• expired

Samsung Galaxy S20+ for The Price of Samsung Galaxy S20 (4G $1079.20, 5G $1199.20) @ Samsung Education Store / E.P Portal

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Another deal of S20/s20+.
Combine with $50 newsletter voucher.
Current Price:
Samsung galaxy S20 4G 128GB is $1079.20
Samsung galaxy S20 5G 128GB is $1199.20

This will be the same price for S20+ for respective model. $1079.20 for the samsung s20+ 4G and $1199.20 for the samsung s20+ 5G

*Promotion is valid when you purchase the Galaxy S20+ 4G 128GB (SM-G985FZAAXSA, SM-G985FZKAXSA, SM-G985FLBAXSA) for the price of Galaxy S20 4G 128GB (SM-G980FZAAXSA, SM-G980FLBAXSA, SM-G980FZIAXSA) and/or Galaxy S20+ 5G 128GB (SM-G986BZAAXSA, SM-G986BZKAXSA, SM-G986BLBAXSA) for the price of Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (SM-G981BZAAXSA). Galaxy S20 5G Grey (SM-G981BZAAXSA) price is applicable to all Galaxy S20+ 5G 128GB models. Purchase must be made on eligible Enhanced Partnership Portals only from 10.00am (AEDT) 6 March 2020 to 11.59pm (AEDT) 31 March 2020. Subject to stock availability (including colour variants) at time of purchase. Discount is not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Please ensure you are purchasing Galaxy S20+ 128GB models to receive the price of the Galaxy S20 128GB.

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closed Comments

  • Not clear which EPP are eligible for this offer. Any link or details?

  • +1

    I can confirm it is available for Education Portal.

  • +1

    I must have tried over 5 different email addresses but so far still no luck in receiving the $50 newsletter voucher.

    Does any one have any tips?

    • Worked for every gmail address I tried. Believe you can't use emails they may have already have had in their system.

    • I cannot seem to get the email as well. Did you finally get yours?

  • Available on the corporate portal I have access to. I'm just not sure that bigger is better though.

    • +3

      Samsung s20+ has better value than s20 for sure.
      You can buy it now and sell it later and upgrade to New Note when it comes

    • The plus is better than the s20, check the specs. It’s not just screen size that’s different.

  • Nice, thanks OP - will jump on for this price!

  • Would this be the best price currently or should I wait? I have a samsung s5 and thinking of upgrading.

    • +1

      If you have access to this price.
      I think You should after combining with $50 newsletter discount.
      Even if you are getting 4G version, it will be 1029 after $50 discount.

    • +4

      If it follows the same trend as last year, there may be a 35% off promo around May~June (right now it's 28% off)

  • +1

    Can try to combine with 10% cashback through Rakuten.

    https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/521115 - The process seems simple, but I don't know if it will be successful.

    I can confirm this is legit. Sign up with Rakuten, enable the Chrome extension, then browse to the Samsung Australia education portal, activate the 10% cashback, pretty straight forward. - according to the user Xtreme Detailing.

    I tried it and the cashback hasn't shown up on my account so far, but I've lodged a missing Cashback for and I'm hoping for the best. Some people may be a bit more wary about giving up their personal details however…

    • My cashback didn't show up automatically, but I just submitted a missing cashback notification and within 30 seconds had an email response advising the cashback had been added to my account (which it has).

      • Wow!
        I got an email saying it will take up to 7 days and to contact them if it isn't added by then.
        You're very lucky!

    • Can we combine this and the $50 off code? I don't see much in the exclusions

      • +1

        Yes you can do it!
        The Cashback is the question here.

        • Yup. I missed out on the black colour by like 5 mins lol. Guess I'll wait until it restocks.

    • Where does one lodge a missing cashback?

    • Having trouble getting this to work, it's only 6% now which is fine, but it keeps taking me to the U.S Samsung store.

      • Try the Chrome extension for Rakuten. I still don't know if this will work.
        I need to confirm the Cahsback.

      • Down to 3% damn.

  • I ordered last not from EPP. They said I would be receiving $100 off accessories or wearables (not sure what we get that)
    Should have waited until this morning

    • On that note would someone be able to screen shot the new price of the s20+ 5G and pm it to me. That would be great. A chance for an early price protection

      • If you still have access to the EPP then you can just log on and get a screenshot.

    • Is this $100 off accessories / wearables an additional offer available to everyone or you exclusively got it?

      • +2

        No this was for pre order via epp.
        They ran out of battery charging pack that originally would be sent with pre orders do they said would be receiving a code for $100 off any accessories or wearables on Samsung site

        • Ah ok I remember - there was a $100 off tablet, accessories or wearables code to be used in the same transaction as S20 (any variant) purchase (valid till 5-March). But the terms stated cannot be used with other offers so potentially cannot combine with $50 newsletter signup discount.

    • You can cancel and reorder if its better for you. Did the same with the Ultra. $100 code will be delivered by the 13th. Sale on the buds + goes to the 12th so hope you get it before then.

  • I can see the offer banner on my Teclo EPP, however the price is unchanged. Maybe they are still updating the listing.

    Edit: Samsung rep confirmed offer not available for telco EPP's as they have 50% off offer.

  • The $50 off does not seem to work for epp stores

    • IT does but you have to sign up for it from the edu/epp store not from the main website as those codes only work on the main webstore.

      • How do I sign up from the edu/epp store ?

        • turn ad blocker off and there will be a popup.

  • is this worth it will this sale come back around near may?

    • The s10/s10+ were on a 35% off sale around that time last year.

      The s20+ is ~27% off right now; so you MIGHT save around $100 if you wait. No guarantees that the same sale will happen.

  • Also JB had S10e for $99 at some point with Telstra plan. I might wait for that to happen with S20. Fingers crossed.

  • Its at more EPP's than just education.

    No bonus buds though :(

  • just bought a s20+ from epp pre-order at $1269.
    What’s the plan for me now?

    • +1

      Wait for the phone to turn up and enjoy it?

    • I thought it was cheaper than that?

    • +1

      Order another one and return this when you get it.
      Samsung has 14 days return for change in mind.
      As other guys are saying if you didnt go through cashback.
      Try this time.

      • Has anyone done this before and succeeded? Would Samsung accept the exact same model but from a different order?

      • Hey what site can we get cash back from?

      • -2

        It appears that Samsung doesn’t accept return after box opened

  • +1

    I can't believe that after 4 revisions by 3 different persons, noone picked up the typo on the first word in the title - "Samung" :)

    • Sorry just fixed.

  • Thanks OP

  • Can I claim airbuds + with this?

    • I dont think so. Offer expired march 5th

  • +1

    I feel like I got scammed. Pre-ordered 3 weeks ago, and it drops $120 on release date? Wtf samsung

    • order new one and return the one you pre ordered

      • I only have 1 $50 off subscription email :/

        • I can help I think if you want.
          Not to sure if my code works for you

          • @fantoo: Do you mind if I try the code?
            I have subscribed with two different emails and have not received any emails with the $50 code =/

            • +1

              @CopyNinja: sorry already given to this user mentioned above

              • @fantoo: Huge shoutout to fantoo for the code! Much love :)

            • @CopyNinja: Check your junk mail. Mine came through a day or 2 after in spam

            • @CopyNinja: I got code after 1 week and now its saying its invalid code
              Any idea on that?

              • @admoghal: Yeh same issue for me. Think i got the code when I was on Samsung site and not the government portal so now didn't work. Need to get from the gov or relevant epp portal I think

  • Why not say the price of the phone in the title instead of the convoluted marketing spiel.

    • Cant fit everything in the title

      • The price gets highlighted in orange so it's easier to read.

  • +1

    Writing this from my EPP S20.
    I got a wireless powerbank with it worth $99.
    S20 has a higher pixel density, so it has a better screen.
    I'm not sure about getting a larger screen, it'd make it easier for people to snoop on what you're looking at. Plus it might be too big for the hands.

  • Ive tried a few times to get the voucher through my uni email, was all gung ho to get the S10 but think Ill get the S20.

    Going overseas next month so wanna claim the tax back as well.

    • Dont forget the cashback.
      clear you cache and everything.
      try in incognition mode.
      Login to your EPP account and try it.
      You might get lucky

      • Whats the cashback site?

        • Rakuten

          • @Fire Chicken: I spoke to Samsung live chat they said they didn't know who it was, another agent said it wasn't legit and we have no idea who they are lol

              • @Fire Chicken: Yeh but they need to wait a few months to get the actual money they can easily get their details tracked somehow in the mean time or something like I mean even Samsung said they don't know so I'm confused

                • @ShotzzAU: how is that any different to waiting for TRS to claim back GST?

                  it's still cash back. at least when it ships, it'll confirm

                  • @Fire Chicken: idk i was just saying the samsung live chat reps said they dont know what it is and dont think it is legit

    • I got $50 voucher code after 1-2 week and that voucher code does not apply in Educational POrtal.
      It says Invalid Code.

      I applied on normal samsung website and it works

      • Must depend on the EPP portal. The $50 discount worked for me on the Government EPP site.

  • https://www.samsung.com/au/estore/static/link_mindpolicy_p/

    Change of Mind Policy

    "4. In the event you change your mind and the HHP packaging has been damaged, unsealed, unboxed and/or the HHP has been used, Samsung is unable to offer a remedy under this Policy, so please chose carefully when selecting your product, and when deciding to open packaging following delivery."

  • any body have discount code its not coming in my mail i tried 3 different emails

    • I think they aren't operating on the weekends. You'll prob get it tomorrow!

  • s20+ 4G is out of stock eh?

  • will the s20+ 4g restock before march 31st ?

    • They should.
      Happened same with note series last year.
      Was stocked later

      • how long was it until it did?

        • Maybe a week or so.
          Can be a different case now due to Corona Virus

    • Who knows..

    • S20+ 4G all colours back in stock.

  • Samsung S20+ or Note 10+.. thoughts?

    • +1

      Get s20+ for the price of s20.
      Use newsletter sub discount.

      Sell it on gumtree or facebook or trade in with new Note when it comes in Sep.

  • +1

    I just bought a S20+ for $1029 including the voucher so it works :)

  • +1

    Purchased S20+ 5g yesterday, used 50 subscription voucher, plus Rakuten 10% off. It didn't show up in my balance, so I contacted customer service, didn't take too long to get their response. Not sure how long I can get the money back, but AU114 showed up in my balance.
    1199-50-114-10 (rakuten new user)= 1025
    That's almost 38% off, I think it's a pretty good deal for a newly released flagship

    • Nice! Followed your strategy and purchased an S20+ for wifey. How long before you contacted them?

      • +1

        The website says it can take up to 24 hrs to add in the account, it didn't, so I contacted them after that. The AI customer service will lead you to its human staff

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