Joining AASW - Is It Worth It?

Just a recent SW graduate working for an NGO (first year out of Uni).

I have been tossing up whether to register for the AASW - I’m unsure whether it’s worth and what kind of benefits I could use for career progression etc.

Any advice and knowledge on the matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

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    Don’t bother

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  • +11

    You mean the Association for the Advancement of Star Wars? If so, don't bother - you can still watch the movies without it.

    • +4

      Har har. Don't be silly, everyone knows that AASW stands for Australian Association of Sword Wielding. And yes you DO need to be a member or if the sword inspectors see you swinging one around WITHOUT a members permit you WILL have your weapon confiscated. Don't get me started on making sure you have the right membership level for 1 handed swords vs 2 handed swords etc.

      • +2

        I can confirm this. I made the mistake of having a 1 handed sword permit and decided to show off with a beautiful set of embroidered 2 handed swords. After my second sword twirl i received a tap on my shoulder by a sword inspector. That was a $345 fine I definitely couldn’t afford.

        • +2

          Do you have it sworded now?

          • +1

            @spackbace: Yes, but I’ll be keeping a sharp eye out in the future.

  • +2

    Can you tell us what AASW is for the 99.9999999% of people who don't work in the field

    • Reading between the lines (actually just the mention of NGOs), think it's this one:…

      Which is… I didn't realise there was a surplus of social workers that'd lead to any kind of competition in the field.

      (Also, you need to pay, to get a degree, to do social work? Talk about gatekeeping something that really needs as much help as it can get in the first place…)

      • A social work degree is actually a really good "in" to high paying jobs in government health positions funnily enough.

        • Are you serious? What about… medical degrees…?

          • @HighAndDry: Yep completely serious. Not sure about medical degrees.

            I don't think being a "social worker" is what you think it is, it's actually quite a full on job, and pay is good.

      • (Also, you need to pay, to get a degree, to do social work? Talk about gatekeeping something that really needs as much help as it can get in the first place…)

        Yes, because we should let any unqualified person without any relevant degree and/or qualifications to give life-changing advice to people. That sounds like a great idea…

        • Not that I agree with that proposition either, but it's kind of like looking after orphans in Africa - do you need a childcare qualification to go over there and do that?

          The demand outstrips supply by so much that the industry surely should welcome anyone who's willing. It's not like the degree is likely to ever pay for itself, is it?

          • @HighAndDry: I don't quite understand the negative undertones towards the social work profession. One of my family members is a social worker, is extremely well paid, and has told me that the field is extremely competitive.

            Sure, I agree with you in the sense that there's probably an excess demand for social work at the local level, but that's not really due to qualifications being a barrier to entry, but rather that it's a thankless and difficult job where people with the calibre to do it can easily earn much more and have a much easier life if they worked elsewhere.

            • @p1 ama: Unfortunately any negative undertones are a result of your own feelings more than mine because by and large I agree with you - it's a vital but thankless and difficult job. But that's kind of my point here - even at the lower level, surely it's better to have a non-ideal candidate than no candidate at all.

              • @HighAndDry: I agree with you, but I guess it comes down to how "non-ideal" is non-ideal. My only concern is whether there are people who want to be SWs and would be good SWs who are choosing not to be SWs because of the educational requirement. My suspicion is probably not many (though I don't have any data on that).

                On a related point (related to my research area - I'm a labour economist), it's worth pointing out that career choices are extremely complex and actually have more to do with perceived prestige than expected pay or difficulty (in the sense of having to obtain higher qualifications). There is evidence to show that people are willing to accept being paid less AND going through more education to have a career they feel is "prestigious". So perhaps the best way to address the issue is to raise the profile of social workers?

            • @p1 ama: Can I ask what sort of work does your family member do, what training did they need to do, and roughly what compensation do they get?

              • +1

                @kiitos: Policy Officer at Department of Social Services. Bachelor's degree in Science, Master's degree in Social Work, ~5 years experience in the field. Salary around $90k.

        • +1

          unqualified person without any relevant degree and/or qualifications to give life-changing advice to people

          we do it for free here

  • +2

    Australian Association of Sorbent Wipers

  • Amalgamated Australian Shorts Wearers?

    • +1

      So glad they amalgamated. The paperwork used to be horrendous. I just want to wear my shorts!

  • american-australian sugar - wamas

  • +1

    Yes, the Association for Aquatic-Submerged Weavers is a must if you're looking to pursue a long-term career in the field.

  • +1

    If you look at the aasw website, it gives you literally nothing, it's basically for talking heads, and nothing for social workers themselves. Would be good if you want to go and work in Uganda for free probably.

    Also, try to get into government work. What is the going pay rate at an ngo?

  • +2

    Association of Australian Shopping Wannabes?

  • +4

    Serious comment - my wife is a Social Worker and says that as a graduate it's really cheap for the first few years to be a member so it's worth it. Ultimately though unless you want to go on and become a Mental Health Social Worker (You will need to get a Medicare number) she finds little benefit in continuing membership as this appears to be the only benefit. As a graduate it is worth joining as it's cheap, and it gives you two years to think about whether you want to continue membership when you become fully-fledged.

  • Alcoholics Anoynmous South Wharf?

    • +2

      Australian Association of Socialist W##kers.

  • I'm not part of it and I don't feel there is a benefit of being part of it. I don't think it will assist with career progression, You can claim back the fees when you do your tax. They have some valuable courses that they run which, can assist with career progression.

    I find that gaining experience in the industry will assist with moving up Grades. I have worked in NGO's, legal field and public and private health. Hospital SW is amongst the best paid and in particular, in the public system have structured P.D and people tend to progress in their career.

  • lol great troll

  • -2

    well, if your a social worker you would have been taught lots of high faluting meaningless buzz words that dont mean a thing. just remember…your main and only purpose is to sound deep and important whilst fostering a near parasitic dependence from your clients…most of whom will be a waste of space.

  • I work in the medical industry & see a lot of misfit SW"s walking around consumed by their own importance & showing very little for their clients
    They complain how much they are snowed under with work but I see very little results in their work

    • I really hope you meet some better social workers!

      I can definitely empathise with the example you have put forward though..

  • WGAF and you should have worked this out B4 you spent $1,000s on your career.
    As is WGAF is the answer

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