I am sorry to type in big letters and this is my first post wont happ again but still curious any one know any good portable air con for suggestion for good price then this kogen ,i will highly appreciate this .sorry to type in upper case again thanks .
Portable air conditioner
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what is the purpose of your comment then ???
Capslock is like cruise control for cool.
I also suggest you look for a new keyboard. Your caps lock appears broken. Thanks for the code though :-)
edit your post and put the price in the title…welcome to ozb dont write in caps either… its painful to read (some people consider it rude too)
i can't read uppercase, only BOLD
so if i write in bold upper case is that like sticking buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropping it from a couple of feet off the ground?
nope we're still here
more a forum topic
as u are asking whether this is a good deal or notPortable air conditions are a waste of money IMHO
They take up too much space and generally ineffective…
They would really only work in a very small space ie. a children's sized bedroom… anything bigger than this and you're wasting your time and money.
Having used portable aircons in our master bedroom due to rentals, they are a godsend in summer. They are obviously inefficient in open areas but in a bedroom they are great. The only problem is the noise as everything is in the room with you.
As for space? Unless you're living in a shoebox, it's fine. they are about 2 feet in length and width. I put a cloth over mine in the cooler months and use it as a bedside table
Yep, the modern ones are excellent too IMHO…they are much more efficient & quiet than my old Dimplex, & don't have condensation tanks as TScott says below! :)
I clean & garbage bag mine for shed storage every winter! Here's a tip to improve room cooling efficiency too…slip a tube of that cheap round foil ducting over the plastic exhaust tube to double-insulate it, you'll get heaps less exhaust heat radiated back into the room! ;)
I didn't know that! Awesome tips, thanks :D
I have an old Dimplex DAC3400, bought in 2000, and it has worked and been working since. It does help to relieve the heat on those sweltering days without making the whole room humid and sticky. Note that some of these units have a water tank which gets full when the condensate is released, so if you are running the unit 24/7 then i recommend one without an internal water tank. If you are for a cheaper, less power consuming method of cooling then you can look at convair evaporative coolers. I have used a few of them and they do work to cool the air, provided u leave the room door open for the air to be exhausted. don't bother with another brand of evaporative coolers than convair, because most of the things made nowadays are made in china, and they are pathetic overpriced fans.
I have an old Dimplex DAC3400, bought in 2000, and it has worked and been working since.
Same, still powering on…only I got mine about ten years earlier! :o
I know right, portable air-conditioners were made in Japan, like the dac3400. I guess they were built to last, unlike some of the units on the market nowadays with R407c and R410a which seem to have a higher chance of a gas leak (I have owned two cheap r410a and r407c, and they both leaked whilst in storage)—the Dimplex had outlasted two 2 year old a/cs. =)
Not sure if 3.4KW would do the job or not..