Household Expenditure Comparison

Hi All,

Not sure if someone has added this here…I spent sometime this weekend and calculated all my expense in last 4 months and table looked like the below. This excludes house mortgage. This is for family of four (Couple, one school going kid and another 1 year old).

Interested to know how other families doing on this…Total average expense of $2916 per month excluding home mortgages but includes every other expenditure which has taken place in my all 6 debit/credit card including cent by cent.

                         Monthly             Yearly

House(ele/water etc)——————-$565.09————————-$6,781.03
Health and Risk(one off surprise)$791.64————————-$9,499.68
Car(Rego and Petrol)——————-$156.21————————-$1,874.47
Toys and Dress—————————-$96.70—————————$1,160.40
Take Away Food/Eating Out————$47.98—————————$575.74

Edit : About Me - Single income family, two homes (living and investment), no other loans than for two home loans.
Above data taken from Oct 2019 to Feb 2020

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  • 7
    Family of 3/4 and expense (excluding mortgages) >$6000
  • 4
    Family of 3/4 and expense (excluding mortgages) >$5000
  • 2
    Family of 3/4 and expense (excluding mortgages) >$4000
  • 3
    Family of 3/4 and expense (excluding mortgages) >$3000
  • 5
    Family of 3/4 and expense (excluding mortgages) >$2000


  • +3

    Take Away Food/Eating Out————$47.98—————————$575.74

    this is the killer for most

    surprise you're doing well

    • And alcohol…… Can't say what mine is……

      • +3

        Op needs more alcohol to avoid sweating the small stuff.

  • +1

    You must be all healthy, not a single doctor or chemist bill - watch out now with Corona!

    We are:
    Grocery (includes foxtel,netflix,stan)$1,200
    Internet/Electricity/Water/ Council Rates $449
    Pharmacy/Medical $150
    Health insurance/Car x 2 /Home & Contents insurance $680
    Fuel/Rego/Servicing x 2 cars (1 x car needed for work) $ 625
    Holiday (post tax return 1 week somewhere local)
    Toy & clothing $25
    Takeaway $100
    Liquor $120
    Maintenance / slush fund $200
    Total $3,549
    plus home loan / car loan

    • what time period are those expenses for?

      • Mine are from Oct 2019 to Feb 2020

    • Grocery (includes foxtel,netflix,stan)

      What tha

    • That's for a month

  • +1

    Two Adults and 2 adult children living at home - per-annum budget (major categories only)

    Clothing $2,200
    Gifts $5,300
    Holiday $6,000
    Council Rates $4,200
    Food $26,000
    Hairdresser $3,300
    Misc Expenditure $13,000
    Wine & Liquor $2,500
    Medical (incl Insce) $12,300
    Cars (3)$9,200
    Recreation (incl club fees) $7,400
    Foxtel & Newspapers $3,000
    Telephones & Internet $3,000
    Utilities $5,500

    • Yeesh not much change out of $100k!

    • That’s a lot of money on hair lol

    • Haha more on hair than on clothes.

  • Out total actual budget for this year is $103,500, which we will be lucky to achieve. Fortunately we have no debt/mortgage

    • I'd count 2 adult children living at home as debt ;)

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