eBay eGift Card Usage (Balance Remaining)

I use gift card to buy on ebay.

I now have left overs from 3 diff Ebay gift cards of balance like $0.30, $1.50, $0.66

Then when I buy again,I use a $200 ebay card….the amount comes off 200 rather than using up the scraps from others first.

Is this always the case from scumbags like ebay so we accumulate enough and eventually pay some cash instead to use up those figures or they eventually expire??

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  • You can spend more than one gift card at a time, or use a gift card on top of a voucher or discount offer. At checkout, put in one code at a time in the Gift cards, vouchers, coupons section and select Apply after each one to update your order total. You can use up to 8 codes per transaction.


    • you probably dont understand what i meant. it's all good

      • yea, mtg's comment clarified it below.

        • mtg worded it much better than I did.
          I couldn't get around my head on how to describe what i meant. failed my English.

  • eBay giftcard does not have expiry date now according to Prezze. It could be wrong, though.

  • ebay has one of the worse giftcard systems I've seen. Can't add giftcards to the account without using it so need a separate document to track expenditure.

    I much prefer Amazon's method where it gets added to a pool.

  • There must be some algorithms. For me, sometimes the older ones (with small balances) would be used first, and other times after input a new GC the old ones will be unticked. Not sure what's the algorithm.

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