Amazon UK no longer deducting VAT???

Just noticed that Amazon UK no longer seems to be deducting VAT from the price for overseas orders. No VAT was deducted for both Blu Ray and CD's on my order. I wonder why this change has come about - system error or policy change?

It strange because the website still says no VAT is payable on orders outside the EU:…


  • Surely not, it wouldn't be legal…

  • Looks like they deducted it from a trial order i just made.

    • Hmmmm, tried a few different items, changed credit card selection, logged in and out, still no VAT deduction for me.

      • Rightio, it seems as if the VAT is still deducted but no longer is reflected on an item by item basis. Only the grand total reflects the VAT deducted amount, but the individual prices listed in your order still reflect the price inclusive of VAT.

  • Hi. I've only ever tried once to order from Amazon U.K. and received page update saying that they don't ship to Australia. Can somebody explain? Cheers.

    • Not all products ship to Australia. Mostly non-Amazon sellers who don't. Amazon is like Ebay in that way, they sell products from other stores as well as their own. Some of these products ship from Amazon's warehouse, some don't. But I've found as a general rule products that are not sold by Amazon wont be send here. Then Amazon just wont post some stuff like console games.

  • Thanks for that. I'm guessing that the games reluctance is about region compliance and not getting the companies offside. Does that mean that everything else that is labelled as ' Sold and Shipped by Amazon' will get sent here?

    • Not everything. But SOME things. It's really trial by error. But certainly books, DVDs and CDs will.

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