• expired

50% off for First 6 Months Mobile Plans (E.g. $12.50/Mth for 14GB) @ TPG Mobile (New Registrations Only)


TPG have updated our mobile plans, and relaunched our 50% off for 6 months offer.

Plan details:

Plan Small Medium Large Extra Large
Promotional Price (6 Months): $10/mth $12.50/mth $15/mth $20/mth
Standard Monthly Price: $19.99/mth $24.99/mth $29.99/mth $39.99/mth
Included Data 6GB 14GB 25GB 30GB
  • All plans include unlimited calls and SMS to standard Australian numbers
  • Excess data is now charged at $10 for 2GB.
  • $20 prepayment is optional

Referral Links

Referral: random (7)

Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Is the prepayment still non-refundable and do you still charge a port-out fee like before?

      • Really since when? I wasn't charged a port out fee when moving from Circle.Life to Boost

      • is this true? Where is the source from?

      • +1

        I have never been charged a port out fee in my life.

      • Uhhhh, I don't think this is right. Link?

        • -6

          Telstra $7
          Vodafone $7
          Optus $9

          Prepaid doesn’t charge obviously

          • @jimbobaus: That's not a link. I've been talking to Optus about porting over there and they haven't said anything about a porting fee (going postpaid to postpaid).

          • @jimbobaus: Since when do telstra and optus charge a port out fee? Where's your proof?

            • @jesseboy89: If you port your mobile phone number linked to one of our post-paid services from us to another mobile service provider on another network, we charge you the following:

              | ANOTHER MOBILE SERVICE | | |
              | PROVIDER ON ANOTHER | | |
              | NETWORK | | |
              | Mobile Service Number | $ 7.27 | $8.00 |

              As i said.. i am not google
              Thats Telstra btw
              its $8 not $7

              You can also search these very OzB forums and find many people commenting about the port out fees from Optus/Telstra/Voda

              • -1

                @jimbobaus: That's still not a link. You're the one that needs to prove your claim, not us.

                • -5

                  @wakie: I do not need to prove anything as i said i am not google, you can do the leg work if you need validation
                  The fact remains all three major carriers charge a port out fee and have for over 12 months
                  I googled and found the results quickly, you can certainly do the same.

                  • +1

                    @jimbobaus: What happened when I googled was forums from 2013 came up. Do you not think I tried to find validation?
                    I’m asking you if you had any validation but it is clear you do not.

                    You’re linking something from 5 years ago, so probably not even accurate anymore but you said it also applies to prepaid services which is clearly not accurate.

                    I find your time frames all over the place and hard to follow.

                    • @pennypincher98: The Port Out fee from Vodafone was introduced in 2018
                      The Port Out Fee from Optus was introduced in 2015 removed (nots sure when) and re-introduced in late 2018 (and i was charged it in Feb 2020)
                      The Port Out fee from Telstra was introduced in 2015, removed in 2017 and re-introduced in 2018

                      my comment was that Optus would charge you the POF if you switched to Optus prepaid (which people were doing to then port out and not pay a fee which was the best way to avoid the fee until they started charging)

                      The timelines are clear
                      and as for searching, my search took me to the fees and charges pages on the relative carriers sites
                      I linked OzB forums to show that its been widely discussed on here in the past

                      • @jimbobaus: Funny enough, I’ve never been charged it, nor have a lot of people here, although I and they should’ve.

                        What you’re basically saying is:
                        “80% of the Australian population has coronavirus” and then when people are asking where you’ve heard that, you’ve just said “there’s around 76% of Sydney and 82% of Melbourne currently infected”. Information, but no evidence. When people request a link, you tell them to find it themselves.

                        • -3

                          @pennypincher98: Wow.. probably should rethink you analogy buddy
                          but as to your point, i am not going to find easily found information for people.
                          My statement is based on what i found, if you feel its incorrect you are welcome to do your own research

                          • @jimbobaus: Nah, I don’t think I should.
                            Its after all, “easily found information” and not hard to disprove. People are welcome to do their own research.

                            Notice the pattern?

                            • -2

                              @pennypincher98: No Pattern
                              I am simply not going to do the leg work for you
                              if you think i am wrong then thats your right.
                              I have not asked you to show evidence which disproves my position nor will I

                              Regardless i am done with this thread.
                              I genuinely have better things to do with my time.

                              • @jimbobaus: Your comment was " all carriers charge a transfer fee". Amaysim do not. Kogan do not. Boost do not. Aldi do not. Optus do not.

                                • @terrys: Optus Does (i literally got charged it last month)

                                  but you are right i should of said "the main" carriers

      • No amaysim don't boost mobile don't

  • Are they using the Vodafone network? How do people find it in Sydney?

    I just moved to Lilyfield and the Optus reception is horrendous. I had 80 Mbps in Balmain but now only get about 4 Mbps.

    • -2

      I just read, it seems they're still with Optus for now, but will be changing to voda over several months.

      You will get invited to change to voda when the time comes.

      • +2

        TPG hasn't used Optus mobile network for years. They should have been fully migrated now, it's been over 5 years!

        I joined TPG mobile in 2010 (from Optus postpaid) and was moved from Optus network to Vodafone network in 2015, (but I moved to Telstra Retail in 2018 for a really good deal). Initially Vodafone was way better in most places because my phone connected to the 3G 850 network but they we about on par when that was refarmed to 4G (I had a Nexus 4 at the time: no 4G until I got a new phone). I had no issues with Vodafone 4G except out bush.

        • I'm going by what they have on their website. Check the FAQ at the bottom

          • @mbck: That page is really old, maybe it's time they cleaned up? The migration was happening in 2015 so there's no reason they would issue an Optus SIM now. Though reading Whirlpool suggests if an old grandfathered TPG Mobile customer never activated their Voda SIM they would still be on Optus. Maybe the iiNet/Internode contract took over or something? I would have expected the contract between TPG itself and Optus to have expired but I'm not definitely sure.

            I don't care. I left TPG ADSL2+ when NBN came and I left TPG mobile before then.

            • @Zemm: Don't care too, I'm just going with their website shrugs

  • +5

    Surprised Tpg are worth so much given their shitty plan and terms and conditions

    • they are cheap. that is always a selling point.

  • Rep please when this offer finishes?
    Thank you

  • does tpg still charge your next month's payment 1 week before the due date?

  • Port out fee ive never had that with kogan or boost or amaysim

    • No one charges a PO fee on prepaid
      Its when you port from Postpaid that a fee sometimes occurs

      • I thought tpg was prepaid

  • Moose mobile don't there postpaid

  • Still charge a port out fee even though its prepaid plans

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