Impressive price jack from Kogan - Chest freezers

Blood boiling crisis profiteering at its finest. (Not a third party seller either!)

Gotta love Kogan. $1299, normaly $229. @ Pricehipster

Just hope some of you remember this behaviour before thinking about buying there again.

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  • +1

    Hmmmm, perhaps you could, I don't know, maybe, not buy it? Go to good guys, JB, Harvey's, get one off eBay, etc etc.……

  • For those playing at home, yes this was posted earlier today but the OP was a secondary account/puppet for that price comparison site ;) (not price hipster)

    • What are you saying?

      I just wanted to buy a freezer and most of my local stores are sold out. Checked Kogan and they are jacked.

      Didn't realize this was posted earlier, my bad.

      • +5

        Why do you even need a freezer? You are contributing to the herd mentality that will make getting through this crisis a lot harder than it has to be.

        • Because I wanted to do meal preps to save money at work lol. I've been planning to get one for a while and now I'll just have to wait. A lot of assumptions here.

    • @Spaceback I had wondered about that. Wasn't a subtle promo either.

  • +1

    Yes Kogan do this when they run low on stock. If people want to buy it at that price it's their choice, they'll get it.

  • +6

    Thank god companies increase prices to discourage the stupid food hoarding that’s going on in supermarkets.

    I wish all freezers stop selling so people can stop this craziness out there.

    • I literally couldn't do my regular weekly shop at Coles for food this week because the shelves were empty. I had to drive out to Aldi which wasn't affected by panic buyers for some reason.

      • -1

        It’s crazy, I want some beef chuck steak for a slow cook meal tonight, and there’s nothing.

        I wish we could ban freezer sales right now. People are hoarding beyond belief.

      • You were lucky, my Aldi was flooded with people, all registered opened on Saturday morning with the lines extending all the way to the back of the shop. Coles was just barely manageable

  • No freezers left until more get sent in June so jb , ect arnt an option

  • Didn’t this post (or one similar) get removed for being a ghost account earlier?

  • -3

    I would say it is a typo, it simply can't be.
    It is illegal to increase the price from RRP specially during pandemics. They aren't that stupid

    You see what CW does, Always selling price is let's say for an item in $30 then they always always say save "$20" of the inflated RRP.
    No they selling at RRP, wouldn't get them in trouble as they can always revert back to it

    • It is illegal to increase the price from RRP specially during pandemics. They aren't that stupid

      What does RRP stand for?

      • +1

        Regular ripoff price

    • It is illegal to increase the price from RRP

      Is it actually illegal? It's definitely not in Queensland.

      And even if it is business doesn't give a shit because it's not enforced.

      • -2

        Unconscionable conduct is against the law. Profiteering and price gouging are definitely illegal and are subject to penalties under law as per both federal and state laws

          • -2



            Unconscionable conduct
            Unconscionable conduct is against the law. Businesses must always act in good conscience.

            If found guilty of unconscionable conduct, the maximum fines are:

            For a corporation, the greater of:-
            $10 million, OR
            three times the value of the benefit received, OR
            where the benefit cannot be calculated, 10 per cent of annual turnover in the preceding 12 months.
            For an individual, $500,000 per breach.

            • @777: You have literally no idea what unconscionable conduct means. Please stop pretending to have knowledge you don't have.

            • @777: All you've stated is that unconscionable-conduct is illegal and punishable. But yet to state how this kogan scenario is related that.

              I've provided links what defines and describes unconscionable-conduct, and it does not support your argument.

            • -1

              @777: You should also read your link BTW and not cherry pick.

              A business may set whatever prices it chooses for its goods or services. Government agencies will not interfere unless there is evidence of illegal conduct (such as collusion).

              • -1

                @Ughhh: I am guessing you have never been to a court, do you thinking 1299 for this freezer is clearly unfair and unreasonable?
                If so you got your answer /END

                • @777:

                  A business may set whatever prices it chooses for its goods or services. Government agencies will not interfere unless there is evidence of illegal conduct (such as collusion).

                  I'm guessing you never read the pages you linked. Your not being fair to the legal system.

    • how is it illegal?

      • Unconscionable conduct is against the law

        • How is it?
          If supply is short, then increase in price is justified going by the law. That's my understanding. I'm interested if it's different.

          I think it bad, but in not sure it's illegal.

          • @taoz: unless they prove that the price to source the item has caused the inflation else no that's against the law.
            For example a popular Indian wholesale supplier, "Indya" has advised they have enough stock for 2 years and any retailer found gouging their prices, they will cut their supply for good

            • @777:

              Indya" has advised they have enough stock for 2 years and any retailer found gouging their prices, they will cut their supply for good

              That is (company) policy, not law mate.

    • RRP is a price set by the supplier, as a recommendation to the retailer.

      It’s just what it sounds like: a recommendation.]

      Also, KOGAN is the supplier and the retailer.

      • So they are more sensitive to exchange rates?

      • price hipster is your friend if you want to complain, contact your state equivalent of consumer affairs

    • It is illegal to increase the price from RRP

      Uhh no its not.

      CW got into trouble for misleading advertising (misleading savings). If they didn't put "save $20" they would have been fine.

      Two completely different things you got mixed up there.

      • Unconscionable conduct is against the law

        • +2

          Which specific law?

          • +1

            @Ughhh: Duh. The unconscionable conduct law.

            It's against the law because it is illegal.

  • Nice one Kogan!

  • +1

    Could be they just put in a random high number to stop people from buying it, before they can work out a proper price for the amount of inventory they have access to. you'll see sometimes sites have socks for $9999, they just mashed it in there to stop people buying it without flagging it as out of stock.

  • even just a 'Reverse' Price Error…

  • +1

    I don't get the point as similar on Amazon there are 100,000's of products at ridiculous prices.
    Isn't it just commonsense to ignore it ?

    • +1

      People are increasingly sensitive and common sense is very quickly out the door these days. Very sad to see.

  • Brilliant idea Kogan!, one way to reduce those panic buyers.

  • Is there a reason the normal freezer with a door opening aren't going crazy like the chest ?

    Note I can sell my 12 yr old chest freezer and upgrade to double the size brand new freezer with door opening at same price roughly lol

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