Nice price for a popular card game.
Usually around the $35 mark. Enjoy!
Nice price for a popular card game.
Usually around the $35 mark. Enjoy!
Beware this is the 1st edition and not the updated 2nd edition.
I bought the 2nd edition from target.
What's the difference?
How do you know it's the 1st? I couldn't find anything pointing to it but I'll let you know when it comes
The picture on Amazon says "2nd Edition". If first edition rocks up i will get my money back.
I once was sent the wrong version of Risk, and the seller referred to some fine print that the picture did not determine the product and I was out of luck, I hope Amazon is not like that for your sake.
Bought this a week ago and can confirm it's 2nd edition.
Howdy everyone, mine just arrived. It is the second edition! :)
No need to neg me. If you scrolled down to Q&A you can read the answer to my question saying it was not the 2nd edition.
My warning was valid. It seems they have started sending the 2nd edition but this was not the case few weeks ago.
Careful when buying the other expansions from amazon, I bought a few and one was a counterfeit. Could tell this by texture of cards and misalignment of expansion icon. They refunded and I bought it from ozgameshop instead.
Was it from the Amazon AU seller though? I've bought many things from Amazon AU and have not received a single counterfeit. You have to make sure the item has "Ships from and sold by Amazon AU."
This one is shipped from Amazon AU but actually sold by Let's Play Games Pty Ltd
Don't know where you're looking mate! I only see "Ships from and sold by Amazon AU."
@Kerjifire: It says that until you get to the checkout, then it changes the seller, same price though.
Actually it says both Sold By Amazon Commercial Services Pty Ltd on the checkout page AND Let's Play Games Pty Ltd.
Wonder if that's just the distributor that supplies Amazon?
@Kerjifire: Yeah, I went to their page and noticed they had a checkout, assumed they were a retailer, but looks like just a distributor with a checkout. Don't know why Amazon thinks this information is relevant enough to display, especially since no one will probably have heard of the distributor, just the maker.
I've ordered like 8 books from amazon and 3 are counterfeit or from a non-official print press.
Mixed experiences with this game. I have a friend who loves it, but it only got played a few times before nobody wanted to see it again. Definitely works well with 3-4 people
I found it to be quite a 'kiddy' game. Much prefer Exploding Kittens.
I wasn't a fan of Exploding Kittens to be honest, I found it a bit boring
Same here. More about luck than actual strategy.
@aseret: Not much luck involved the way my friends play. Also need alcohol to really get the most out of it :)
Obviously individual preferences.
Our family happily sit down to unstable unicorns (ages 10-16), but exploding kittens was never a goer in our house - not a lot of strategy.
I personally think Llamas Unleashed is better than both of them - more variety, and less likely to drag on for hours.
We have both. I only prefer unicorns more because I know the cards better. But now I’ll have to go play llamas. I’m not sure a household needs both copies.
I like Unicorns for the deeper strategy, some of my friends prefer Kittens for the simplistic gameplay. While I'm happy playing either, I do get bored of Kittens after a few games.
Wow, this is a consistent winner among all the friends I've played with. Every time I introduce to a new group of friends, at least one in the group immediately buys it straight after because they loved it so much.
where can i buy friends to play with? any deal?
byo friends
or gril friends
$16 on eBay (bonus virus in box)
wow nothing is offlimits
We haven't really got into this game, have only played it twice, not really sure if we're playing it correctly.
Found it confusing understanding what to do each round, what counts as cards to play at the start of a turn, things like that.
Can someone who has played it post a simplified breakdown of how it's played?
very good game, highly recommended
Profile picture checks out.