• expired

Renew eBay Plus Membership ($49) and Receive a $30 eBay Gift Card @ eBay


Ok I think this Deal has been around last year!

What I did today is trying to cancel my eBay plus Membership and upon selection a reason, I got a pop up saying keep membership beyond my renewal date and get $30 eBay GC, I thought it's pretty good and because it is a GC you don't have any minimum spend.

Just make sure you confirm cancel (Maybe twice) until you get to select a reason then one more time you should have a pop up window!

T&C from the page:

These terms apply if you are an “Eligible Customer”
“Eligible Customers” means eBay Plus members who:
Have selected “Keep my Benefits and Receive a $30 Gift Card” within the eBay Plus cancellation flow, and
Have moved from an eBay Plus free trial into a paid membership, OR
Have renewed and paid for their eBay Plus membership for an additional year
(“Digital Gift Card Qualifying Conditions”)

If you satisfy the Digital Gift Card Qualifying Conditions, you will receive a $30 eBay Digital Gift Card (“the Promotion”).
The $30 eBay Digital Gift Card will be sent to your registered email address on your eBay account within 10 days of payment of the annual Plus membership fee
eBay Plus members can only redeem this Promotion one (1) time annually.
For the avoidance of doubt, if you click “Keep my benefits and receive a $30 gift card” but do not continue to pay the eBay Plus annual fee, you will not be eligible to receive the eBay Digital Gift Card.
The Digital Gift Card will be subject to eBay’s standard gift card terms and conditions.
If there is a conflict between eBay’s standard gift card terms and conditions and these terms, the terms of this Promotion will prevail.
The Digital Gift Card is only redeemable for items sold directly on eBay.com.au. To use the Digital Gift Card you must have an Australian registered eBay account and an Australian postal address. The Digital Gift Card is not refundable, redeemable for cash or reloadable. After first use, the Digital Gift Card is not transferable. The card expires 3 years after the date of issue.

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closed Comments

  • Presumably you still need to pay the $60 fee to renew?

    • Correct.

    • +4

      I think it’s $49 now. But I could be wrong

      • +1

        And… you might get $50 to spend for your $49, ie,
        if you aren't coming from a Free Trial period.

  • I got another offer when trying to cancel, “Renew for $29”. It is "six of one, half a dozen of the other".

  • +49

    Still not worth it - it's worth about $1 which is what I paid

  • +26

    Don't even know if Ebay plus is worth it anymore, looking to cancel mine for good. All them useless discount codes that require $100 minimum spend and most of the stuff listed don't even have ebay plus free shipping and if there is, its jacked up prior.

    • I use it almost exclusively for coles eBay.

      • Does it count towards the 4 weeks coles bonus points shopping??

        • +1


      • I find, that Coles' eBay products seem to have been selected
        to have either unduly high cost or rather low value for $$.

        Products I tend to buy from Coles almost never show up on
        the company's eBay site.

        (Like their Rewards system, that - unlike Woolies' - req's
        you to contact them (to swap 2,000 Rewards points for $$,
        that you can spend at Coles). The app may simplify that,
        but Woolies uses PRACTICAL WISDOM & assumes you'll want
        to spend each $10, soon after you earn it.

        Using one or both of them, you must spend $10 or more, ie,
        or LOSE what would have been your change, if you paid cash.)

        So, Coles seems "hungrier" configuring their Rewards scheme
        for Coles' benefit (eg, keeping any unused Reward points on,
        eg, a Tourist's Rewardscard, after they leave, even if they've
        bought items just before leaving AU.

        Woolies would have given you each full $10 you've earned,
        in that & all other cases, I think. Woolies seems to be
        more Generous…

        OTOH, Woolies can often have higher prices, so maybe it all
        balances out - more or less - in the end…?)

        • Coles has free delivery for just $49, gives permanent 5% off but sometimes 10, 15 and even 20% off. Plus my eBay gift cards from the UK days are still active.

          Rewards points are almost worthless either way in comparison.

    • +2

      The monthly $5 voucher seems dodgy, as you have to notice it in time & spend $50 to use it.
      Sometimes useful, too many times missed. It would help if they were issued on the same time of each month, so you could look & maybe use it then.

      • +1

        Zero value to me. A fake bonus. Does not work for private sellers. The Ebay plus sellers usually are in one of the 5/10/15/20% promotions anyway.

    • +1

      A lot of Ebay plus free shipping is restricted to capital cities too.

  • +8

    I don't think its worth $60, $50, $30 or $20
    I paid $1 for it and the only deal I got all year was $10 discount.
    Its only worth it for those people who plan to return items they just bought. I'm not in a habit of doing that because I only buy what I'm sure I want.

  • +4

    Nothing good since Christmas, won't renew

  • eligible items?

    • +4

      Goof point. eBay Plus seems more often to
      only give the impressions of generosity..

      In reality, there's a huge Maze blocking
      our paths to discounts.

      Maybe eBay "needs" a lot of folks DROPPING
      their Plus membership & making it clear,
      as they leave, that the value wasn't as
      good as they expected.

  • Keeping mine for the discount toilet paper!

    • Hmm

    • +2

      Good luck trying to find cheap toilet paper on eBay, let alone a single square

      • +1

        Oh but can’t you spare a square?

      • +1

        Amazon 45 roll is $20, buy two and get free delivery. Might not be cheap but at least you don’t have to bring out the spears and shields.

    • In the Olde country, we had Free Sears catalogs
      for that…

      Here, we have - what? - maybe printed Gov't reports ;~\

      • +2

        Yellow pages, let your fingers do the wiping…

  • +6

    Got my money's worth in the first year for $29.
    Now after paying $1 for this year, I feel I haven't got my value.
    Definitely not going to renew.

  • My membership finishes in November but i still got the offer. I won't receive the voucher for another few months, right?

  • Did anyone receive their gift card?
    Tried to cancel late last year but never received the gift card. Call eBay they said the terms and conditions point 4, you will get your card after you paid for your next renewal.

  • +1

    Am I going crazy or is there not a cancel button anywhere on the plus membership page? The dropdown menu only has view invoice and see terms and conditions https://imgur.com/a/aqZt668.

    • I feel like we cancelled already. I have the same options as you and it says that my membership will end 1 year after that when I started ebay plus. If you see this then I presume you cancelled like me already. Unsure how to join again.

      • CostCo used to let you Quit, right up to the day Before your membership ran-out, &
        Refund your membership fee, in full.

        (Do it too often, & you get "called-up" for doing so; especially, if you reJoin soon after quitting. I don't suppose many have more than 1 CostCo's located within convenient travel distance from your homes…? Even if you did, their system might well alert staff to the fact that you recently quit.)

        So, take a convincing story with your membership card, if you plan to exercise your right to quit.

        Another caution: CostCo membership is what keeps your long-Life Warranties alive; quit only after you've sold all the items, that "need" warranty cover to be economical to continue using…

        • They don't have lifetime warranties in Aus Costco anymore. Stopped quietly a few years ago.

  • +6

    eBay Plus is so useless, other than the free shipping on slected sellers and the returns, I really don't think it's of any value. Honestly the eBay Plus exclusive sales have been sub-par lately. The $5 a month is just a total limp way of giving back, might as well just spend the $50 on the membership somewhere else on something you really want, rather than waiting 12 months. In addition, Plus sellers still push their prices up before a sale, which eBay hasn't stopped. Lastly, eBay Plus premium customer service is basically pointless and really is no different to the regular customer service in my experience. Overall, eBay Plus is just a total waste of time imo.

  • +2

    I renewed a few months back for $1 but I have found that prices for the most part are inflated hence on all occasions have purchased from non Ebay stores. Prices have been better.
    I have purchased some items from ebay however made no difference having the PLUS account. I won't be renewing even for $1………ok, perhaps I might for $1 in case it helps with free shipping somewhere down the line?

  • +1

    Got the $30 but my next membership payment is 1 Sept 2020 so will need sometime to receive it.

    I will still continue to use eBay Plus anyway since I regularly buy parts from Computer Alliance with eBay discount, sometime 5%, sometime 10% if lucky 15% or 20%.

    • Mine is in like November. Does that mean I have to wait until then to renew to get the voucher? I would rather an option to pre-pay and get the voucher now.

      • I did it now but no voucher received

  • I think I signed up for some other bonus to make me stay and pay next years fee at renewal (maybe $20?) which I found out about here… I went in today and it let me cancel again and I got the $30 gift card offer. My membership ends in May 2020.

  • +3

    Last time got tricked for $1 eBay plus. No more plus and no more eBay haven't shopped for 1/2 year

    End up Paypal dispute as they charge me in full. Everything including banner and promote page and proceed page shown $1.

    Never forget them

  • +2

    I was offered $30 and still proceeded to cancel

  • +1

    All the good deals have dried up, not worth the price of admission anymore, even heavily discounted.

  • Signed up for $29 with a $50 gift card. Got charged $49 and no gift card. Customer service didn’t believe me. So I had to go through browser cache with screen shots to prove it. So remember to take screen shots.

  • My renewal is up in a few weeks and I was planning on renewing anyway. This is more of a reason to continue using it.

  • Still not worth it at a cost of $19 if you actually get the gift card. Which seems like a hassle based on previous comments on deals.

  • Still waiting on my gift card from when I renewed it last year

  • On a more positive note, for my $49 membership fee I have received 2x $50 eBay GC plus incentive to spend $10+ for 4 weeks to receive another $50 voucher.

    eBay for me is mainly occassional very cheap Chinese products.

    Definitely wouldn't pay $49 for it though.

  • +1

    Dude you're a legend. eBay Plus is worth is for me because of the free delivery. I would have saved more had I joined earlier. Anyway I got the $30 voucher. Gonna go use it now haha :)

    Edit: Nvm, realised you had to wait for renewal. Got too excited.

  • I was buying this EFM Trek USB 8000mAh Power Bank Portable Travel Battery Charger for Phone Blue for $19 - be quick


    at the check out eBay gave me the option to sign up to Ebay plus & if I did, they would take $20 off the price of this item!!!

    Mod: Removed image*

  • (edit) Hopefully you don't see this post twice. The above post should be removed by now as it has a wrong link & I can't edit it now,
    so please read this post instead. Thank you for your time & have a lovely weekend :)

    I was buying this EFM Trek USB 8000mAh Power Bank Portable Travel Battery Charger for Phone Blue for $19 - be quick


    at the check out eBay gave me the option to sign up to Ebay plus & if I did, they would take $20 off the price of this item!!!


    so you would get an 8000mAh power bank for free plus they will also give you a dollar, what an offer - sale ends soon - must be quick - WE ARE CRAZY

    • Umm, did you forget that you still have to pay $49 membership fee as well? Personally I'd rather sign up the offer that gives the $50 gift voucher, then use the voucher to buy your item(s). That's when you actually get $1.

      • You are just being too logical,
        I was looking at in a nonsensical way

  • +2

    So not happy with eBay Plus…
    So different from Amazon Prime.
    Bad news is they just took my money upon "renewal", and said that I didnt disable it.
    But I remember chatting with them last year and thought it's been disabled.
    Notwithstanding that, shouldnt they send out a Subscription Renewal Notice or semething?
    Everyone else is doing that including Squarespace.

    Literally unable to use it for anything!
    Emailed them and was told flat out no cancellation now, no pro-rata.
    Terrible terrible business tactic!

    • Thanks reminded me to check that I had cancelled and kept a screen shot.

  • Merged from $30 eBay Gift Card for Renewing eBay Plus Membership @ eBay
    Go to Deal

    Was attempting to cancel my eBay Plus membership but was prompt with an $30 eBay Digital gift card if i stay and continue my membership beyond the end date. Not sure of this is a deal but a $19 /year Membership fees is pretty good.

    FYI: Please be sure to take a screen shot of the offer as some are reporting undelivered eGift card upon membership renewal.

    • +7

      I got this offer also - they never sent me the $30 voucher.

      • +16

        Sounds about right.

        Then spend 1 hour arguing on chat…

        eBay Plus is a scam.

        • +1

          Yep, I was meant to get $50 last year and never got it.

          • @C0mbat: Tell Livechat! They ended up giving me 2 $50cods (not on purpose) they processed it twice but I didn't complain

      • Mine arrived via email 1 day after my membership was renewed.

      • Got this offer last year when mine was running out, had to contact them multiple times

      • Just got my $30 gift card last week.

      • thats because you get it after you renew…its smart business, otherwise theres no incentive to go on another year

        • Well, they could offer a decent service as an incentive to go another year? Crazy idea I know.

          • @PainToad: but if they were already offering a decent service, technically the subscriber would not choose to cancel their sub which is where you find the $30GC…crazy concept i know.

      • I have an update. They sent me the voucher today. I didn't contact them, but clearly they aware of something…somehow…

    • +17

      Old news they been offering me for a while. Still cancelled. Ebay plus is not much value anymore. No good discounts. Prices are high for same items so no point

      • +3


      • +18

        Not to mention regular ebay sellers who claim items located in Australia but send it from China.

        Lotta dishonest sellers who just love money, and eBay know it and turn blind eyes on our report/complain. Amazon is much better, at least for now.

        • +1

          In saying that though, I purposedly bought an item because it was listed as 'eBay Plus' as I knew I could get free returns in case the item didn't fit. Sure enough, it didn't fit and I requested for a paid postage form so I could return the item. I was unable to get one because their address was listed in China so I talked to eBay Plus chat to help sort me out. Long story short, they asked the seller to provide an Australian address (which they couldn't), so I ended up getting a full refund and didn't have to return the item.

      • 100%

    • +6

      I'd suggest cancel it unless you need eBay Plus for a deal. Sooner or later, they will offer you $50 voucher to join again. Effectively instead of paying, you are being paid $1 for EBay Plus!

      • +2

        If you receive the voucher …

        • +1

          I received it no worries. It is great value when being paid $1 to subscribe. Even if it cost $1, I'd still do it. I have more than tripled that in savings so far.

          • +1

            @dmbminaret: I’ve only saved $1.50 so far this year.

            • @jv: What you going to buy with the saved money jv?

              • @PainToad:

                What you going to buy with the saved money jv?

                In this climate, gold bullion.

    • You've already accepted the offer

      Under term n condition
      5. eBay Plus members can only redeem this Promotion one (1) time annually.

    • +4

      Be smart and cancel your ebay plus membership as soon as possible. They'll offer us 99c yearly membership later.

    • +3

      Plus they got rid of the "premium" telephone customer service for ebay plus (not that it was that great anyway).

      Now it's chatbots on their own in the general queue with long waits.

    • +3

      "The $30 eBay Digital Gift Card will be sent to your registered email address on your eBay account within 10 days of payment of the annual Plus membership fee"

      To people saying they haven't received it yet, it is 10 days after you renew, so if you go to cancel it now but your membership is valid until 10th December, you won't get the $30 gc until 20th Dec, not 10 days from now

    • +6

      I've had eBay plus for almost 6 months and I have seen no real value. The amount of free shipping deals on Amazon highly surpasses eBay by a mile. Maybe my ignorance, but I wouldn't pay a dime for the service.

    • +3

      I personally find this deceptive by eBay. It’s not a gift card, it’s a coupon. The difference being you can’t stack coupons.

      So when there’s actually something worth buying on eBay, there’s generally no point using the “gift card” because there’s some other coupon available. And when there’s not, the eBay prices aren’t anything special, even with the “gift card” discount.

      • It is a 13 digitals gift card. I have received twice.

        • It’s a coupon which can’t be used with other coupons. It would be like buying a gift card at JBs and then being told you can only use it when paying RRP, not on specials.

    • +1

      I completely stop buying from Ebay and switched to Amazon since while ago

      • +4

        Agreed. I'll happy pay a bit more on Amazon for their fast and reliable service. Compared to eBay where something supposedly coming from Australia ends up being delivered from China, weeks past the "estimated" delivery date.

    • +1

      I have ebay plus when the 49 dollar gift card promotion was running. I am about 9 months into the membership now, found no real value yet being a member. Even for the gift card i had to really try hard to use it on ebay since more often than not prices were cheaper elsewhere.

    • I recently took up the free month trial with $20 voucher. Had something to buy and voucher was valid for any purchase.
      After a week or so, I got another $20 voucher. I assumed it was with conditions on eBay plus items (which are a waste of time). I was surprised when items were showing up as $0.00 (show me how link)

      I jut bought a few low value items and the $20 discount was applied to the total order. Result - a bunch of stuff I needed for free!

      I was tempted to take the $30 voucher above to renew on the basis of getting these vouchers, but looks like that won't happen. I guess they are making it look attractive to get me to sign up.

      At the moment will still be cancelling - I assume the offers to sign up will keep coming. As somebody said, OK if you have something you need

    • +1

      Not gonna neg the post Op but as others uave pointed out, ebay plus has become an absolute joke compared to amazons offering. Especially since

      ' the offered code cannot be stacked

      'neither cashrewards or shopback actively do cashback anymore on ebay

      'ebay plus exclusive sales are subject to price jacks or exclude a lot of sellers (eg binglee).

    • I have made good use of eBay Plus, after getting membership for $1, due to Coles but cancelled before the lock up. Is there a way to uncancell and possibly get this offer?

    • Got rid of ebay plus and stuck with Amazon prime. Much more value tbh. The sales on eBay plus is a joke.

      Eligible items (ie, limited items)
      Price jacking
      Huge sale on just 50 units of high demand products.

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