These come up every so often and are a great value second hand pc for a home media server, home office computer, etc. Great for anything except gaming
[Refurbished] Dell Optiplex 990 SFF Desktop PC Intel Core i5 2400/3.1GHz, 4GB 250GB HDD WIN10 $99 Delivered @ Workventures eBay

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Thanks!! Added now
You two should get a room…
both comments are from the same person.
Running Mac Catalina, developing iOS apps smoothly with full design and development tools. Boot in 10 seconds. Amazingly quiet. Complements my work MacBook very nicely. Actually better thanks to the keyboard
Clover or OpenCore? Thinking of grabbing something similar to this to give a hackintosh a try.
Even if the CPU and RAM is OK enough to run Windows, the thing is 10 years old likely running 24/7 in an Office of School.
It's END OF LIFE, these things should be sent straight for recyclingThere are plenty of +10 years iMacs still running in public organisations (labs, schools, libraries) and they would have seen daily use. No need to trash "old" machines if they are still usable. But may be I am not comparing apple with apple ;-)
Too old…
For what?
It's a 4 core Sandy bridge. I still game on one, just not at 4K, and not always with ultra settings.
The hot new Ryzen 5 3600 CPU everyone's putting in their gaming rigs is only about 60% faster:…
It's more than adequate for general non-gaming use.
i use something very similar as a media centre
can it 24/7? I have it but don't want to damage it
not the cheapest heater, but winters coming…
you're better off with the $200 lenovo m93p 4th gen usff or sff - i get that this is only $99 but it also lacks usb3 (!!!)
be that as it may, this company is a non profit who sells PCs to the unemployed disability pension etc. as a work pc to apply for jobs and you can certainly do that on a $99 pc
You're even better off with a Ryzen 5 3600 paired with a GTX 2070 Super and 16GB/512Gb but if you've only got $100 & need something super basic, this isn't a bad deal.
About half the performance for a tenth of the price (or not far off).
Not bad.
Not overly expensive to add a USB 3 card. You can pick up a low profile one for under $20. I've done this on a few older machines. It's amazing how much of a difference an SSD, RAM boost and USB3 card make.…
Honestly I don't understand why people whinge about it being slow. If word processing and general web browsing is required it's more than sufficient. I use a crappy old Celeron that's absolutely gutless to stream stuff plugged into TV this would cane it.
I have one (albeit with 8GB) and after an ssd; it runs like a dream.
Browsing, word processing and watching YouTube.
I have something similar speced runs as a router.. cheaper than most garbage out there lol
Thats exactly what I use it for alongside my HP G8 running FreeNAS. 16GB RAM and 500GB SSD running ESXi with pfsense, web proxy and a development box running as VMs.
Yep exactly
Good price for what is is considering shipping and Win 10 Pro are included, some people no doubt have a use that suits this configuration. AND One less PC going to landfill. Win-win.
Not bad, but can sometimes get them half price on Gumtree or Marketplace. Don't think this has USB 3.0 too.
buy a pci express usb 3 card but by the time you get an ssd and usb3 and more ram then you may as well get an m93…. and the 93 would use a fraction of the power.
Something this old is perfectly fine for anything other than heavy photoshop / video editing or gaming
I use an i5 2500k overclocked with a gtx760 as my plex / file / torrent server and it serves 4k just fine
4gb ram rip chrome?
Would have been interesting to use for HTPC or retro gaming, but it doesn't even have HDMI..
Surely it would have DVI.
Why not use VGA out?
DP to HDMI cable, works fine.
Do these have WiFi inbuilt or require a USB toggle?
Won't have inbuilt wifi.
Anyone got an idea of how this would go in power usage versus a Raspberry Pi? I know the PI would sip power but would this be reasonable as a machine that would mostly idle?
These normally have pretty efficient power supplies due to being deployed to the corporate environment.
Mine is from around 2013 and pulls around 30-40w with a couple of spinning drives. I was using my pi as the home media box before, now it runs dns.
Thanks dude, i'll grab the next one that comes along.
Deal is now sold out on ebay!
price in title