Healthcare Workers Special Shopping Hour Tue/Thu @Coles

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Yes finally I can get my toilet paper!!!!

Helping our emergency services and healthcare workers
We know how hard our emergency services and healthcare workers are working right now, so we’re dedicating our Tuesday and Thursday Coles Community Hours to them, starting Thursday 26 March.

First hour of trade on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be for:

  • Emergency services worker;
  • Healthcare workers who hold an AHPRA card;
  • Have a workplace ID; or
  • Wearing their work uniform^

First hour of trade on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

  • Government-issued Pensioner Concession Card;
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card;
  • Companion Card;
  • Seniors Card;
  • Disability Card;
  • Health Care Card^

^ these arrangements will be reviewed as necessary.

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  • +7

    Not sure they will count this as a deal, it's probably more appropriate to be in the forum section, however i'm very happy (as a non healthcare worker!) that this is being done for them, they deserve so much for what they do.

  • +7

    Someone should tell Coles that many Healthcare workers would be at or on their way to work by this time.

    The gesture is certainly appreciated though.

    • Absolutely right . My mate wakes up at 5 am to start work at 7am shift so there should be 7-8pm hour for them too , but by then all toilet paper stocks would be gone .

    • If we look in the AHPRA list of "professions" we see there are a few "healthcare workers" will be available at this time.

      • +1

        Yes, but I suspect this promotion was to assist staff on the frontline - many of which would not be available.

        • Agree with you 100%

  • +1

    It’s a nice token, but there’s no bargain or deal here?

    • Weren't people completely ignoring the previous elderly/disabled hour? Coles aren't going to get physical with people barging in (and fair enough for the employees).

      Serious question, I've never tried to go during these times and just seen a couple people saying it online.

      • +2

        There's police presence in my local Coles. Not sure about other areas.

        • Wow! where do you live?

  • No bargain.

    Nice offer and gesture but this is ozbargain

    • +3

      Its a bargain for us nurses sorry.

      • -1

        From the dictionary:
        a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.
        "the table was a real bargain"

        A convenience yes, a goodwill yes, but a bargain no.

        Ozbargain. Not ozconvenience.

        But thank you for everything you do for our society. Stay safe!

  • +17

    I am a health care worker, if you are ever in Coles and see one of us in our uniform-run as fast as you can away from us.
    Pretty much the only staff at Coles between 0800-0900 will be night staff after work because everyone elses shift has started before then. Its too early for arvo shift to be dressed for work.
    Our uniforms should be considered contaminated.
    Some hospital staff are now wearing disposable uniforms because of COVID19

    • +1

      It’s obviously coming from the good Heart of marketing depts that never know / ask about the working hours of emergency workers . : )

      • Are you suggesting to have it on a time slot that can ideally meet the working hours of emergency workers but it probably means shelves could already be empty?

        • +1

          No I’m suggesting that Coles don’t encourage us the go there in uniform.
          I’m on a night shift right now and people are talking about going after work on Thursday morning

          Don’t assume hospital workers are all responsible and no one will go to Coles after work in a dirty uniform. Half them spent the weekend in Bondi Beach.

          Apart from Emergency, respiratory and infectious disease wards the hospitals are not at this stage affected.
          So people are working as normal. The big topic of conversation is the job losses not how contagious it is and how sick people get.
          I mean if the PM says children should go to school, how bad can it really be eh?

          • @Meho2026: Thank you for your sacrifice and contribution to society. My comment was actually directed to tanastra who was suggesting to have the slot meet working hours of HCW. From Coles policy, wearing uniform is not compulsory as there’s other forms of identifying oneself. Coles is not saying one MUST wear their uniform, just that IF one wears their uniform, it would be a suitable way to qualify. Bear in mind this offer is open to all emergency workers for whom some wearing their uniform is possible.

          • @Meho2026: Trust me, everyone is aware how contagious it is. Just look at the panic buying of latex gloves, face masks, disinfectant sprays, sanitisers, bleach, raw isopropyl alcohol etc. Unfortunately the big conversation topic lately is job losses because it’s what’s hitting reality for most. The virus might not infect everyone but it’s impact has affected everyone.

    • +3

      You should specify that you think its night shift coming in shop at 0800-0900 that would do that. Responsible health care workers would not go around in their uniforms after work.

      We are wearing theatre scrubs on COVID and are not disposable. Hospital grade washing should well and truly kill it.

      • Not all hospitals are laundering staff uniforms though

    • BTW staff and pensioners can enter at 0700-0800. The general public is from 0800 onwards for all stores.

      Our supermarkets will remain open 7am to 8pm every day*, with the first hour of trade on weekdays exclusively for Coles Community Hour

    • My family in healthcare decided not to go during the hour for the contamination reason. As it is, during normal work day, they are to 'decontaminate' in garage first before allowed to step into the house. (change of uniforms etc). This time, it's bit more serious. But that gesture from Supermarts are real nice I think, much thanks for the thought.

  • I hope you would find necessary items as required because last time I shopped for my granny's waiting for an hour and manage to grab a pasta and a tissue best of luck.

  • +2

    Great move by Coles and I hope all the hardworking health care workers can get what they need. I know they'll be buying extra to share with their colleagues at work who can't access Coles during the allocated time. If Coles/Woolies can withhold certain items only for healthcare workers, that'll be the icing on the cake.

  • Still waiting on woolies to follow suit

  • +1

    I shop in scrubs.

    Do I still need my AHPRA floppy plastic thing?

    (Doesn't come close to being called a "card")

    • +3

      I think this is the only time I ever remember in 20 the AHPRA "card" is of any use.

      • Or anyone referring to it as a "card".

        • One can just scan and print it, INKJET printer. Logo not professional enough, lol.

  • -1

    This will mean a much higher chance of having people who are infected while you are shopping if you go during this hour :)

  • +2

    What a nice gesture. My wife has now been put in charge as NUM of the Covid-19 ward at a large hospital and I work for another frontline agency so this is a really helpful gesture from Coles.

    OK so it's not a "bargain" per se, but whoever posted this - many thanks to you.

  • +5

    I have been doing 10-12 hr shifts. All cases coming back positive now. No time to pee or eat yet alone go shopping. Eating very simple neaks atm. Too tired to eat.

    Please ppl stay at home. I would love to quit my job, get $1.5k from centrelink, and chill at home.

    But I’m on the frontline everyday since early feb, exposed to hundreds of sick ppl all day long. Next few weeks is critical and it looks like we are too late already. 😭😭😭

    Once we have suspicious pneumonia, it requires icu hospitalisation and the virus is airborne. This is why health workers are easily infected. Our PPE is worst than Italy. It will spread like wild fire.

    Also, many cases testing false negative and becoming positive as late as 16 days after back from overseas! Another reason for spread is many ppl breaking quarantine. Also alarmingly high numbers of 20-40s serious cases.

    Pls stay at home.

    • Thank you for what you are doing. Please stay safe.

  • we had a hospital PSA complain to us that despite having hospital ID she wasn’t allowed to enter coles during the “community hour” because she wasn’t wearing hospital uniform, she was livid.

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