Cheapest paper around 99c for 200 sheets.
That’s $2.50 for 500 sheets - and no one does that price.
Plenty in Auburn (end cap not normal paper area)
Cheapest paper around 99c for 200 sheets.
That’s $2.50 for 500 sheets - and no one does that price.
Plenty in Auburn (end cap not normal paper area)
u can print both sides :)
Pro tip, if you running low on toilet paper, just grab your last roll and photocopy it.
Thank you and welcome to my TED talk.
Where do I subscribe? I laughed so hard.
fax it to friend if they have run out ?
Thank you and welcome to my TED talk.
Phone bad.
u can print both sides :)
Also known as the OzBargain 2 ply.
This is crap paper
Can I wipe my arse with this?
You need to draw a politician's face on it first.
There is guides on the internet which includes instructions on how to make toilet paper using printing paper. haha
Like this one:
Looks like there will be alot of people with spare time at home to DIY some toilet paper using cheap printing paper.
Is it a "vice versa" type situation?
First print smoko's face, then wipe
i think you will find it hard to get the poop to stick to it.
Does it flush?
No unfortunately!
Far enough.
It'll blend.
Shop name in title, please!
Heck, I just restocked with the usual cheap stuff I get 500 for $4 :(
Nice find.
Bastards saw you coming.
Thank OP, grabbed 6
do u miss a "toilet" word in your title lol
Thanks, great timing. I grabbed a few.
Thank you! Got 20
You also got a 1000 toilet rolls too?
I think the OzB imposed limit is 10.
Other people got 6 or 10 were not neg’ed
What's wrong with people? It's cheaper than I expect to find any time soon, so I'll stockpile accordingly. Is that not the sensible thing to do?
(My wife says no - she hates my stockpiling. But she isn't an ozbargainer.)
I've order 60 to get free delivery. That's only a little over the price of a box like I'd usually buy, and it should come conveniently in 6 boxes of 10 small sheaves - seems really practical to me??
I don't see any mention that they're low on stock - I'm sure they're happy to sell as much as we want to buy??
It will go down further as the demand drops due to the shift to people working from home. Cash is way better than paper at this stage… because it's plastic… :P
Paper mills have been traditionally used to generate cash. I don't remember where I learned that tho.
well looks like I've found what to invest in, in preparation for the recovery
Thank you. Got 6.
Does this mean we are finally going paperless? Suddenly this NWO isn't too bad… for trees!
I reckon going paperless has a long way to go, especially in the toilet.
Paper is free at my work place..
You still have a workplace?
I don’t want to risk my life to get the free papers from the office
Got 10. Thanks Op.
Guys, this is for our resumes.
What's a resume?
Its a bunch of letters, words and numbers formatted in a nice order to convince someone with money to give you some of their money by doing stuff they may need doing by over exaggerating on your abilities and what you are capable of achieving.
Sometimes this is printed on paper.
Sometimes this is achieved by interpretive dance. In this current environment, I recommend the paper option.
I tried to reorder my keyboard by nice, turned out there's only one way to do it. I guess I could add more keys from the other keyboard. People make money out of doing this? I can see the value of printing it on paper tho, it's much tidier.
Paper is becoming obsolete now?
Paper is becoming a commodity now
Well, at this rate, I predict in April, the COVID19 cure will turn people into zombies and May will be the time the robots take over, so I predict that paper will not be obsolete soon…
Well, at least thats what my mate T-800 told me.
Bought one last week and thought it was its normal price
This Studymate Paper has a standard 80 gsm construction which is the most commonly used and is A4 size which is perfect for everyday use. It has an archival quality of up to 100 years meaning that the paper will remain usable until then.
Only 100 years…that's a dealbreaker, I need 101 or more.
Something went wrong.
He said something went wrong.
But didn't explain what. Just like my Google Home minis
@congo: Have a routine (for kid's bedtime) to
1) turn off lights
2) adjust volume
3) play music
when I say "bedtime".
It says "Goodnight John Kimble". Then "Something went wrong". But then does all three actions anyway? So weird!
Is it actually good though? I've bought cheaper officeworks stuff in the past and it feels thin and rough, compared to Reflex.
How is the quality?
I bought some cheap paper before and they were easily jammed…
Thanks OP. Needed few sheets for printing activities to keep kids busy and didn't want to buy full 500 sheet packet. It says 80gsm so hopefully same quality as Reflex.
handier than the 500 sheet pack which once opened for home use takes a while to empty …rather smaller packs for home use, just buy 500 sheet packs as i thought they where the cheaper bulk option.
Thanks OP, got 10😁
One of the reviewer mentioned this paper wrinkled on fax machine due to heat.
Inkjet should be fine, but not sure about lasers.
Fax machine? When was that review written, 2002?
You totally missed the point
lol are you one of those guys that says hilarious jokes but can keep a straight face?
I'm thinking "that should have 100s of upvotes. maybe it isn't a joke. Is it serious? What am I missing? I need a smiley face or wink or /s to confirm."
I looked at your sentence and I can't see it either. It's normally at the end, now where is it.
I bought some last time it was on sale. It's not the best quality paper I've used but it does the job for me, used in a old Canon inkjet.
Bought this about a week ago, printer keeps taking two sheets at a time and printing like half on both, bad quality, too thin. Expensive printer too.
if it's not 80gsm I'll be returning it
It say 80 gsm. How you going to check?
Weigh it. GSM = Grams per Square Metre.
A4 = 210 × 297 mm
So 1 A4 sheet of 80gsm should be 4.9896g. Of course just being 80gsm wouldn't make it high quality. Other factors like uniformity. Sheet should be the same thickness everywhere.
@rhangman: so if it's bumpy or thicker at one end they might have me on a technicality. I think I'm being sarcastic - nobody makes non-uniform paper do they?? I don't think this is going to have been handmade by Chinese children in slave labour camps??
The complaint above is that it's thin. If it's A4 size and 80gsm weight, I can't see how it can be thinner than usual.
If you're in a metro area, free if you buy 56, else $5.95.
Even Gladstone is metro!
As someone who used to work in an office managing $40+k printers, cheap paper is usually dusty paper. Which causes jams and is generally not good for your printer. Pay a little extra for decent paper (Reflex, Xerox etc) and your printer will last longer.
For a company time is money, for people with idle time money is money.
None of the companies I've worked for this century seem to feel that way, but I agree with the sentiment.
Well the place I worked for didn't agree either, after the first service bill which was in the thousands because all the rollers needed replacing from being worn down they decided paying extra for paper was worth while.
And that's how money flies out the window. Remember the poor man pays twice.
You can see it coming. Selling paper in 200 sheet packs. We're a country that will be too poor to buy 500 sheets going forward.
They will be selling individually wrapped cigarettes soon.
Don't forget to buy 3 packs at a time with cash. Will save 2c!
Is this responsibly sourced and produced paper
Hardcopy is so last century!
So rather than staying home, everyone will be making their way to Officeworks to stock up on paper! I am convinced, Aussies do not take Covid-19 seriously. So sad. I love using this website and I have been doing so for the past many years but seeing all those posts lately encouraging people to go out there to get ridiculous non-essential items like batteries, A4 paper or chocolate eggs drives me insane. Why? - because I have friends and family in Spain affected by this virus and if we do not act RIGHT NOW you can't imagine the hell that we are all going to face in the next couple of weeks. PLEASE STAY HOME! STAY HOME EVERYONE! If you don't get this paper the world will not end and you might even save some lives!
I have 2 kids home from school at the moment, so paper is an essential item.
I'm sure you can have it delivered. Paying a few dollars more for delivery in order to potentially save lives should not be a problem.
Bought and tested in my printers, absolutely fine. Not sure if it is harmful to my printers. If you look carefully, there are plenty of cheaper alternatives on office supplies. The bottom line is we have been paying way too much over many year on the sol called premium products.
Are they still open to buy instore?
Went this afternoon to pick mine and they were open (SA).
There is a whole shelf of it at Newcastle West.
Didn't come in proper boxes. 12 packets crammed into each, with tape holding the bulging boxes closed. Not going to look great piled up in my study :(
Replacement for toilet papers?