Go easy on me, my first post.
George Martins Game of Thrones Book 1 for about $3. Pretty good read. If combined with other items for free shipping thats pretty cheap, but if buying on it's on its about $15 so probably not worth it.
Go easy on me, my first post.
George Martins Game of Thrones Book 1 for about $3. Pretty good read. If combined with other items for free shipping thats pretty cheap, but if buying on it's on its about $15 so probably not worth it.
wow nice find
thanks code still works
Where do you put the code?
you need to use this link first then you can enter code
I thought it was a bit unfair that my post was deleted just because of that code since the deal itself was pretty good (even without the code).
Just $24.17 for the boxed set after using the coupon code. Bargin!
Thanks @kheob, good bargain.
Terrible books. Go read Twilight or any other good modern fantasy book.
I ordered the box set of The Hunger Games from The Book Depository a while ago and all three of the books have a quote on the spine by Stephanie Meyer saying "The Hunger Games is amazing". I can't wait till they put her comments on LotR. Tolkien will be spinning in his grave.
@ raven2000 sarcasm detector overload!
troll alert….
thanks bought it :)
+1 to you kheob
And a +1 to you, Darkhour.
Thanks! Used the PP10 code to get the set for $22.90 - good deal!
o bugga just ordered the books without the discount but still pritty cheap for $25 even without it, cant believe i didnt no about these books till the show came out, thanks again
"but if buying on it's on its about $15 so probably not worth it."
So how is this a bargin? Price is $16.87 with shipping. Guidelines state the shipping should be included in the title.
the bargain is below
kheob's deal? Yes that is a bargin.
Hmmmm…… I think i am missing something here with OzBargain - the Bargin within a Bargin.
Edit: Anyway postive for the first post and the double bargin.
Bargain Inception :P
I think I still have some 10% off coupons (might be one use)…
Try YYGN25 and YYWXU9. :)
Neither one of these coupons works for me :(
Got some more… YYV5LG, YNPYNB, YKAYD8, YNUJFK. Good luck!
YYV5LG works. Just $22.90 for the boxed set!
EDIT: Codes above have now expired, read further down the thread for working codes.
Impulse bought the set lol.
and thanks to kwchaz for the code, managed to use one.
Game of thrones is the best.
hehe this has turned out to be a bargain in a bargain. I already got the $3 one for myself, but have passed the book depository one to a couple of friends. Thanks kheob. Also thanks stanas for the info, I wasn't aware of this and will make sure I include next time (plus have now read the terms :))
I've sorta highjacked your post lol. But thanks for posting as I wouldn't have reposted that deal and people would have missed out on these books.
From someone who's read the lot, the first 3 are extremely addictive. Very sneaky for Amazon to price only the first one at $3.
This series made me change my mind about fantasy novels. Fantastic, dark, addictive - it doesn't pull any punches! Been a fan since the first one, I just hope he starts releasing them a bit quicker
He is getting old too…
So the books are collectables!
Like it! Just got me a set with the 10% Summer discount code posted above. Awesome deal within a deal. Like a freaking Easter Egg!!
Thanks. :P YXVYHC is the rewarded code…
I couldnt use any of the above codes but PP10 worked for me..
Yeah, they're one use codes. :(
if only the book will read it for u
then i will buy 1
cbb reading books
I think you should start reading books (any books).
Maybe colouring-in pads are more your thing.
for those of you who happen to be in or around the northland shopping centre in victoria, they are selling the big hardback copy of game of thrones for just $10 on one of the benches selling books in the middle of the mall. there were a good 30 or so copies as of yesterday
I just wanted to say these are my favourite books, and if you're even slightly curious - dive right in. They're classed as fantasy, but aren't typically so - think more politics, but in a good way. Then watch the fantastic HBO series.
Please don't post any spoilers.
some people havent read these books, remove your comments
this will be handy after I finish reading the power of Six
I won't read any more long series of novels until after every book in the series has been completed. Sick of reading the first few books and then finding out the next book in the series hasn't been finished yet and it could be years/decades before it's finished.
Tell me about it, The last book is covering characters not written about for close to 7 years!!! I mean I last read about some of these characters about 7 years ago! I dont remember didly squat about what happened. Same thing happened with the Robert Jordan books! Too many characters are introduced and hence takes more books plus slower to write. Hopefully George R R Martin speeds it up. Hate the fact that the wheel of time series has now been going on for about 20+ years. Its a god awful long time to be reading one series.
GRRM will definitely pull a Robert Jordan (die before finishing). He's A) Fat, B) Old, has diabetes and writes at a snail's pace. Which really sucks, because I can totally imagine him burning his notes to spite all the fans.
damn, didnt realise he was that old or had these other ailments. And he is nowhere near finishing judging by the book he just released.
He's not that fat, he's not that old (just past 60), I'm unaware of whether he has diabetes or not, if he has it's not common knowledge so I'm calling shenanigans.
He does a lot more than just the Ice and Fire books too. Frustrates me tho.
i dont think im gonna read past the 3rd or 4th book for this reason. first 2 were great until i realised that it wasn't meandering to any sort of conclusion at all… kinda ruins it.
PP10 works, thanks Darkhour & kheob!
Thanks Kheob - you get my +1. PP10 worked
$22.90 delivered to me in Melb.
its back up to $30! :(
Book depository deal is now EXPIRED : ($30)
Great books but why anyone would read physical books anymore instead of kindle I have no idea. :)
I stare at a screen all day at work, why would I want to stare at one in my down time, even if it's a kindle?
Did you type this blindfolded at home after midnight? ;P
Mine arrived this morning from the book depository, very well packaged.
If anyone is after the first 4 books it's cheaper here http://www.bookdepository.com/Song-Ice-Fire-4v-George-Martin…. I posted it earlier this week but it was deleted on account of the coupon code being a duplicate (BTS2011, not sure if it still works).