This was posted 4 years 11 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Get All of Foxtel Now for 3 Months on Us @ Telstra (My Offers)


check your telstra account/My Offers, most should have it if on the $90 bundle, looks like its all channels on foxtel now

"Get all of Foxtel Now for 3 months on us when you sign up to an eligible Home Internet plan or activate Telstra TV by April 30 2020.
For new or returning Foxtel Now customers."

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Sigh I pay 89 a month well done telstra…

    • i'm on $90 and it wasn't there for me either.

  • saw the offer, but can't redeem, keep getting error saying account problem

    • Same!

      • Are you on a current Foxtel Now plan?.

        This 3 months free is only for new or returning customers.

      • now i logged in but keep saying Sorry, you are not eligible for this promo code.

        • So either you're not a new customer or you have a current active Foxtel Now package.

          • +2

            @hollykryten: that's just stupid, if i am not eligible, why the hell they put it under my account with a redeem button

    • If you see the offer Contact telstra to fix the issue

  • +1

    Hm I'm paying $105 pm but still only see 10 days free trial?

    • -2

      Read the deal description where it says it's for new or returning Foxtel Now customers. You already have an active Foxtel Now package so you don't qualify. You unfortunately had no chance of getting this.

      • +1

        Yes I read, I have never had any active Foxtel Now package.

        • Same. And we have 3, wait… if you count the data plans separate, 5 plans on our account.

  • +3

    F Foxtel.

    • FoxHell

      • CunTel.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, just finished the last 2 month trial last month and unsubscribed, now another 3 months free 🙂

  • +2

    Only 10 days for me

  • +2

    Does it have cancer I mean ads during programs?

  • +1

    ESPN is coming to get you Uncle Rupie 😉

  • +3

    Try the link to activate your offer after you have login your telstra account.

    Foxtel Now for 3 months on us

    Offer available to new & returning Foxtel Now customers who sign up to a new eligible Home Internet plan ($75/mth or above) or activate Telstra TV by between 18 February 2020 and 30 April 2020. Home Internet customers may only redeem the Foxtel Now offer once their Internet service has been fully provisioned by Telstra. Delays may be experienced in service provisioning. Eligible Home Internet customers must redeem Foxtel Now offer through by 31 May 2020. Telstra TV customers must redeem Foxtel Now offer redeem by 30 April 2020. Foxtel Now standard monthly pricing applies at the end of the 3-month offer period ($25/mth-Essentials pack) unless you change your pack or cancel before the end of your offer period. Billing via Pay with Telstra only available to new Foxtel Now customers. One redemption per customer account. Not available in conjunction with any other Foxtel Now offer. Requires internet & compatible device. Data charges may apply.

    • +2

      I see an offer when going to that link, but it just looks like the standard 10day offer?

      It doesnt say 3 months anywhere?

      • +1

        Same, looks like same landing page for 1-day offer.

    • T&C say its expired last year

  • +1

    Thanks OP, redeemed successfully without any hassle

  • I got this to work, but only after turning my vpn off, clearing cookies, and then finally using another browser. I used an empty neobank card, just in case. Lucky I've got so many of those.

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