This was posted 5 years 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Emporia 3 Ply Toilet Tissue 48Pk $14.99 @ ALDI Special Buys


With an ultra soft and silky feel, this embossed toilet paper feels like you're wiping with a cloud. It has a three-ply design, and is unscented for delicate skin. And with 48 rolls per pack, you won't have to worry about the dreaded empty toilet roll holder for quite some time!

17c per 100 sheets/31c per roll

60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee😀

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closed Comments

  • I already bought some of this from my local Aldi today. Seems they put it out early.

    • They probably ran out of the other stock. At the reduced price?

    • +1

      The same question: at the reduced price and 48 rolls?

      • +3

        Yes for $14.99 there was heaps we bought one and went back about a half hour later and there were only two left.

        • Wow, I reckon ALDI had to move the stock days ahead. But I've never seen that chance in my local stores, unlucky

  • +39


    • +1

      When I was a kid, there were rolls as far as you could see. Now..nothing..

  • +9

    Get in quick, the toilet paper isle at my local Woolies has been empty this week.

    • +12

      Woolies have from today introduced limits of 4 per person

      • +15

        which means absolutely nothing to Daigou

        • +16

          There's absolutely no reason to ship toilet paper back to China though

          • @FutureTech: But i’ve seen them rolling shopping carts full of tp at my local shopping centre. This was few days ago before it all went oos by now.

            • +9

              @kaleidoscope: They would just sit in someone's basement. Sending something fluffy like toilet paper overseas is very uneconomical (that's why most toilet paper here is made in Australia) not to mention there is absolutely zero incentive to do so

              • +1

                @FutureTech: I really hope it does end up in their basements.

                Economical or not isn’t really a concern when it comes to a mass panic situation though specially if there is a demand where supply can’t be met with and people would pay top dollar.

          • +2

            @FutureTech: Indeed. Maybe HK or Japan. I'm reading there are shortage in some places there now. But china mainland is pretty stocked with tp.

        • +1

          Seeing how most of the people who zero tp around my area were Caucasian, looks like a real case of Australian 'if you can't beat them.. Join them'.

      • Time to bring the whole extended family to Woolies.

      • it says 2 per person in our stores. But they're still empty.

        • Should make it one to minimise panic buying. The smallest pack contains 6 rolls…


    • +7
      • +7

        I feel you of all people would need it.

      • they even cleared out the terrible and expensive recycled rolls (sold in single rolls).

    • Check out Hong Kong now they have more toilet paper than you can buy now.

    • My local ALDI and Woolies had none left today and what's more, the paper kitchen towels were flying off the shelves too. I'm guessing the kitchen towels are for when the toilet paper runs out (or when they get the trots, for that extra absorption)

      • Not a good idea to flush paper towels down your toilet - not unless you like a friendly visit and scolding from your plumber after it clogs your pipes.

        • Maybe they shouldn't flush the used paper or paper towels down the pan but should instead keep it and use it when, after the apocalypse, there's no gas or electricity and they can use it to keep warm and heat up their cans of baked beans. ;-) /s

      • At Woolies yesterday, no toilet paper, no tissue boxes, no napkins, no paper towels, all missing in action. Forgot to mention, long-life milk, none left whatsoever.

  • +21

    grabs popcorn
    prepares for influx of amusing comments

  • +5

    Toilet paper companies will be loving it.

    • +31

      Would they though? I mean, you're not exactly going to be wiping your butt a whole lot more, so these companies will be forced to produce a ton of extra stock, then end up in a massive lull after people have stocked up for no reason.

      They could bump up prices because of the extra demand, but most of those profits will go to the supermarkets.

      • +7

        yeah agreed - sales now, then shortages later.

        They'll need to amp up production, increase labour hours, for a slowdown of sales down the track which will either mean casual staff will see less hours later, or company will pay wages for reduced workload.

        Economics principles suggest a dollar today is better than a dollar tomorrow… in this case i'm not sure it will work in their favour - rather Colesworth will be forcing the companies to produce today to meet demand or face being pulled from the shelves permanently.

        Honestly, pretty sh!tty situation for them.

        • +2

          lol colesworth

        • +5

          I use more paper when there is more paper.

      • yea they'll end up like video card manufacturers during btc boom. the middleman gets all the profit, not them.

      • Maybe,.or maybe people will hold more stock than normal for while.
        Production could also be impacted, if it spreads. Might be unlikely but, who would thought a month afo you couldn't get toilet paper, sanitiser, rice, flour at your local supermarket
        People will certainly be using more cleaning products and hand sanitiser than usual

  • +1

    went to woolies yesterday night saw the whole aisle was empty.

    • Sounds like wild night out.

  • +1

    Much cheaper than the one for $24,000 on

    • +21

      What a print subscription to the Herald Sum is now $24k?

  • +34

    This should protect me from corona virus. Thanks OP.

  • +17

    Will the end of the world mean no toilet paper; or will no toilet paper mean the end of the world?

    • asking the big questions

    • pretty much a catch 22

    • +2

      People are fighting over toilet paper, imagine what they would do to each other for food shortage.

  • Lots of shit everywhere ;)

  • Good price - Quilton used to be at this price, now costs more…

  • My reserves are getting a little low and this is an insane price!

  • +2

    i see that even photos of toilet paper are getting rare and can't be linked…. what's the world coming to

  • +11

    60 day satisfaction guarantee. Sold.

    Try and worst case I return ;)

    • -3

      They will only accept the unused ones. I doubt you can return the used toilet paper to store ;)

      • +16

        I've returned used product before, no questions asked is their policy. I expect NO QUESTIONS!

        • Yep, take out 47 rolls and go back with one roll and return for full refund.

  • to the doomsdayers out there… im sorry you will have to wait longer as i was able to get 1 family sized pack from woollies this morn so end of world is another week away when my family cant wipe our butts…

  • -1

    This price is the shits..

  • -1

    Just when the weather turns shitty, then this come along..

  • +1

    This is the result of everyone literally losing their $hit

  • So all the horders who were preparing for the zombie apocalypse are now sitting pretty, smug,

    • *hoarders

    • +4

      *shitting pretty

    • I started my hoarding with the North Korea nuke situation. Shitting very pretty.

  • Thank you Aldi, our people will be happy, they're obsessed with bum papers lately.

  • Good for wiping the shit-eating grins off your enemies faces…

    • +1


  • +1

    TP is the new BC

    • or the new Eneloop

  • +6

    Good timing. Running low.
    Image of wife in our garage with what remains of our stock. :(

  • What's availability like? Fairly shit?

  • +4

    In an apocalyptic post covid-19 future, toilet paper replaces eneloops as the new universal currency

  • +8

    Grandpa, where were you during the great plague of 2020?

    They were dark days, Jimmy. I remember like it was yesterday, I was on the internet, commoditising toilet paper.

  • Are there any rubber stoppers on sale too? Just in case these are sold out before I get there

  • +9

    What's relationship between covid-19 and toilet papers? I'm confused why people keep buying them….

    • +1

      Probably more to do with preppers collecting things for their homes in case they prefer to be confined. People are just panicing over lock-downs since it happened overseas. Also things like rice, pasta and canned foods are sold out in many places. Crazy but this is what happens when the community panics and I guess they have a right to be prepared.

      Also a lot of our supplies are from China and that country has come to a halt in some aspect.

      • those lock downs in Wuhan did not prevent you from going to the supermarkets. Government also ensured supermarket remained well stocked and no price gouging was allowed.

        China handled the situation better than we have. And they're the ones actually facing a real crisis unlike the preppers who are nowhere close to that situation.

    • +6

      Idiots. There are always idiots unfortunately for

    • if you have to be quarantined due to covid-19, you won't be able to go out and buy things. having toilet paper stocked up, you have a piece of mind your bum is being taken care of, and you can sell the toilet papers for profit so you can put the food on the table for your family.

      if you know how to order online, ignore above and get more popcorn

      • you can sell the toilet papers for profit

        Get out of house and visit Aust Post to ships the mention TP. Profit.

        • they go for a grand a roll mate, call startrack to pick it up.

      • if you know how to order online, ignore above and get more popcorn

        Have you seen how expensive online toilet paper has gotten?

        • Price is looking good, I will start selling my stock soon.

  • +2

    Came in for Coronavirus comments…leaving satisfied

    • +1

      …stayed for the toilet humour

  • +3

    People are already trying to resell and make a profit on ebay:…

    • +6

      I love how the seller holds the the paper by hand which means it's already contaminated from handling. :P

    • +1

      thanks for posting the link. Purchased 24. LOVE that free postage!

  • +2

    'A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.' - Jay, Men in Black.

  • +1

    At this difficult time period, I'm starting to manage my bowel movements. At the moment now I'm only going once every 2 days, trying to achieve once every 3 days.

    • When you need to go you need to go.. 5 times a day for me.

    • Just use your hands my friend. Do it the caveman style.

    • +2

      Save money by using the 3 sea shells method.

  • Can't wait to see people doing this once all the toilet paper is run out.…

  • +2

    The pandemonium during Aldi's ski sales will be nothing compared to this.

    • +1

      just happened to be in Aldi today when they brought a couple of new pallets of toilet paper into the store. eight or so customers surrounding the staff member who hadn't yet got the pallet jack out of the new pallet yet. "two packs per person." "This is all we have" "do you have….?" "THIS IS ALL WE HAVE!"

  • +3

    I'm shitting myself over this deal

  • +2

    With an ultra soft and silky feel, this embossed toilet paper feels like you're wiping with a cloud.

    With ultra-hyperbolic and flowery language, advertising slogans like this make you feel like you're drowning in a sea of shit.

  • When you need toilet paper all gone at woolies…😂

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