since it’s three part. My mind has gone past psx era where I have to change discs to continue the story. So I’ll just have it as a set of digital games on one hdd.
    Last game I swapped discs for was lost odyssey

    • each game will be huge and the rest of the game will more than likely be on the ps5. so you'll have to double dip on the first one if you care about consistency on the ps5 unless they release it simultaneously on both consoles.

  • -1

    Can we play this game on PC?

    • +1

      only ps4 atm. It'll probably go on PC once the game is complete…whenever that'll be.

  • Waiting to hear if progress carries over to the sequels

  • +2

    Under the recent changes to Amazon cashback categories, am I right in assuming FF7 is not eligible for any with either cashrewards or shopback?

  • I'm excited for everyone! Will be waiting til it finishes the console exclusivity. Was THISCLOSE to getting a PS4 last Black Friday, but I just couldn't. Please no spoilers!

  • +1

    For those people who ain't sure to get this game or not. Try the demo.

    Don't buy it just because it's nostalgic because I didn't like it at all. Lucky I did not preorder

    • +1

      for those who are in it for only the battle mechanic, absolutely.

  • To all those worrying about the lockdown, there is a high possibility that brick and mortar stores will (if need be) release games early.

    We have seen this in the states with Animal crossing before there forced closures, and have also seen Persona 5 Royal released a week earlier in Australia.

    So, it might be still beneficial to keep your preorders or orders at these locations in-case they break release as Amazon and the like would only ship once the break has been announced.

    Obviously though, do as you think is best.

    • Well if you cant get ff7 remake….if you have xbox, you can at least play Phantasy Star Online 2 for free via xbox live/gamepass. Works like a charm.

      Note: need vpn to first download the game to you account but beware its 68gb

  • The people saying "it's only Midgar" have either never played the original or have forgotten how big Midgar is. As it was pretty much its own game already and has been further expanded, I've no problem with them doing it as a separate game.

    • +1

      I think they've probably decided they needed immediate cash flow, and realised they could release half a game early to get a hat cash flowing earlier

      • If that's what it took to make the FFVII Remake a reality then so be it..

        • Until they start doing it with every game :/ FF 15 was the same, released a partial game, fixed it partway with updates, then revamp/finish it for the "royal edition"

  • Has there been any word about how long this will be PS4 exclusive?

    • Google shows its expected to appear on other platforms 3rd March 2021.

  • Don't think I've ever been so torn on what to do… Want this ASAP ut if it's not here by Thursday… :(

  • Does Amazon preorder usually contains preorder bonus? Just wanted to check if it comes with the chocobo materia as it doesn’t says on its page but I read that all preorder comes with it (unless I’m wrong…)

    • I have gotten pre order bonuses from Amazon before in the past, the last one I got was for Death Stranding. They send you an email with the code. Might be a gamble for FF7 though, you can always ask them first.

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