From the upcoming catalogue starting on Wednesday 11/03/2020.
Also available -
- Pure Natural coconut water 1L - $2.50
- 10% off Gift cards - The Active card, Baby card, Her card, Him card, Kids card, Home card.
- Sanitarian Up&Go 6pk $4.85
From the upcoming catalogue starting on Wednesday 11/03/2020.
Also available -
Ohhh dear not TP on special next week, lucky the limit is only 1 per person now, imagine the frenzy otherwise
still going to be a frenzy i reckon :\
Wipe their butts with it?
While I saw some Asians, the TP frenzy has been a mix of all races, mostly entitled boomers.
I don't think the boomers started it though….
I was lucky. 3 weeks ago, i ordered toilet rolls from Amazon. To get free shipping i ordered 3x45 bundles.
I thought I was lucky I had bought an extra 6 pack, just the fortnight before all the manic "Doomsday Poopers" struck! I only did that to help qualify for that week's $160 spend for bonus 10,000 Flybuys points.
I wonder if the same scenario will occur as with the baby formula. Remember the videos of the same people dashing in and out carrying cans of formula, dumping them in a trolley their mate was holding outside?
Sounds like you are one of those who started this round of panic buying.
@ryu: Definitely not. Buying a few extra items (1 extra 6 pack … I never buy 20s!) 3 weeks ago, before this nonsense started, to make Flybuys points quota, has NEVER started panic buying. We have not been able to find any since so down to our final few. More than likely you have more than us hmm.
We did the same in October. Still have around 70 rolls with a family of four. I don't think people realise a whole trolley full will likely last a year or two.
The 1 person 1 purchase limit is kinda useless, they can just buy 1 first then go back inside again to buy another one.
Or few people with them and buy more.
Yeah, at least it makes it annoying for them though.
I saw one supermarket kept them off the shelves and you had to request a pack from the check out.
Annoying for the staff, but much better solution
I think that was happening at the Coles near us today. We were looking at a catalogue, near the register, and they sent someone across to us to see if we wanted toilet paper. We are OK because we have stock from our points buying sprees. I felt a bit stupid stockpiling but not now.
I wrote this the other day and some cvnts downvoted like there is no tomorrow
Imagine having a special on toilet paper yet not even really having stock.
And they'd have no trouble selling it at full price
Specials are created months in advance.
I work there.
Can do rain check?
It's a loss leader. Because of your going there to buy your TP you'll probably then do your full shop also. Pretty opportunistic
Wouldn't the rational psychological response be to go to Woolworths as there is now a greater influx of people trying to buy a very limited amount of toilet paper?
Not everyone has Ozbargain'er levels of strategic shopping thinking, PP
Where you have rabid consumers fighting and pulling hair for your TP is where everything gets disrupted and you have no shopping occurring.
At full price there was absolutely heaps in the supermarket today even by mid-afternoon. I expect all the truckloads of the extra manufacturing capacity will be showing up by mid-week right as everyone figures out they already have enough for the year. It'll probably be cheaper again next week as they try and clear space to store other things.
Why inviting more chaos?
Weekly store specials are funded by manufacturers, and manufactures lock in these sale dates months and months in advance.
Are we allowed to have items unobtainable lol
If they limit 1 per person / day, then it'll be obtainable.
There's a heap of (profanity) trying to take advantage of people. Example below. Vermin selling 48 pack for $70, and at the same time trying to con people out of $ using a bogus Gofundme page.……
Bargain prices compared to the WA guy selling a 20 pack for $2000.…
Perhaps that's what happens in a capitalist 'free market'
@FatTofu: Are people that stupid? What is it about toilet paper with them? Is that food? I would think people would be more concerned with stocking canned or long life food, not toilet paper. It is the herd mentality.
They should allow a raincheck hey. How about a limit of 1 pack per Flybuys card holder, or pensioner card, so as our elderly pensioners are not disadvantaged. Why not have a store manager police the process? Too difficult?
Hunger Games begin!
This sort of panic brings out the lowest common denominator unfortunately mate.
yesterday i came to the conclusion that no matter if you are pro or against what is happening in the TP world, the shelves are empty regardless. If you are down to your last half dozen, it might be an idea to stock up. In saying that, i'll be in search tomorrow expecting people to be drunk or have a hangover/sleeping in tomorrow after a long day on the booze today! haha
Put on ya boxing gloves, helmet and grab a weapon and see if you can score a discounted roll.
in overseas, the toilet paper crisis lasted 3 weeks
hopefully cause we make toilet paper it should last 2 weeks
really after 2 weeks of buying goods at full price u would think people would run out of money, we have lots of people on it close to the poverty line
I want toliet paper but I ain't paying full price lol
I want toilet paper but figure I have enough to last a week. Hope the "Doomsday Pooper" people come to their senses by then.
Exactly. I wish the media would run less fearmongering stories concerning toilet paper and focus on who it's actually effecting.…
rather use sandpaper than pay full price for toilet paper
I would rather to worry more on dried/canned food than toilet paper.
We used to stock up on non perishable foods before cyclone season, because we could lose power for a week. It was too late when a cyclone warning was issued. Never stocked up on toilet rolls though!
At our usual weekly shop last week guy in front of me had his trolley full of rice, noodles and pasta. I was a bit surprised at the pasta as I didn't know asian people liked them.
why wouldn't Asians eat or like pasta?
it's called variety.
Well said; I appreciate your comment. That was just my surprised thoughts. I have asian friends and they don't eat pasta, although pizza yes. I tend to talk to everyone, complete strangers, and I almost asked him if he actually liked it, but thought the better of it in case he took it the wrong way.
Only thing extra I bought last week was a single pack of dried milk. I already had enough coffee and sugar at home to last a few weeks. Figure so long as I get my coffee I can cope with most anything.
@JediJan: we Asian don't eat fake products :P lol
"Some researchers place its discovery in the XIII Century by Marco Polo, who introduced the pasta in Italy upon returning from one of his trips to China in 1271. On chapter CLXXI from the “Books of the World's Wonders”, Marco Polo makes a reference to the pasta in China."
@djones145: Interesting; I didn't know that. My Asian friends simply won't eat pasta at all, which us why it surprised me; I will have to tease them now! 😉 One said Western food was bland and overcooked. I like and try many types of food myself, but certainly not everything. Maybe Marco Polo had been looking at noodles and Italians copied and made their own versions. As children we used to refer to noodles as chinese spaghetti!
You're a f8cking racist.
A race shouldn't dictate what type of food people eat.
My asian friends will be laughing at you, seriously. You obviously have no asian friends.
You and your logic! Git outta hea
Report: Insufficient Quantity
Me, I’m beginning to sock away some spare cat food. I figure the Government would make sure humans have essentials but the pets would not be a priority. Not a lot of extra cans/ dry food just enough to get through a few weeks.
i don't have the same sort of faith in the government. they're already telling us we can get our groceries online as if we don't already know that. there's just the slight problem of the minimum $50 spend that not everyone can afford.
I had not thought of the minimum $50, but had considered the fact that not all elderly people would like to order online. Have already offered to assist my elderly mother to do that for her, if we cannot get her groceries.
My friend who works at Coles says that orders are being cancelled because it's all out of stock, mainly non perishables. They say it's best to go in-store than online.
even when my income was a lot higher, i rarely ever spent $50 in one go, let alone at just the one shop. if i did, it would be because of mobile phone recharge vouchers or itunes/gift cards. i'd buy a bit from coles, woolies, farmer jacks, aldi and iga.
i understand the convenience and appeal of doing your entire weekly grocery shop in one go but i'm too used to a life of hunting for specials and shopping according to who has the best price for a particular item.
My mother said they couldn't obtain bird seed in London during WW2 so her brother's birds died. At least cats would be able to eat a few other things if they had to.
I would’ve been tempted to let the birds go, in the country. and they could take their chances. Cats would only be OK if they could find some vermin to eat and you have to be sure the vermin haven’t eaten rat poison.
Apparently they searched hard and tried all types of foods, even asked at the docks, but could not find anything suitable for the budgerigars. If released other birds etc. would have attacked them. The family bred rabbits to supplement their rations. My mother, her school closed as taken over for bombed out homeless, became a land army girl and sometimes brought home a few eggs etc. for the family. Mother has sufficient tr's as she only buys the specials. She says the people selling on at a profit remind her of the black market profiteers.
that's so sad. pets are family. sure, war rations are serious business but pets are a huge morale booster.
these losers hoarding toilet paper have no (profanity) idea what hardship is.
Frankly, most of us don’t. Most of us have to only deal with “first world problems”.
Doesn't every ozbargainer have a few 12 or 18 packs in the cupboard from the last half price deal anyway?
We should be the most unaffected by this craziness..
Bottom line, you are as bad as any of them.
I didn't stock any during the virus period ( I would replace of course if can find some ) so as far as I'm concerned I'm a clean skin but its too sophisticated for some to understand . Keep enough for 1 months supply waiting for the restock .
Lol "bottom" line certainly applies here. I don't know how anyone could go online and brag about being greedy; maybe karma will bite them on their bum.
Capitalism at it's finest
I have heaps from the 2 x $7.50 Chemist Warehouse deal from Shopback which I used on quilton that were also on sale. Also had some for a Coles express deals where I also purchased quilton and received extra points. So thanks Ozbargain.
TP is my “go to” when I’m trying to get enough to reach my purchase limit for points. Having stock is a coincidence. I’ve got extra liquid soap, washing up liquid, dishwasher tablets, clothes powder, Glen 20 etc. all just side benefits and all bought before the crisis at discount prices - of course.
Same as I had being doing (10,000 Flybuys points for $160 spend; 4 consecutive weeks) but I only had 1 spare pack of tp. Really didn't expect idiots to panic buy on an item that was not going to be in short supply.
We tend to buy the 9 roll double length, which is a nice amount if you can’t work out what else to get; I’m on $50 per week for 4 weeks for 10,000.I figure TP doesn’t go off and I will always need it. People are just acting crazy now. We make it in Australia FFS. Unless people are expecting the supply chain to crash, which we are a long way from, why pick on TP? It made more sense to panic buy during the bushfires. The best part is they went into crowded supermarkets to do this.
@try2bhelpful: I am feeling kind of ripped off by Coles Flybuys saying we must spend $160 a shop per week to qualify. We would prefer to do smaller more frequent shops.
@JediJan: That is the way to do it. As some people have recommended get another card that you use for smaller amounts and infrequently and there is a fair probability that they will offer you better deals. Don’t link the cards. You could buy some of your shop with one card and some with the other. They are trying to get you to up your weekly spend.
@try2bhelpful: My family's cards are already linked unfortunately. It is not very difficult for us to spend $160 actually when you add the non perishables, like washing powder, dish washing detergent and deodorants. We tend to buy recycled 6 pack tp etc, no room to store more than 2 packs anyway, so we wouldn't buy more than that. When our current deal is over we will spend much less.
@JediJan: Somebody here said they got a card for their cat. Do you have a convenient child you could nominate a card for? It is always useful to have the low spend card, it keeps them keen. Best of luck.
@try2bhelpful: Sadly we don't even have any pets left these days. Seems a bit extreme opening up Flybuys accounts for pets, but sounds like some are having a bit of fun.
@JediJan: We said “no more pets” after our previous one died but I couldn’t bear the empty household. We now have two gorgeous Somali kitties and they are great fun. We need to get someone in to look after them when we aren’t home but they are well worth the hassles. I don’t think they would inspect the actual person, I would make up someone. Like all these things loyalty means very little, they are looking for a way to increase your spend not the amount, per se.
Stock up but limited to use 4 squares each time 😂
Have given up trying to buy bog rolls. Have taken to wearing incontinence knickers instead.
½ Price - Kleenex 3 Ply 9 Rolls $4
Get in there with all your kids prior to school at opening as probably only time you can get it . 1 per person .
Got a report someone lined up at opening and 0 of the special and all toilet paper at this Coles .
I’m more excited about the Dr Oetker pizza.
Full catalogue
Thanks, but now my neck is aching.
he forgot to do Landscape rotation mode
Thanks for the info.