Sorbent Hypo-Allergenic or Silky White Toilet Tissue 12 Pack 1/2 price $4.70 {was $9.40}.
Grab them while there hot, flying of the shelves at this price{or any price at the moment}!!!!
Sorbent Hypo-Allergenic or Silky White Toilet Tissue 12 Pack 1/2 Price $4.70 @ Coles

Last edited 05/03/2020 - 11:59 by 2 other users
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Hold it! No toilet paper.
The selfishness and stupidity of these morons buying out as much as they can make me sick.
they'll eventually fill up their storage with stuff they won't be able to use up and stop buying, then you can get some. In the meantime, not sure what to use.
Go to your local shopping centre or work place to do a number two.
Good luck!
(Coles has not imposed any limit yet?)2 per transaction at my local, but too little too late. All the stocks already gone lol.
4 per transaction limit from today, too little too late IMO
they didn't scalp when baby formula was being cleared out daily. I think it's illegal for them to do so. It's the scalpers who make the real money.
They're going to have a hard time on eBay and Amazon:…
Of all the things to hoard, toilet paper seems the most irrational. They take up so much space.
No expiration. Always used.
Price per 100 sheets? 3 ply?
I went into Coles look for some serviettes and none found. I'm needing them for my BBQ this weekend not for stocking up. What wrong with these hoarders?
What wrong with these hoarders?
Are they hoarding serviettes because of a perceived need/shortage; or are they hoarding serviettes because they couldn't get their hands on toilet paper?
i think they're hoarding anything that's non-perishable.
I should have bought shares in Coles and Woolies. They're killing it right now. :(
Should be reported as insufficient quantity. Haha.
Most coles put them out the night before catalogue and were sold out in seconds at full price.
Asian normally are the answer is White. Very racist comment. Russians are white and they are Asians.
(Am I the only one?)
@[Deactivated]: Why compare asians white people? So just Asian people buy stuff without knowing and White people are very smart and wait for best price? Those types of comparison doesn't make sense in my head. Doesn't matter which race you are or locations you know.
@[Deactivated]: 77% of Russia is located in Asia while the vast majority of the population lives in the European portion.Most Russians claim they have a very special identity which is non-European, non-Asian but rather a specific mix.
Different value systems (world views) result in people making different decisions on how to spend money. If I was living in a country where babies had died from melamine contamination of baby milk powder, then I would pay a premium to source product that was safe.
If my social media was filled with people sharing stories from China then I might perceive the risk of quarantine as significantly higher than someone who has a greater degree of separation from people living in areas where the virus is active.
Why are people going berserk buying toilet paper? Isn't it manufactured in Australia? There's nothing wrong with our supply lines is there?
No idea
NoOoh there's a global pandemic. Lets huddle together in one very public place…
Maybe deep down, the average person really desperately wishes for the zombie apocalypse to break out to bring an end to their miserable toil.
The virus is fast spreading in Australia and people are $#iting themselves!.
Sorbent have said if things continue like this then there may be problems.
While back in the board room they are saying "Best quarter yet boys!"
Haha, yep. I'm sure there are some very happy board rooms right now.
Except both Coles and Woolies had committed to 50% off toilet paper for this week, before the panic set in.
Conspiracy: maybe they are holding stock until they can put up the price to the 'normal'.
"Best quarter yet boys!"
"Call the media and get them to ramp up the hysteria!"
Plastic packaging might not be 100% manufactured here?
We couldn't possibly package it with something else…
Yes, recycled paper (the product we normally buy is)
Let's hoard everything with plastic packaging then on the supposition the packaging may not be 100% locally made…
so they make the rolls here, send them to china to get packaged, who then send it back? efficient.
The packaging is shipped from China and used in the manufacturing process here.
The hoarders were right weren't they?
They have plenty of paper, you don't.
In this case you don't hoard because of a shortage you hoard because of the perception of a shortage.
Perfect time to get the raincheck. Just go to Coles and confirm there are none available and get the raincheck at the counter. You can then buy them at this price within a month provided hoarding stops.
if its still not in stock, they can extend your raincheck too..although by that time, you will have wiped with your hand for 2 months lol
well Coles are cashing in/profiteering - no rainchecks on advertised products including toilet roll - they don't have any stock so when they do they want full price.
ps See that Coles promise instore - 'we will give you a raincheck if we don't have stock of an advertised product'?
Should read 'COLES promise's to gip you over a raincheck on an advertised product whenever we can make a lot of money from doing it…
Ozbargain is getting really boring lately, countless toilet roll posts, toilet seats… gimme a break.
Can't wait for 3 cents off beaked beans.
Can't wait for 3 cents off beaked beans.
Well we need something to do with all this toilet paper!
They obviously weren't selling enough so had to put them on special…
Nervous upvote.
I am so going to stock up on these
Good luck with your life plans, son.
The hoarding of locally produced items is ridiculous. I just want to do my regular family shopping, but if Coles can't limit supply to ensure the sane and rational people can still buy a pack of TP and a box of tissues then Woolies and Aldo will get all of my business.
limits just mean you have to bring the whole family over.
Formula was limited to 2 per customer, so they worked in teams, each person going to a separate store, and the moment it gets restocked, they make a phone call and everyone rushes over to buy 2 each before separating back to their own stores.
You're referring to the Chinese buying up Australian baby formula I take it… This was done for profit with people Chinese "students"/teams making thousands a week doing it due to poor quality/counterfeit products available in China.…
Individuals are unlikely to be able to capitalise on toilet paper like this and it makes organising some team of TP buyers a lot less fruitful.
All I'm saying is, if times get desperate a 2 per customer limit is not going to stop anyone.
Lack of baby formula is not perceived as a life threatening situation. There are alternatives. Such as those lovely glands that mothers have.
If people genuinely believe a zombie apocalypse is coming, they're going to see that stocking up on necessities is more essential to life than baby formula.
The second thing is, baby formula hoarding was limited to scalpers. Very few aussies actually did that. If you were in the supermarkets it was always chinese people buying it all.
Individuals are unlikely to be able to capitalise on toilet paper like this and it makes organising some team of TP buyers a lot less fruitful.
With toilet paper, a lot more people are doing it than just a small chinese contingent. The demand for toilet paper exceeds the demand for baby formula in its heights. More people need TP than formula. Which means desperate measures are as likely or more likely in spite of people not buying it for scalping purposes. People were buying formula to sell it. People are buying paper to use it. Everyone needs toilet paper. Only babies need formula, and even then, not all of them.
If something is essential for you, it's even more imperative that you get some stock. If it's essential for someone else, then not getting your hands on it only means you can't profit off of it. You can live with the money. If you can't get something you actually need for own use (food, supplies), you're screwed. This is why I think people will get around the 2 per person limit. Greed gives way to need, or at least perceived need.
@lostn: "Lack of baby formula is not perceived as a life threatening situation. There are alternatives. Such as those lovely glands that mothers have."
Some mothers are not able to produce enough or none at all.
@lostn: Firstly - mothers don't buy formula if they can breastfeed - it's an essential item if the mother doesn't produce milk or produces too little. And yes, it is life threatening if you don't feed your baby.
You are correct in saying there are ways around limits, but it makes it more difficult than just filling a trolley and leaving and it adds perception that the retailer is trying to make sure everyone gets some.
All supermarkets in my area have no stock, it's not just Coles.
I just don't understand why people are going to stock up? I'll be shitting in the shower or pooping in my paddock if we run out.
Never underestimate the numbers of idiots out there
Hope these people don't start returning packs of toilet roll once the madness stops. Grocery shops in Singapore had to implement a no refund policy for those who bought excessively to hoard.
Hope Coles/Woolies put a no refund policy for people who hoard unnecessarily.
Yeah I 100% agree, was thinking that myself. Will serve them right.
The hoarding has been going on for a couple of weeks now. Surely everyone who feels like hoarding it has already bought up?!
Unless it's like the next milk powder and vitamins and it's getting shipped O/S in which case there will never be enough?
it's not cost efficient to ship products as bulky as toilet paper.
I don't think that would happen. The costs of sending it would outweigh the value of the product. Paper products simply take up too much space/weight for how much they are actually worth.
This crazy fad is very idiotic, I didnt know Corona Virus gave you diarrhea and if you feel like taking a dump at home and dont have toilet paper, take a shower.. that`s it…. and the TV coverage on it seems too much like tabloids asking people not to shake hands, whats next? not talking to people, just send texts?!… Its basic hygiene, wash your hands, dont be in close environments where people have flu like symptomps thats it…
Its basic hygiene, wash your hands
hand wash has been cleared out too. As has sanitizer.
Could always use soap. It is actually better and cheaper too, even if we do use hand wash here at our place. Some people/guests don't like using bars of soap.
it means touching something other people have touched with their own dirty/infected hands.
Most of the hand soap (and sanitiser) was sold out at our local Coles too.
i've always hated handshakes so some gov official telling us to stop shaking hands is some of the best news i've read this year lol
Corona virus can cause diarrhea in cows and pigs. That's what I read.
It’s also been reported in some people, but I haven’t seen confirmation if it was the virus itself or a weakened immune system being susceptible to bacteria that usually wouldn’t cause issues.
I read that it causes you to vote Australian liberal or national so it's like mad cow disease, rots your brain and gives you the shits and has a 3.5 chance to kill you, if your own stupidity doesn't get you first…
Why the hell is any toilet tissue on sale at the moment? It doesn't make sense. They should be charging full RRP whilst people are intent on hoarding
Or limit to 2 per customer, its the end of times: people dying for holding in their sh!t in their intestines
Catalogues are decided in advance
Secret the RRP is fake lol .
Another secret the everyday items never go on 50% sales to get a feeling of the true price .
i bought a pallet of baked beans so it made complete sense to buy a pallet of sh1t tickets
Wash ourself with water (it is cheaper )
12 sushi rolls for 4.70.
Grab them while they're hot
Like the ones on the Gateway Bridge this morning?
Under $10 for 24 rolls is good price, we always buy in bulk when its cheap like that, grabbed 4 packs of the 12 rolls which is how they come in wrapped in plastic, and a full box of 12 boxes of tissues also under $2 a box. Had nothing to do with corona but you should have seen some of the looks we got. We would save enough over a year to cover 1 car rego with all the things we buy in bulk so we only ever have to buy when its on special.
How many jobs per 12pack? Would i be better off with a weirdo ass-shower seat?
how progressive has our society had become, advertising toilet rolls on bargin hunting websites
just back from coles and woolworths for peanut butter special, go check the toilet paper, all gone. i don't understand the relationship of toilet paper and the virus, will the virus make you go to toilet more often?
None in my stores
Just back from shopping at local Coles and the following were cleared out:
- Toilet Paper
- Milk Powder
- Tissues
- Pasta (90%)
- Canned fruit (80%)Wow, fortunately Corona virus is less contagious (at least you can take steps) than stupidity….
Rice, Uht milk, certain brands of tuna and uncle Ben's microwave rice at my local. Effing morons
Same! Pasta and even spaghetti sauce. Like seriously man, settle down. We are not having a zombie invasion.
I found it hilarious when I saw the "reasons" why people were stockpiling goods; "because I'm worried about the toilet paper situation, therefore it is best I stock up now"
they're not even coherent any more..
Remember you can ask for a rain check and get this price locked in for a month if none in store.
The Hoarding Virus is the only thing spreading across Australia.
Sure is.
And it is getting more and more stupid.
I've had a couple of marketing emails today where the offer is to receive a roll of toilet paper with the product on sale. TBH that just makes me less likely to buy the product, as I think the seller has partly caused the now shortage in toilet paper.What hope do we have. As I saw someone say, why doesn't the virus just target the stupid people.
because the so called stupid people have been deliberately misled by the pollies and the media, and some of them of course, have access to the necessary vaccines.
Poor Brisbane people going to wait awhile for their TP delivery…
Been to a few local super markets… really sad to see the selfishness of people that are completely inconsiderate of other human beings..
Even the chemist, asian grocery store completely empty on tissue paper!Most if not all supermarkets around us have little to none in stock
- Tissues including Toilet paper
- Hand Sanitizer
- Pasta
- Pesto sauce
- Bread
- Rice
- Female Hygiene
- Dish washing detergent
And a shame to see some companies taking advantage of this, increasing their prices.. We bought a bag of rice from a local Asian Grocery 10KG for $40…
My partner shopped online at Woolies and was able to buy toilet rolls and other essentials as we have actually ran out, local pickup expected by Friday.. Fingers Crossed!The media is to blame for causing this pandemic, anyone work in media able to blog/create this news article? ( LOL
Let's see if Coles will send emails out if they can't fulfil orders. Hate when you go to pick up and you don't get everything you ordered. Waste of time.
I will only say this now.
The doomsday prepped market is going to be even more booming in the years to comecome and if you time it accordingly you could make big returns maybe as big as bitcoin at its peak prices.
All the best to all the business minded punters.
All the best.
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The hoarders give me the s**ts.