Invisalign, Braces, Crowns ???

Hi all,

I'm thinking about having some dental work done. I've got quite a gap (5mm) between my front two teeth on the bottom row. Was wondering if anyone has had a similar issue as mine and if you opted for invisalign, braces etc. how successful and how much did you pay?

Any input would be great!


  • +2

    Not sure if this is relevant or not but for braces

    Time Lapse of Braces

    Some other info
    How much for brace and Invisalign?
    Consolidated Braces Thread

  • I would have a good chat to a dentist

    Have you thought about something simple like a cosmetic fix?

    I have a filling on the edge of a tooth that is pretty difficult to tell from the real thing, could they not just build up the side slightly of each tooth to close the gap?

  • +1

    a) Braces will fix that gap and more (including dental problems you didn't know you had)
    b) I'm a little older and got braces about four months ago and am very happy with the results so far. I should have done it a lot earlier. I opted for full metal top and bottom because they're tougher than porcelain and don't stain. ~8k over two years.
    c) Asking randoms on the internet is unlikely to be of much use. Instead, go and see some orthodontists to get an idea of what they're like and what they can do for you. The first ortho I went to was utterly useless. I got a referral to another ortho who is really excellent. I went with them in the end and have not looked back. Very helpful, informative and reasonably priced.

  • I actually had Invisalign to fix my teeth and it cost $7000 to have the top and bottom straightened over 9 months. Im really happy with the result and am glad I didnt choose the metal braces cos with the Invisalign no one could even tell I had them in, but I do think its supposed to only work on teeth that arent too crooked. But it sounds like yours arent too bad cos youve only got the gap at the front, so it should be ok for that.

    I am thinking though that the girl above, Natt, could be onto something with the cosmetic fix. If its just the gap youre worried about it might be cheaper to have it filled rather than the Invisalign for $7000. But I definitley dont have a bad thing to say about Invisalign if thats what you choose to do in the end.

  • invisaline groupon deal on today FYI

  • Thanks for the input guys, will head off to an orthodontist soon!

  • i got braces. ceramic on top and metal on bottom. including surgery to remove 9 teeth, it cost just over $7000.

  • I bought braces for my son and one thing I was not aware of was the ongoing orthodontic cost commitment AFTER the braces are removed. To keep the teeth in place he was supplied with a fine plastic night guard which he grinds holes in quite quickly (replacement cost $95) and a wire is cemented to the back of his teeth which he broke (repair cost $85).

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