Does anyone know of any lenders that do loans to businesses to buy properties for rental.
My business has some money, and i would like to start getting into the property market via the business.
I understand the rates will be higher and it might be harder to get the loan. But i will like to start looking and doing the calculations to see if worth it.
Can anyone recommend any lenders, and have any experience.
Lenders for Business Loan, to Buy Rental Property
If your only plan is to purchase the property for rental income, the banks can do that themselves if the risks are that low.
You'll have to offer significant security against the loan for it to be worthwhile to the bank.
A business would not be able to take advantage of any Capital Gains discount.
wouldnt that only really be of use if we sell the property? and there is a profit?
So your business model relies on being able to not just turn a profit on rental whilst repaying the loan, it also can be more efficient vs a private individual purchasing as a primary residence without the cost of management and with the advantage of CGT exemptions?
Make sure you speak to an accountant first. Seems an odd thing to do, use business capital to purchase property that isn’t for the business.
A broker is your best option as you may need to go with one of the non bank lenders like Pepper