• expired

$30 UberEATS Voucher for Healthcare Workers in Covid-19 Affected Areas


Intended for healthcare workers who are at risk of exposure to COVID-19. UberEats has partnered with frontliners to give coupons to healthcare workers. Not sure what the minimum requirements are and it takes a few days to process. Received a $30 coupon as a hospital pharmacist.

The stress of an unprecedented outbreak, such as COVID-19, has the potential to place overwhelming pressure on the emergency workers on the Frontlines. This is the time to support people on the frontline.

We aim to pull together the support of the community, local and national businesses, and financial services. We are sending FRONTLINERS Kits to healthcare workers in COVID-19 affected areas.

Mod: All current Healthcare Workers deals

Referral Links

Referral: random (1446)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

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closed Comments

  • How long did it take for your voucher to arrive?

    • 3 days

      • Did you need to show proof of employment?

  • -6

    Should stack well with this


  • +27

    Thanks. I have signed up. Just did 7 days in COVID ICU

    • +32

      I didn't sign up as i am in healthcare but not currently on the frontline… will leave it for those that are more deserving :)

      • +19

        I'm a very rich doctor working in a private setting with probably little increased COVID exposure… thanks for keeping this for me, stay safe

        • +5

          not sure why this is getting so downvoted this was good satire

          • +2

            @Oliver: only 2% of internet users are able to detect satire

            • +2

              @Marmaduke: It's 1.4%

              • +3

                @[Deactivated]: I just think 90% of people didn't find it funny.

        • +1

          You should be careful what you post online… not everyone is so adept with such humour and some will take this at face value; which would likely further perpetuate hatred towards healthcare workers…

    • -2

      Would you trust food that you have no idea on who has prepared it, where it's been sitting etc etc ?

      • +18

        That is literally what you do every time you buy food from any restaurant, delivery service or supermarket.

        • +1

          Hence making all meals at home at the moment. Things are a little different in the world at the moment. Seems strange to me that you would want something from someone who has been to all different people all day/ night. Seems to be a possible vector

          • +1

            @tunzafun001: I agree, went out to collect my pizza last night, instantly regretted it.

      • +1

        Well you're tons of fun, 001.

        • +2

          007: the name’s Bond, James Bond.

          001: the name’s Fun…

      • Piping hot pizza in a box would be fine

      • +1

        I see what you're saying but you can still make some clever choices (I think anyway). We opt for food that is piping hot and that can be thrown in the oven to keep warm/heat up in the oven for 5 minutes when it arrives home. Pizza is a good one, burgers maybe not.

        • I agree on this bit, but just make sure you don't talk to the driver, place the whole bag/ box in the oven for (don't quote me on exact numbers), 59C for 15mins (hotter = shorter time, but your food will turn to poop), get someone else to open close the oven, Wash hands immediately. Basically, you might as well just make it yourself!

          Maybe a little 'tinfoil hat', but we are talking about a little parcel of RNA about 0.00025mm that has brought an entire planet to a stop in a month.

    • +2

      Thank you for your efforts this far 😊 Feeling for you lot.

  • +16

    As always everyone don't try take advantage of this unless you are actually a frontliner. For instance if you're a hospital pharmicist that's very different from being a part-time employee at chemist warehouse.

    • +37

      Nope, I disagree, as a hospital pharmacist you're more protected by knowing who has COVID, where the patient is being isolated and when to put on PPE. They're protected by the doctors and nurses who have already triaged the possible coronavirus patients.

      I see community pharmacists having much higher risk of exposure since they still have to serve everyone who's sick and will see people who haven't been/refused to be tested. God knows which cougher is handing over that COVID infected script. Community pharmacists are definitely more front line.

      • You're not worthy. You're not worthy. I am

      • +3

        Well said. People working in retail knowing no history of who they are dealing with are definitely the unsung heroes. Everyone thanks doctors and nurses who have patient history to be able to wear PPE gear but all those professions that work as open public including any retail staff, there is no such protection!

      • +1

        right on. work has been so stressful and busy.

      • +3

        as a hospital pharmacist you're more protected by knowing who has COVID

        Staff treating the cancer patients at The Alfred would probably disagree.

        Community pharmacists are definitely more front line.

        Probably right, but at the moment everyone could be a potential carrier.

        • If they understand how statistics work they won't agree…

        • +4

          Thanks for nit picking. You might as well point out any spelling errors and grammatical mistakes I've made to further whatever point you're trying to make.

          I was pointing out the misconception that you need to work in a hospital to be on the front lines - you don't.

          And your article does well to raise that issue - that there is risk and fear in treating sick people who may or may not be infected.

          So I will try to explain the main and most important point to you in the simplest way I can. You should not disregard workers who aren't in close proximity to COVID patients. There are still many people who don't work in hospitals (community pharmacists, nursing home nurses, ambos) who have a higher risk of exposure and definitely shoulder more fear/anxiety when they punctually turn up for their shifts.

          • +1

            @xlimit: There is a difference between community risk and those treating actual patients with COVID. The hospitalised ones arguably have a higher viral load and are likely to be shedding more virus than those well enough to be in the community. Higher again if they are in the ICU. Personally I’d rather be seeing patients in the community with some masks/good hand hygiene/decent spacing/etc than looking after very sick patients with covid in an enclosed room within a Hospital - but in response to your comment, yes - both are on the frontline.

    • +2

      Going to have to agree with Xlimit on this one. Knowing someone who is a chemist manager (situated next to a medical centre), the sheer volume of 'unknown' sick people they are dealing with lately, they absolutely deserve this. They are wearing full face protection masks, gloves etc …at a chemist. Frontline enough for me.
      You can probably put teachers and retail workers in this mix as well.

      That being said, getting food delivered with no knowledge of who has touched it before it arrives..no health care person will use this anyway!

      • +1

        Pickup is an option in Uber Eats - and when you select pickup at the moment the restaurant gets 100% of the order value , no commission deducted.

  • +2

    Looks like this is part of the 25,000 free meals to health workers pledge.

  • +48

    Can I just say, that as a healthcare worker, I polled my team after dominos randomly dropped off a bunch of pizza to our ward. We unanimously felt uncomfortable with it. Yes we are on the front line, yes we have higher risk, and yes we expect to be working our asses off pretty soon but..

    We also have a very secure job. We don't need handouts. We need equipment. I would prefer these companies donate the food they're giving to us to people with a family and no income any more. And maybe try and help with sourcing the vital equipment we need to do our jobs safely. Or maybe pay employees to turn up to work without actually turning a profit, so the effects are lessened on the economy.

    I'm not trying to be ungrateful, the gesture is very appreciated but the secondary effects of this pandemic are real, things like poverty and malnutrition, anxiety, stress and mental health are all exacerbated in this time even if not directly affected by covid. Healthcare workers sometimes feel under-appreciated but this is NOT that time as evidenced by all the offers to us, but maybe we can give it to those in need? We have our incomes still and are likely to come out of this better than anyone.

    My team are trying to work out a way we can donate some of our earnings and/or redirect excess food from the hospital to people who need it. This is a time we can all step up, not just in our jobs and not just for ourselves, but for everyone.

    • +10

      If you want to help your local healthcare workers (especially GPs) drop them off a box of masks that you've been hoarding. That way patients can put one on prior to entering the clinic and reduce risks.

      My team are trying to work out a way we can donate some of our earnings

      We've been ordering take-away (but not dining in) more than normal to support local businesses.

    • +1

      This is a benevolent attitude but given you guys on the front line have a significantly higher chance of catching COVID-19 than the rest of us (I'm particularly staggered at the sheer number of healthcare workers catching COVID in Italy, and the number of deaths in that healthcare worker demographic that have come about as a result), I still think you deserve the charity!

    • +2

      I'm in healthcare myself. I agree with mostly everything you said but none of us will be immuned with the secondary effects you mentioned, not even us nurses. I don't know if you heard about 600 nurses in QLD and NSW being stood down. Some of us have families to feed, some of us have partners who lost their jobs as well. I'm afraid not all in healthcare, those who are struggling financially can extend their help beyond emotional support or prayers.

    • +3

      Likewise, but it’s just an act of goodwill, accept it as the minor token of appreciation from the broader community that it’s intended to be

    • +3

      IDK handouts are nice. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

      • I think this is also keeping the businesses creating the food alive as it is paid for by the bigger companies like Uber

  • +4

    I applied as a radiographer. Hopefully I get it.

    • you need to tick if you graph AM of FM

  • Thanks my partner works as an AIN in the emergency department so this will be nice for her !

  • Please throw in an N95 mask. Thanks

  • -5

    The dodgy f*kers that sign up to this and are not healthcare workers i hope you get COVID19 and suffer horribly.

    • +4

      Person 1: takes advantage of a corporate promotion for $30 of food delivery

      Person 2: wishes disease and suffering on another human

      Yeah, after thoroughly enjoying the fun of watching people making meaningless moralistic arguments, this is my favourite example. Well done sir

  • +2

    I applied but I’ll pass the voucher onto someone who is more need such as those who have lost jobs if possible. It’s a nice gesture but I’ll survive without it.

    The only help I would like atm is keeping grocery items aside. Even with the Tuesday and Thursday exclusive 1 hour for healthcare workers at 7am, I am already at work by then and I don’t get weekdays off. I haven’t had a chance to pick up items I need from the supermarkets for weeks. And as a healthcare worker I want to limit exposure to members of the community so I don’t like visiting busy supermarkets multiple times a week after work.

    • +1

      The only help I would like atm is keeping grocery items aside.

      I wonder if the supermarket could reserve slots or prioritise delivery for health care workers?

      • Coles does that now on Tuesdays and Thursdays as they noted in their post. Healthcare workers will probably also be eligible for the priority delivery service.

        • i will be really happy if they include us in the priority deliveries. I haven't bought toilet paper since mid jan.

          I am also at work on tues/thurs but i might try to slip in at 7am and grab a pack of TP.

          As for the whole delivery issue…

          I have queried with coles why they stopped their deliveries counter to govt advice, when the govt is currently encouraging pharmacies to do deliveries so that people come to the shops less. Coles, by cancelling deliveries, is encouraging people to go to the shops MORE.

          Seems contradictory to me.

          • +1

            @Oliver: Coles and Woolies stopped delivery due to idiots panic buying. Because delivery stock is taken from the shelves around the store, it got to the point where pickers simply couldn't get the items for delivery because people had cleared all the stock. The new priority delivery will work a bit differently to prevent that issue. As an aside, another different thing about this new priority delivery system is the ACCC has approved a cartel agreement for deliveries, which would usually be illegal. So you could order from Woolies, and a Coles truck could deliver it. You could order from IGA, and a Woolies truck could deliver it. You could even order from your local fruit and veg shop and an IGA truck could deliver it. They're all pooling resources into a giant logistics network.

          • @Oliver: Agreed. I've been online grocery shopping for around 2 years now. I work long hours (healthcare) and it's just easier for me that way. I even pay for the year of free delivery 2 months ago.

            Now I can't even get anything delivered. They cancelled 4 orders in a row and now I can't order at all.

            I'd love to get delivery back, I hate going to the shops with mask and gloves, people look at me weird and dragging my unruly 2 boys with me, it's often a nightmare. Would be good to be able to use the $169 subscription I paid for.

  • If your girlfriend works in aged care in the gold coast does that count as frontline?

    • +3

      She doesn't, so it doesn't.

  • +2

    No privacy policy on their website (that I could find on the mobile version). Who knows what they do with that information?

  • If I was a healthcare worker I would not want some random coming to my house that possibly has rona and the food prepared by someone that also may have rona.

    • This.

  • Aaaaaachoo! Ding ding ding dinner is served, please ensure they get 30% off.
    Thanks chef!

  • +2

    I still haven't received anything…signed up last week

    • My partner just got hers today also check your spam folder

  • Got it! This will come in handy!
    Thanks op and frontliner/ubereats. Definitely helps the burden scavenging shops for food.

  • Got the code, "Oops, this promotion is no longer available" oh well.

    • +1

      Same boat lol. Had to message uber. Waiting…

      • I hope it works out!

      • How did you contact them?

        • +1

          This is what the rep told me on Facebook.


          You'll find a form at the bottom of the page. Please fill it out and indicate 'consumer' and the relevant team will be in touch with you shortly.

          • @aerona: Thanks @aerona.
            I contacted the support and they credited my account $30, as a "one time courtesy" lol, a "courtesy" they advertised and never delivered on in the first place

            • +1

              @inasero: it makes me question uber and their partnership with frontliner for this promotion. I'm wondering if frontliner is actually footing the bill while uber is under-delivering

  • Got the code, thanks

    • Did your code work?

      • Yes without any problems, I have added it to 'promotions' in the app

      • +1

        Mine actually didn't work, code invalid.. Lol

        • code invalid could be abbreviated to COVID

      • Didn’t work for me

  • It didn't work for me either (added on desktop) but then appeared when I went on my mobile.

  • +1

    Does not work

  • +1

    Wtf not working?

  • +1

    Not working either :(

  • +1

    Not working for me either.
    Anyone know how they deliver the code.
    Phone or email.?
    And what address it comes as so I don't lose it in spam
    Cheers :)

  • +1

    Never got the voucher? Checked SPAM..

  • +1

    Just got a new code and works!!

  • +2

    Got my code today, took a little while but very thankful.

  • Got a 2nd code sent through to the single email address!

  • -1

    Doc. 9 years at uni with $95K in HECS debt, repayable at $600+ per fortnight. Health dept EBA refuses a miniscule 1.5% salary increase to keep up with inflation. I (a doctor of 5 years) make as much as a 20 year old FIFO truck driver, and they don’t have to deal with a fraction of the stress we do. I’ll take what I can get thanks.

  • My partner used and redeemed the code but then was sent another one a week later noice 👍

  • Mine didn't work:(

  • Is the second code $30 as well?

  • Never received the first code (perhaps I registered too late) but second code emailed to me last night - $30 off!

  • Just got a second code. Does anyone know if it just off the next order or can be spread over multiple orders.

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