New v2 recently launched hence these original v1 going on sale.
Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless $295 @ JB Hi-Fi

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What connection issues? I've used mine for thousands of hours and never had a single dropout. Literally the only problems I can think of is the battery life is only okayish (3 hours) and the weird thing with the charging case (which can be pretty annoying if you forget to plug them in every couple of days).
Galaxy buds sound like trash. So it really depends what your priorities are.
Likewise! The battery issue can be annoying but when you put it on your forget that. It’s still the best sounding Wireless ear buds bar none.
That's great to hear, IMO the Sennies did sound good only if you like excessive bass. These true wireless buds are usually for fitness etc so don't mind the drop in sound ability, especially when you are saving $170 dollars to get the Galaxy buds. I got a refund on my pair of true wireless sennies after going through 2 sets, sometimes one earbud would just stop working and I'd have to turn it off/disconnect etc, sometimes I literally couldn't connect it to a new device. If you do a quick google you will find it's rife with connection issues.
If not sounding like trash is your priority, you should be looking at wired as there are far more options, especially if you are not a bass head. I do admit these are the best of the few TWS I have tried, my opinion is it's not worth the premium due to the low quality case and battery drain.
That's some pretty terrible luck. I don't own any other senns (generally hate the sound sig), but I always assumed they had decent QC.
Mine are my gym headphones, so a vague level of sweat resistance, no cords to tangle and sounding decent are all I really care about.
@jjcf: Yep agreed, it's why I ended up getting some cheap Galaxy buds off gumtree. I think the Senny True Wirless v2 are going to be the best we can get for true wireless buds, but they are at such a huge premium.
the complaints (from what I've read) are around switching/connectivity BETWEEN devices.
I'm curious to your experiences on that - I need to switch between a laptop and 2 phones all day - I'm really want these (the V2), but hoping this is seemless.
Get something with multipoint.
These had a bad battery drain issue (would constantly drain and die when left in the case). Don't think they ever fixed it, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
At the right price, I would grab a pair, just because they are one of the few that support AptX-LL (the new model doesn't). But this is not that price.
I believe it did get fixed.
The new V2 ones do not wireless charge in the case either though FYI.
does the V2 fixed the battery drain issue? i had the v1 and cannot stand for the battery drain issue so i sold it previously.
Yes, V2 fixes the battery drain and adds noise cancelling. Slightly smaller earpieces too. And programmable touch controls (not sure if they were programmable on V1).
Didn't V1 already had noise cancellation but yeah the battery issue kills me as well.
No it doesn't.
(I believe it has noise cancelling mics, or CVC, for voice capture on phone calls, which is probably what you are confusing it with. It does not have (active) noise cancellation.)
Why forgive you? What have you done other than first post??
I know not what I do
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These earbuds look really nice! On a totally unrelated point, why is everyone asking for forgiveness when it's their first post? Ozbargainers are more understanding than that :D
Not when JV is around.
It’s a good earphone but it’s too expensive.
I had these for a week and sent them back sound q is so so . don't waste your time getting these if you have any need to make calls outside as the other end will simply not hear you.
Sound quality for calls is so so (actually, shocking). Sound quality for music is best in class.
Highly recommend these if you listen to a lot of music and have another device for calls. If call quality is important to you, look elsewhere.
Although if you listen to a lot of music, the battery won't last long at all, might be best to upgrade to wireless headphones
ugh… every single bit of research I had done - including the revewiers on youtube who actually go out and record audio in cafes or loud places and do comparisons… these actually seemed great - better than the Jabra 65 + 75ts.
This worries me now, and I'm unsure again!
Agree mic is a joke. Tempted by v2
Are these better than AirPods 2?
ok here is my subjective opinion and i used to teach audio engineering. so yes i have a trained ear they sound like shit and so do air-pods and they are completely useless for making calls outside. in and office they are ok for making calls only. they are no better than the 50-60$ ones off ebay or amazon. like most things they are all toss value for the brand name.
if you like to listen to music on NS10s then these will sound great to you however i can tell you that no one uses ns10s to listen to music outside a studio. your $ for bog-roll as things are going you will need and you can also use it to wipe up your tears when you realize how crap these sound.
As a rule i dont give opinions of headphone or audio in general as it is so subjective i generally tell people to go and listen to a bunch of stuff and get what you like the sound of but these are so bad i feel i have to break my rule.
as always opinions are like a-holes everyone has one and this is just mine. opinion not a-hole.
Can you recommend (subjectively) a pair for audio calls?
I have to switch between 2 iPhones and a laptop regularly during the day, and spend a bug chunk of time on calls/video conferences.For reference, I'm a Westone IEM users (and use AKG712pro + head amp stack for larger listening)
I think the V2 is fixing many of the things that made these bad, like connection issues, poor battery etc. Not sure if it's worth spending ~$170 more over the galaxy buds.