Hi team. Long time, first time!
After inheriting a MBP time has come to get a new laptop. It served me well for 5 years but it's slowing down. I'm not at all tech savvy and I'm sure it could be fixed by someone else.
I'm using this opportunity to looking to get a Windows laptop with it's primary use to be home use and some occasional Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator work.
I did a filtered search on officeworks and JB hifi on Adobe's requirements (i7, 16gb ram) and immediately exceeded my budget.
I then [did a search on centre com] (https://www.centrecom.com.au/laptops?specs=3,5,573,572,25,46…) which sort of narrowed down the possibilities.
Ideally, I would like to spend between 900-1400.
Is my price range realistic? Any thoughts or recommendations?
why not do a wipe of the laptop and see if that fixes the problem?