In The Event of a Lock Down

Has anyone thought about what activities to do at home in the event of a lockdown? singles, couples, families. Perhaps would be useful to share our ideas on here. I saw a post of a man in china sitting by his bath tub fishing lol

Re-painting our house
Baking bread since no fresh bread

I’m assuming lock down means everyone stays at home hence no one working and nothing is open except essential services like hospitals, pharmacies and GPs.


  • +2

    Tomorrow I am going to buy enough Viagra for 1 month, just in case we are going into lockdown.

  • +4

    Gamers be like "There's a lockdown?"

  • Hibernate til it all blows over.

  • +1

    Not sure, but it will definitely involve toilet paper.

  • +1

    Parents will try to catch up on sleep…then realize their children are locked in with them, and fail miserably.

    • "Let's play a game, called 'who can sleep the longest'".

  • +3

    Will online game servers be able to handle world wide lockdowns with a huge spike in gamers?

  • I have 20+ PS4 games still sealed that need playing.

    Dust of my archery gear and start practising again.

  • +2

    Would be a good excuse to be able to sit down and get some good gaming time in.

  • play ps4, stare at a wall, who cares..

  • My lifestyle wouldnt change, I prefer to spend time at home anyway. I have a huge backlog of movies that I want to watch, as well as that steam collection… Should keep me busy.

  • +6

    uh I've got like a thousand video games I'd play. I'd love a lockdown.

    I'd rather be home than out anyway, what sort of boring people don't have hobbies?

    Read thousands of books, watch thousands of movies, tv shows, learn a language, craft, do art, learn music, there's thousands of creative things you could do.

    I swear some people must lead the most boring lives, I've said to people I'd love to retire tomorrow and never work again, and I cannot believe it when people respond with:

    "What would you do if you didn't work? You'd be so bored!"

    I'm like, WTF, how boring is your life that you can't think of anything to do other than work? I could think of a million hobbies and projects I'd love to do but don't have the time for. I could fill 1000 years with my interests.

  • +6

    What I Plan to do:
    Catch up on the backlog of PS4 Games
    Catch up on Netflix
    Learn another language (Spanish, French)
    Finally editing my GoPro Footage
    Spending some "quality time" with the spouse

    What will actually happen:
    work from home
    Watching Baby Shark videos all day with the kid
    Watching conspiracy theory videos
    Being paranoid
    call/text friends and make them paranoid
    Searching for toilet paper online
    Go on Ozbargain and complain

    • in the event of a lockdown, no one will be operating the power plants. So no PS4, no netflix, no gopro. Unless you have off-grid solar.

      • No?

      • So I'll just be paranoid then

        • that always works.

  • Dota and dead by daylight.

  • coom nonstop

  • +1

    as long as the internet isn't shut off, I have enough to keep me going in perpetuity.

    But let's not overreact guys. We're not going to go into lockdown.

    Experts say covid-19 may just become a virus we have to live with, like another strain of flu that will continue mutating every year. You'll get an annual covid vaccination and just go about your business since most people don't die to it. There are already two separate strains of covid19 in China, one more serious than the other.

    This is far more likely than a scenario where the whole country goes into lockdown until the virus is eradicated, which might never happen. If people aren't able to go to work, the country will effectively cease to function. You will not get any groceries and will starve to death once all your food supplies are depleted, unless you grow your own food.

    • who are you with your cool calm collected hypothesis. you need to warn people that they WILL die from this ONE strange thing and buying excess amounts of TP is the only way to salvation.

  • +1

    can finally catch up on sleep

  • Practice your hardcore punk two-step dance

  • Do you get paid if there's some sort of lockdown and you're not allowed to go to work? What if your work is not allowed to operate?

    • unlikely unless you have annual leave

  • +2

    Looting, witchcraft ,human sacrifice and cannibalism

  • If it gets to a point where quarantine lockdowns are required, quarantine lockdowns won't do jack diddly squat. It would need to be enforced with more people than Australia has available, and we have too many people who would ignore it if it wasn't enforced physically.

    The only way it would be useful is if a reverse approach was used, locking up those at risk like the elderly and such in quarantine camps until it dies down in the main populace.

    Last I checked the mortality rate for my age group was 0.2%, and that is without excluding anyone who died due to some other condition weakening their immune system. It would be ludicrous to shut the country's economy down for something like that - more would die from the impacts of a crashing economy than they would from the disease.

    Anyone telling you that sort of thing is likely is either an idiot or a fear-monger.

    • If it gets to a point where quarantine lockdowns are required, quarantine lockdowns won't do jack diddly squat.

      What we have as a case study is China. They locked down over 700 million people. Did it work? Their new infections rate is in decline. Clearly it is working. A virologist estimated that had they not acted when they did, the number of infections outside of China would be 85% higher than it is right now.

      The only way it would be useful is if a reverse approach was used, locking up those at risk like the elderly and such in quarantine camps until it dies down in the main populace.

      It would never die down. It would just keep spreading back and forth. Without a nationwide quarantine, nothing stops healthy people from spreading it to each other in perpetuity. It would be quicker to just wait for a vaccine than for a virus to die out in a non-quarantined populace.

      Last I checked the mortality rate for my age group was 0.2%, and that is without excluding anyone who died due to some other condition weakening their immune system.

      Your mortality rate is low, but you can still spread it to people who are at a higher risk.

      It would be ludicrous to shut the country's economy down for something like that - more would die from the impacts of a crashing economy than they would from the disease.

      Well, I agree with this much. It would never happen. The only countries with the authority to pull off a mass quarantine are China, Russia and N Korea, and some gulf states.

  • If you get locked down you can do what this guy did and find a concert to go to LINK

    • That's a prime example of why self quarantine is such a stupid idea. People who test positive should be in hospital under observation and care. Then once they're all clear allowed to leave. It baffles me why they're allowed to self isolate themselves when it's so hard to control.

      • they don't have enough beds for that.

        Imagine if we get thousands of cases like Korea and Italy. We wouldn't be able to handle the load.

  • I have about 80 games in my Steam library that are untouched and not installed. I think I'll be fine. The only issue is my wife will be fighting me for the beast pc because she wants to play her games and I have my own.

  • Online shopping and finding good deals is a job that can be done at home

  • Not sure why you think that things like bread will cease to exist.

    The point of a 'lockdown' is to stop large public gatherings where an outbreak can easily spread to large groups of people. A suburban Brumbies is not an international conference, or a concert, or a night club.

    I would be more concerned about necessities that have to come from overseas. eg: Pretty much all the medication you take which is probably made in either Puerto Rico or China.

  • Animal crossing new horizons.

  • Is it possible to consume all the content of Pronhub in 2 weeks?

    I mean, is it possible to finish notpron (dw, it's 100% SFW) in 2 weeks?

  • Won't be an issue for me because I'm generally playing video games and watching movies any way.

  • people are saying here in the gold coast that the whole town is preparing for a 2wk+2wk full-on lockdown, does that make any sense?

    didn't really want to go to coles and buy all the stuff for 2 weeks

  • Renovating a mate's house. Not sure how that would work though. He lives 2 blocks away. So might have to move in with him…

  • When I first made this post I honestly thought we would already be in a full fledge entire country strict lockdown by now inc supermarkets! or similar to china where by one person from each house hold can come out every 2 days to buy groceries. I believe at the peak of Wuhan even that was not allowed.

    It would be over in another 2-4 weeks and we would implement strict measures to prevent a 2nd wave! china has successfully eradicated the virus and they know how to win the war if there was a round 2 because they squash it quickly.

    It’s devastating the situation this country is in now. People do not take the leaders seriously because msgs not uniformed, keeps changing daily, contradicting and so forth. If they can’t take the gov seriously then ckearly they r not going to follow the measures.

    I have been on the frontline since the outbreak so I have always taken it seriously since CNY. It has made our job that much more difficult. Why can’t ppl all just stay at home?! health workers will fight the virus for you. Risk our lives for you. Please help us by staying at home.

    Most ppl should not be out, infection control is non existent! ppl not wearing masks, washing hair, body n clothes as soon as arrive hime, wipe phones n car keys etc

  • Houseparty app - can talk to friends & family

  • This post is almost a mth old. So relevant now but some ppl here dissed the idea.

    Good job we pre- bought diy stuff and home school. Everything that happened during the lockdown in China is replicating here. I thought it would only be 2mths max though but seems this will last a lot longer.

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