Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus Peanut Butter 375g
Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus Hemp Seed Peanut Butter 375g
Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus 5 Seeds Peanut Butter 375g
Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus Peanut Butter 375g
Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus Hemp Seed Peanut Butter 375g
Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus 5 Seeds Peanut Butter 375g
+1 Yep… just bought 6x Dark, Chunchy P-Nut spread $ 2.50 each
@ Woolies (recent OzB deal)…
same day Coles' bakery-made, perfectly made: 7-seed bread better
than ever, & they had LOTSA Loaves, fresh from the oven, as we
walked past!
(On top of which we put some St Dalfours' Blueberry fruit spread,
wild blueberries + grape juice, No Added Sugar, saved fr earlier)
Yummy Combo!
I was at Balmain NSW Woolies this morning and they had good stock in a few varieties. I picked up a jar on impulse when I saw the 50% (true Ozbargainers don't wait for the deal).
They call it "protein", but it only has a few percent more protein than regular peanut butter per 100g.
Welcome to marketing…
"It's toasted!"
Can you get any larger jars then 375 for Mayver's Smunchy Protein Plus Peanut Butter ?
My personal experience, all protein mayver's are very sticky and bloody hard to swallow.
Plenty of stock at my local yesterday. Still too expensive for the hoarders i guess
Plenty of these when I went in yesterday. Didn't see many people grabbing peanut butter actually.
Same as others - there was stock yesterday, got 2 jars .. None today though.
Fyi, Yeah, I tried to grab 3 jars of spread's yesterday, 2 pb and 1 jam, woolies is now 2 items within a product range(so I had to put one spread back. This was through selfserv). Same with canned goods.
Not complaining, blame the horders. Ozbargin moral would be, grab the biggest version of that item you are buying :)
picked up 4 yesterday…. no issues… and not hoarding… it's just the same amount that I would grab whenever its on special at either Coles or Woolies.
i just wish that I could get to Costco (currently staying in the Central West) to grab a few containers of Skippy crunchy…. but I fear the hoarders will have cleared that out.
Yeah, good luck with that.