Does warhammer ever go on sale anywhere? I want to get back into 8th edition and the best deal seems to be the get started packs. Wondering if anyone knows where to get the best deals.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Me brew, thank you for this! I'm in Victoria. I'm trying to take advantage of the time at home to complete some of my armies…. sure I am not alone.
No problem bro! I also agree with the chap below, secondhand is def the cheapest. Facebook market place is a GOLD mine.
Secondhand is the cheapest. Plus there's a new warhammer fantasy coming out soon. Warhammer: Old Worlds.
Totally digressing from the original purpose of this post, but do you think Warhammer: Old Worlds will have any similarities to game play as 8th edition?
Wicked, hopefully they make my girl Ulrika as a hero if they do.
Second like other people said but also there are recasts of it up on AliExpress.
There was a magazine subscription launched in the UK there a while ago. Age of Sigmar: Mortal Realms. It's like the 40k version(Warhammer conquest) we got here last year and had some great savings to be made. Hopefully they bring it out here.
Just got back into the hobby myself and been loving it. Goodluck
Hey mate!
It very rarely does, HOWEVER!
Lots of small business right now are doing deals to combat COVID19 impacts.
Which state you in?
Good websites all year round are:
I’ve used both and they’re excellent.