Detolf VS Vision Glass Display Cabinets

I'm looking for advice/suggestions regarding using either of these shelves for action figure collectibles. We have 4 of the Detolfs we bought on special 6 Months ago and have just cleared enough space to assemble. While looking at assembly videos on YouTube we noticed a number of reports of the Detolf shelves exploding (mostly due to excessive weight I believe) however we can find very little information on the use of the Fantastic Furniture Vision Display Cabinet in actual or long term use. Can anyone who has the Vision cabinet comment on them?


  • We bought the VDC last year to put some Gundams in, no problems to report.

  • Can't comment on the Vision cabinets but I've had two Detolfs for over ten years now and they've not exploded (yet!). This is actually the first time I've heard of that happening.

  • had two bad experiences

    one was when I was installing the glass panel, it shattered in my hand
    lucky its safety glass so just had to clean it up, got a replacement and no issues for 5 years (touch wood)

    second cuz had one, the inside glass all shattered (had it for quite a number of years)

    other friends have them and no issues though (they have had there's for many years too)

    • Wow that's interesting. Glad you weren't hurt.

    • That's the sort of story I heard.There are several YouTube videos showing the aftermath and one video where the guy breaks a shelf during unpacking for an assembly video. I have made some stands to raise the shelves and am worried that either assembling them onto or lifting afterwards could be problematic also.

  • I’m curious which’s is better have 10 detolf ikea ones black brown and decided I needed two more.
    Obviously only white as an option I know why as it’s cheaper to make white than others I was told years ago.
    But there prices are becoming a joke and after getting the two made the other day i was just left to add the glass shelves and I only noticed then the glass was thin compared to my others.

    I could not see any info as to what weight these thinner glass shelf took and had a search and it seems the old ones are 13lb and these ones are now 8lb.
    This is just crazy and not what I expected and my items might be this weight or more.

    The fantastic furniture ones say it takes 10kg per shelf is this realistic?

    Fantastic furniture might make stuff a lot better now than say 10 years ago but let’s say some kids bedroom stuff we got back then had issue after issue just once opened and had to exchange parts etc.
    Not saying they are as bad today, but I’m not impressed with the IKEA one’s having thinner shelves.

    • Hey how do you find the Vision display cabinet now? I just discovered the detolf doesn't exist anymore in AU Ikea

      • Wow hope that’s not the case but can’t see them online I know I got two last year after I built them I was annoyed as they had thinner glass and take less weight, yet charging more for less quality item.
        If they are good for good that’s annoying.

  • Anyone got this from fantastic furniture? it gives package sizes of each but anyone know the weight of packages? As trying to figure if get delivery or pick up but pick up maybe a problem and it’s if they are heavy
    Would be nice to save on delivery though

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