Going from Nvidia to Nvidia Plug and Play?

hello everyone, quick question here.

if your already using a nvidia gpu like a gtx1070 and plan to move to a 2070 super or any nvidia gpu for that matter, do you just take out the 1070 and pop in the new card and head over to msi AB if you choose to overclock? or must you first uninstall drivers from the 1070 and then install new nvidia gpu and then install drivers for that card? i know sounds like a noob question but we all have to start somewhere.


  • +1

    yeah easy way to do it is just swap it out and then download the new drivers for the new graphics card. You don't really need to delete the old card drivers, you could also entirely reinstall windows whilst you head down the route. But essentially you should just be fine to switch the card over and download the 2070 drivers. And then use MSI afterburner to OC if you want to

  • +1

    I would always clear the drivers through Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU).

    The steps I would follow would be,
    1. Download the latest Nvidia drivers for the new graphics card
    2. Download and run DDU
    3. Select Safe Mode as the Launch Mode and Launch to Safemode
    4. Uninstall Nvidia drivers and also choose not to auto-update the drivers via Windows Update (I cannot remember the exact wording)
    5. Shut down the PC and swap the graphics cards
    6. Power on and install the Nvidia drivers you downloaded in step 1 after booting into the desktop

    As for overclocking, you'd need to start from scratch. Don't use a profile made for the 1070 as the clocks will be very different.

  • +1

    thank you both, very helpful.

  • Nvida to nvidia is pretty simple, when you change from nvidia to ati or vice versa is where you get problems if you dont know what you are doing.

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