Not the best price ever, but a good deal for a good monitor.
85 in stock at time of posting.
Not the best price ever, but a good deal for a good monitor.
85 in stock at time of posting.
decent price for a good monitor
Uses 16:10 aspect ratio which is better for productivity compared to 1920x1080, 16:9 monitors
1200 pixels depth…..extra pixels = more screen real estate.
Dell's payment gateway is busted. "We are experiencing technical issues with our payment gateway and are unable to accept your payments currently".
Get on chat, they'll set one aside and send you an invoice
2412 = 2012 model, how good would an 8 year old refurbished monitor be? Do they replace the backlight during refurbishment?
Damn, I love Dell monitors but technology has come a long way since 2012…
For the price, they're still good monitors. We've got a pair here that I bought late 2012. No issues with them.
Has it? Still looks like LCD panels with LED backlights to me.
I can understand if it was fluoro backlight this would be a problem, but would it be as noticeable with LED?
I'm using one right now that I got 6 years ago ($249 new at the time), still looks good, though I guess any degradation would be so gradual I probably wouldn't notice.
That said, since they are still selling these new and they have a 3 year warranty, I'd say they'd be unlikely to be any older than that.
Thanks for confirming and that's weird that they would make their 2012 model in 2019
No it is not weird, it's the mainstream consumerism that has created this notion of yearly releases for everything… The truth of the matter is technology does not evolve that fast.
This and many other professional products run on long term service, and the reason is simple, rather than making a half assed new product every year they take their time and engineer this properly and over time they just stream line the manufacturing process.
Another reason they are still in production is that you can go and buy a matching pair for your a few year old monitor… I've seen too many offices (mainly small businesses) getting into trap of buying the cheapest item today and then in a few year time when it breaks or they need another one they cannot fix or get a similar model and they'll have to replace the whole lot.
Curious… where in that link does it say that it could still be manufactured in 2019?
Edit: found it. I need new glasses. Strange how the monitor is still being made in 2019….
My U2312HM I got 8 years ago is still going strong. Looks better than other IPS monitors I've used.
I've got 2x and they are still better than most "everyday" monitors I see in offices and such.
Just in time for people to set up a home office to remote work from!
Yep and most of the stores (like OW, JB) etc don't have many monitors left, couple of my colleagues ordered online today.
We've been told to start working from home from tomorrow.
this aspect ratio will always be king to me…
I don't think this is a great deal — you can buy a brand new 25-27" monitor for $149 (eg. Viewsonic, AOC), and it'll have modern connectivity and LED backlights.
These refurb monitors are from 2012!
Hard to find a 16:10 IPS monitor for $149 these days.
you can buy a brand new 25-27" monitor for $149
Can you?
These refurb monitors are from 2012!
2012 model sure, but it's unlikely these units are anywhere near that old. They were still making them last year.
Keen for a brand new IPS monitor with height/pivot/swivel/tilt adjustment for $149 if you could link one?
ive got 3 of these - had them since they went on sale years ago at $275 - very nice - but i think $149 too expensive for second hand old tech monitors - if they were cheaper i would buy one more for spare
Yeh, given they were going for $189 "as new" not that long ago takes a little shine off $149 for a refurb.
Do you normally get cashback on Outlet sales, and given their payment processing isn't working and need to buy via live chat I assume this means would miss out anyway?
No, Cashback is not available via the Dell Outlet store (per CR and SB).
Thanks, missed that one on there.. their browser icon just kept blinking at me telling me to activate
I know that these are from a Dell store but these can be had much cheaper refurb'd on Ebay
Shouldn't compare Dell factory refurb with an eBay 3rd seller.
12 month warranty with Dell. Ebay sellers usually 1 month, maybe 3 if you're lucky?
This is a really good monitor for a really good price
Have a couple of these - great monitor! Also bought them refirb'd. The first one arrived fine, but the second one required a couple of cumbersome returns before I got one without dead pixels or other issues.
Does anyone know how long shipping takes? There is no clear answer and given how everyone is scrambling for monitors I would like to know the timeframe before ordering. Thanks in advance!
I wish this was available a few weeks back. just bought 4* 24" Phillips IPS (243V7QJAB) new screens from MSY, and having issues with subtle verticle lines throughout the entire picture. I've figured out that it's connected to the refresh rate (looks terrible at 75Hz, not great at 60Hz, better but still annoying at 50Hz)… but I haven't yet figured out exactly the problem (monitor, cable, PC… more testing is due).
Snaffled the last one earlier today, thanks OP
Everyone office worker will be working from home now or at least a few days a week. Wondering whether or not to get two of these beaters, or onc nicer modern 27". Can't really beat the quality and build of the old ultrasharps. Shame my 2012 Catleap monitor seem knackered. Grabbed one screen from work but would mind sortting out something half decent, office works and umart selling out quick
These sold out yesterday, so that should make your decision easier ;)
ah fker, 10% cashback too. Saw some for $169 ea elsewhere could be ok still
Cashback is not available via the Dell OUTLET Store (only via the official Dell online store).
Oh right, cheers for that
Wondering if these are worth it for 169$ each, found some online
Maybe if they have 12m warranty like Dell supply, else I would look elsewhere perhaps.
There's a few on eBay around the $120 mark, or 2 for $215 if you're in the free shipping zones.
Downside being you're buying without any warranty pretty much (the 2x offers 30 day)
@bamzero: Having a look at ebay now, would be pretty cheap buy.
Would almost buy one new 27" instead if no warranty. Hmm
@bamzero: I ended up ordering the 2 for $215 (and took out the additional $15 insurance- can cancel it but thought may as well for something like this). Still cheap as chips
How'd everyone fare? Received mine, October 2019 build date and if it's a refurb then sure coulda fooled me. Thanks OP
Miss this screen ratio..