Picked up a can of carb cleaner just last week, noticed that there is a promotion now which seems to be a pretty good deal.…
Picked up a can of carb cleaner just last week, noticed that there is a promotion now which seems to be a pretty good deal.
If you can get carb cleaner that's an excellent price.
Sure can, 6 cans or carb cleaner comes up as $15 for me at checkout
It's an excellent price for carb cleaner, silicone spray and the contact board cleaner.
Can carb cleaner be used in place of toilet paper ?
depends on your diet
Apply a coat of "Motortech Underbody Coating" first, the shit drops off easier then and use some "MotorTech Degreaser" if you're on a high fat diet ;)
Like how they have setup the selection too!
Came up as $12.70 for me, then $12.01 after I entered my RACT membership number..
Edit: placed a second order, same price, $12.01…