Country Supermarkets Barring Sales to Non-Locals

My sister just told me that Country VIC supermarkets (e.g. Warburton) are asking people to prove they are locals via the Postcode on their Driver's Licences before selling certain stockpile items. e.g. TP, Rice, Pasta, Meat.

It made me curious, so of course I come to OzB for legal advice - is this discrimination legal for proprietors to enforce? Have any of you encountered it?


  • I saw a squad of people in my local (outer city) shops last night wearing gloves and buying bulk amounts of weird stuff that didn't look like locals…

    Reasonable policy to stop blow-ins cleaning out the shop I say, but visitors should still be allowed to buy reasonable personal use quantities of stuff. Plenty of people still on holidays, working away from home, etc who still need to eat (and sh1t)

  • "certain stockpile items. e.g. TP, Rice, Pasta, Meat."

    Question: Why are people stockpiling meat? Unless it's SPAM or corned beef I suggest stockpiling of meat (as in sausages, mince, steak, etc) is not wise. Only buy something you can keep at room temperature for a long time.

    • +3

      You put it in the freezer… it's not the apocalypse.

      People want to stock up before the inevitable lock-down begins.

      • We may find our infrastructure struggles at times in the coming months, and some areas may experience blackouts.…

        How to know if food is safe during or after a power outage

        • If the power was out for more than 4 hours, discard the food.
        • +1

          There isn't going to be any power blackouts. It's a virus that effects very few people of working age.

        • +1

          If the power was out for more than 4 hours, discard the food.

          Most frozen meat will have remained frozen in a working freezer with the power off for that long

  • I just returned from holidaying in a country area and had to visit a supermarket to replenish supplies. If I had to show local ID to buy a roll of toilet paper I would be pretty annoyed.

  • -1

    Useless policy, the reality is that it's just members of their own community that are buying excessively and hoarding, which is what we are seeing across all communities. I really doubt people are driving several hours just to buy extra pasta

    • +2

      They are. They seriously are.

  • +1

    If it was just tourists the country towns could probably deal with it, the same as we do everytime we get an influx of holidayers. But it's the busloads… yes, literally busloads, of people coming to specifically purchase goods. They all shop at any supermarkets the town has, then move onto the next town.
    Groups are doing it in city suburbs too apparently.

  • +2

    Times of desperation, just blame it on the 'outsider'.

  • just wow - once we get well over this and they're trying to figure out why they're not matching their revenue (and hence profit) of 2020, they'll offer discounts for out-of-towners to entice them to come in …

  • With madness happening around, I mean I had to go to 3 stores to get nappies for my daughter today…yes, I don't blame them. People have gone crazy!

  • Try living on Xmas island daily life was like this.

  • What a bunch of tossers. When it was bush fire season they were begging for assistance. But all of a sudden self sufficient when the turn tables

    • +2

      Think it is more tossers cruising round stockpiling from any stock they can find regardless of consequences to others. seems a completely reasonable approach to try and support the local community.

      • +1

        I wouldn't called them tossers I would called them scums.

    • "…when the turn tables…"????

      Regardless, yes, a lot of areas in Australia were affected by bushfires and needed assistance; thankfully that was forthcoming.

      This post is about one supermarket in Warburton.

  • -1

    So they want your donations but not your custom… what happen to "support your rustic areas"?

    • "…rustic areas…"?????

  • +1

    If people weren't stupid, then we have plenty like we always had. No, stupid people will be stupid, so we need to enact anti-stupid rules to stop the spread of stupidity.

    Mexican beer virus affects lungs not brain function right? Hard to tell

    PS good on them for supporting the community that supports them.

    • +1

      it affects the brain functions… of people who don't have it

  • +4

    This is a local shop, for local people. There's nothing for you here.

    • -1

      So under your guidelines the Australia Post Agent that refused to lodge my parcels because it already had stamps on it and he wasn’t getting a sale . Had the right to do it . Only happened once he is a special agent . Yes I know I could have gone to Au Post and lodge a complaint but couldn’t be bothered .

      • +3

        I have no idea what you are talking about.

        Also, I am not a lawmaker.

  • +1

    Good move. This madness has to stop.

  • +1

    Do people not realise that if a lock down came into effect grocery stores would remain open?

    • +1

      Indeed. Even in Wuhan's lock down where pretty much everything was closed the large supermarkets remained open. But people panic and don't think.

      The other factor is many people don't have any trust in government at all and are likely to do the exact opposite of what's recommended. Government tells you there's no shortage of products and not to panic buy? Then obviously you should go to your nearest supermarket and do your best locust impression.

  • -8

    I know I'm going to get down-voted because the majority of OzBargain is of Asian heritage, but the fact is that this policy is only being introduced because of the Chinese who are buying everything and selling it back to China for profit (just like they do with Baby Formula). It's an absolute joke and these stores are right to introduce this policy.

    • +2

      My suburb and surrounding area has very few people of Asian heritage, yet the shelves are stripped clean just like everywhere else. I don't think anyone is sending baked beans to China. It's a really cheap item that would have a huge shipping cost.

      • -7

        You're missing the point. They don't have to live in your area, they are coming in from other areas by the busload. Emptying the stores (stripping them clean as you put it), then leaving. Leaving the locals with nothing left.

        • +1

          Dont make up racist and xenophobic statements without proof.

    • +1

      Are you kidding me?
      They're better stocked and more prepared than we are.
      You really think the supply chain to China is currently working as it would normally?
      If you were to go into my local supermarkets it definitely ain't the Chinese.
      Nice troll I bit.

    • +1

      What about the viral videos of non-Asians hoarding a full trolley worth and fighting over toilet paper?

    • I'm not of an Asian descent, you are not only completely wrong, and why this post was not removed by mods because it is against community guidelines is a mystery since its been up 2 days.

  • +1

    they should do this at all stores imo. limit and locals only. that way we wont get horders going to every store trying to buy everything

  • lol when you go shopping but have to bring the deeds to the country house

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