Hi, so now that im a jumper with my mobile plans, and I dont care to keep my number, I need some way, cheap, to keep a second permanent number for VIP calls, eg medical apppintments etc, a simple voicemail access is needed.
I was thinking google voice but not avail in oz.
The best I can do is aldi $5 sim lasts for a yr. Voicemail retrieval is 12c/min.
Then there's VoIP but I have no experience with that. Need a number but to give to businesses.
Thanks for reading.
feel free to pm me if you have a trick up ur sleeve.
Cheap Voicemail Options?

CHEAPEST OPTION IS …. Incomming, a $2 sim 12 month credit and the means to get messages via email (3 mobile used to do this, now vodafone) or the $5 a month option of DODO with no data.
In a dual sim phone, you could have 2 sims, the dodo for calls, text and voicemail and a telstra $15 data sim with 5gb and then unlimited 1,5mbs =$20 a month with unlimited everything!
On an iphone the data would have to be an eSIM and the dodo a microSIM (X, Xs,XR,11 series) are all dual sim (eSIM+SIM), check on your andriod to see if it supports dual SIM
Why jump, when you can LEAP
👍Tx 4 input. I found $40 for 365days (+$3/month)
pay and go plan
Then I could activate visual voicemail.
Thats not bad.
Not sure if vodafone has another way as you have mentioned I.e. $2 sim and messages via email. Couldnt find that.Which plan did you mean by "a telstra $15 data sim with 5gb and then unlimited 1,5mbs"? Can't seem to find it on the Telstra's website?
vodafone used to allow you to check voicemail from another number. things might have changed
Confirmed. Y still can, good 1 ty
Does that even make sense?
What's the point of having a second number for the sole purpose of just "jumping" around when you have to pay for the other "static" number anyway?
Why don't you just keep a single number on a cheap plan?
how does this work… if you're changing your number, won't people be calling you on the new number, not your voicemail number?
Why would this even work… do you ask your friends/family/employer to change your number every time and expect them to update it in their phones/contacts. All this so you can save $50 a year.
https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/9ly8vk53 VOIP DID for 39c/month. Set it so that all calls go to voicemail, which are then emailed to you. Or you can install http://www.grandstream.com/products/ip-voice-telephony/softp… and make/receive calls on your mobile using wifi or mobile data.
I think this is exactly what I was after. Ur a legend! Will check it out. 🙇
You do know you can carry your number with you whilst sim jumping from promo to promo?