Hi guys,
I am able to source high quality surgical/N95 face masks from a supplier China (not available in or shipped to Australia at all) but I honestly can't be bothered with a full time job. How much would you pay for a single, sealed, N95 mask straight from a factory? I have no plans on price gouging or even selling the masks in the first place but considering the crazy high demand for them, I thought it might be a good opportunity if to provide these at a reasonable/low price (e.g. cheaper than stores before the pandemic)
Thanks, and ready for the roasts?
I last paid 55 cents a mask
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/504510, during a bushfire crisis.
From a WHS supplier, certified to Australia NZ standards.
Its a pandemic now, so demand global but fear of counterfeits or scams from an unknown seller, unknown manufacturer also high
Whats your benchmark for