9-15th March is World Salt Awareness Week (WSAW).
WSAW aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects on our health if we consume too much sodium.
While our bodies need a certain amount of sodium to function properly, too much can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.
Heart SALT contains 56% less sodium than regular salt, but still has the great salt taste, making it the healthier alternative.
To celebrate World Salt Awareness Week, we are offering customers 50% off all our Heart SALT products.
Just type in the discount code HEARTSALTWEEK when you make your purchase.
Don't swing too far the other way and restrict Sodium intake. Life is about balance and salt is about balance. If you feel you have too much sodium in your diet see your doctor, get a blood test.
100 years ago it was the norm in outback pubs to find salt on the bar. Workers would put salt in their beer to make up for what was lost in sweat during the day.