• expired

50% off Affinity Photo | Designer | Publisher (Mac & PC, iOS) $38.99 / $14.99 @ Serif


This is a great price for these!

$38.99 each for Mac/PC versions of all three apps

$14.99 each for iOS (iPad) versions of Photo & Designer

From Affinity:

Supporting the creative community

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have severely impacted people all over the world. To provide some support during this incredibly difficult time, we’re now offering a 90-day free trial of all the Mac and Windows versions of the whole Affinity suite. We’re also offering a 50% discount for users who would prefer to buy and keep the apps, including iPad versions.

Also note:

We plan to make the free trial and additional discount available until 20 April, but we’ll continue to review the situation as time goes on.

UPDATE: Due to the positive response we’ve received and since we’re still seeing so many people sign up to the trial, we’ve now extended this to 20 May.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Almost try to make a post myself. I bought mine during the 30% off. Never regret. Affinity photo is on par with photoshop cc, making photoshop element a junk.

    • Same - I grabbed photo during the last 30% off sale. Thinking about adding the other two at this price.

  • +3

    Switched from Photoshop to Designer maybe 3 months ago and it's great. Photoshop was just crushing my resources even for basic design work.

    A few missing features in Designer but most are available in Photo, so might grab this time to complement.

    • +1

      In case you were not aware you can open all Affinity files in any of the Affinity apps. Any effects you apply to a file using one app will be available when opened in other Affinity apps.

  • +2

    I bought this on special last time because my needs are not at a professional level. It is a fantastic piece of software, with lots of video tutorials for bozos like me.

  • Hey all,

    The website states 24 pounds which equates to about $48 AUD, not $39.

    Am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance

    • +3

      Definitely was AUD 38.99 for me. Maybe you’re on a VPN or proxy?

    • +1

      Shows as $38.99 for me still.

      • +2

        Yep, it was my VPN.

        Shows correctly now, thanks all

  • Can anyone confirm if your being charged USD or AUD? when it hits your card

    • +1

      I was charged in AUD via PayPal transaction on my credit card

    • Aud but you are still charged foreign exchange fee if your card does so.

  • How is this compare to LR?

    • It's a photoshop replacement, not Lightroom.

      My friend that uses it says it's got most features of photoshop.

      Best look up YouTube comparisons for your needs

    • As above, Photo is a Photoshop alternative. It does about 95% of what PS does, and if you're not doing anything too advanced, it'll probably let you do anything you need.

      Probably the most obvious feature missing are content-aware based functions.

      But for $39 it's a steal.

      • It does have some content-aware stuff - you can go Fill -> Inpaint and that does it for your selection.

        • Cheers, I'll have to take a look. It's not something I normally used in PS and I'd read in a review (admittedly last year) that it was a notable omission from AP.

  • Available on Windows Store for $39.72

    I suspect the $38.99 direct will incur a foreign transaction fee.

    • +2

      My friend has been using Affinity for a few months now. He stated the Microsoft version can create issues due to some modification on how it installs to your computer.

      He advised me to buy it directly of the official site to mitigate any buggy issues

      • +1

        Yes, definitely buy direct from Affinity. I bought Designer and Publisher from MS Store during the last sale and wished I'd waited a little longer for the discounts to come to the Affinity site. Much more flexible to have Affinity's installable exe and serial number IMO.

    • When I bought it direct from Affinity during their last 30% off sale, they charged in AUD, so no foreign transaction fee.

  • Super tempted to buy all three so I can stop bothering with my legitimately acquired years old version of CS6. Anyone wanna try talking me in or out of it?

    • Affinity is closest "clone" of Photoshop and most compatible with PSD files.

      If you share files with others who use Adobe products (like retouchers) it will break the workflow for layer masks, text layers, etc.

      There are videos and a Linkedin Learning course (free access through some public libraries) of the difference for Adobe switchers.

      Download the free trial for desktop versions and try for yourself. I decided to go the Adobe Photography subscription route.

      • +1

        Guess I really should try the trial but being able to buy it outright for the cost 2.5 months of Photoshop subscription seems like a fairly one-sided argument on the value proposition at least

        • Supposedly this price is available for a month, so you may as well install the trial for a week or two just to make sure you're happy with it. It's not a lot of money, but it's still money!

  • Does anybody have recommendations for accessible learning material? The book sounds promising, won't turn up until I'm out of isolation though.

    • +3

      There are plenty of tutorial videos on the Affinity site to get you started:


      • You are my savior. Couldn't find these to save myself! Thank you very much.

    • +1

      Also check out Affinity Revolution, great site for beginners in Affinity apps. Affinity operates on Personas, each Persona covering a dedicated range of tasks and having its own range of tools. Once you get familiar with this concept, the software becomes more friendly to use.

      • Very nice, the Persona approach makes sense, ran into some bottlenecks trying to use Affinity Designer for tasks better suited to Affinity Photo because I wanted to avoid installing two apps.
        So far it these appear comparable to PS/Illustrator so I'm happy! Plus they don't require as many resources.

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