Impressive Price Jack from Kogan - Dumbbells…
Yesterday Kogan had this set for $378 with the tagline 'Don't pay $429'
This morning it went to $689 with the tagline 'Don't pay $999'
Now it is $999 with the tagline 'Don't pay $1198'

It's still the same set that was selling for $200 on eBay a few weeks back…

Sorry Kogan, that's a dog move and I may be nobody, but I don't think I can support you guys any more.

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  • +7

    Should I sell my treadmill now or wait a bit?

    • +1

      Your treadmill is like a rare good wine, value will increase with age

      • +1


        I'll strap it to the roof of my $80,000 investment vehicle while cruising past the CentreLink queues.

  • +3

    Kogan must have surge pricing …

  • +1

    Vote with your money.

    • +1

      I want to but I don't have enough now!!!!!!

      • +3

        Even better! It's a sign from above saying you are better off with a dad bod.

        • +3

          Is my web cam on???


  • +1

    Yesterday Kogan had this set for $378 with the tagline 'Don't pay $429'
    This morning it went to $689 with the tagline 'Don't pay $999'
    Now it is $999 with the tagline 'Don't pay $1198'

    Sorry Kogan, that's a dog move and I may be nobody, but I don't think I can support you guys any more.

    Been like that for a while I feel, just checking the ACCC website and there's:

    Not that I haven't bought from there before and its turned out well, but part of me is happy ozbargain has ruined the term 'Sales' for me, and nothing is a real sale unless I've compared it with the lowest price its ever been ever lol.

    • +1

      Look at the regulation stopping Kogan from ripping people off!

      It's almost like the "accountability" is just a fine that is an acceptable cost of doing business illegally "illegally".

    • +1

      Technically they're not saying it's a discounted price, just that it costs less than some figure pulled out of the air.

  • +1

    WTS my set for 689, don't pay 999!

  • +2

    OP; Here's proof:

    On 18 March, single one was $149.99 (flashes on before it refreshes and 'not found'). $599 now.

    2014 it was $289 for the twin set.

    Typical price gouging like many other things because of the current climate.

  • +3

    People keep getting suckered into buying 'cheap' rebranded OEM junk from a company that clearly doesn't care about their customers with dodgy products and poor customer service. Now blatant price-jacking.

  • +4

    People, they are not trying to sell it. They jack it up so no one buys it.

  • +5

    "$999 Don't Pay $378!" …just doesn't have the same ring to it!

  • +1


  • +1

    Why would anyone pay 3 digits for some heavy? Let alone the prices listed. Is it keeping the price high because they are out of stock and they don’t want to relist?

  • +1

    Thanks for the post alerting everyone about Kogan's extreme dodgy behaviour. I will be sure to stay away from these *****. Catch can have my business instead.

  • Thanks OZBargain people for your replies :)

    For prosperity I will paste a link to the screen-grab,

    • +1

      You mean Posterity, not Prosperity.

      Prosperity is having a lot of wealth.
      Posterity is for the future.

      • +1

        And pedantry is correcting minor mistakes.

        Posterdantry is correcting future mistakes.

      • Thanking you as I was just telling someone yesterday that 'escapegoat' is meant to be 'scapegoat', so i'll happily take your feedback. Always learning :)

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