FYI there’s a FFVII Remake demo on PS Store RIGHT NOW 😍
An exclusive theme will be available to download from 10/04/2020 if you download the demo before 11/05/2020.
FYI there’s a FFVII Remake demo on PS Store RIGHT NOW 😍
An exclusive theme will be available to download from 10/04/2020 if you download the demo before 11/05/2020.
the game is PS4 exclusive for a year… then Xbox and PC versions will come, demo is obviously ps4 only due to this
The game is exclusive for 12 months from release date.
Bummer :(
You lost. Pay up.
A FREE demo?! WOW!!!!!!
Ppl post free chips demos at train stations…
A digital one now, no more having to buy the gaming magazines to get the disc 😅
No, but the limited time exclusive theme is a bargain.
Nobody reads the forums
There's a forum?
Yeah cool FF7 but is a demo really a deal though?
man console sucks, can't wait to get the game on my pc.. oh wait!
So many PC enthusiasts here…. Wait they can't play persona 5 royal or FFVII remake. Literally the best games past decade.
@neonlight: FFVII-Remake will release on PC - no doubt about that.
The market is too big for them to ignore it. (and based off previous releases, where they eventually hit the PC).
The theme might be.
Exclusive theme!! And thanks for the update on demo.
I mainly play Xbox, I guess I should turn my PS4 on after over a year or so since I've last used it. Maybe this will motivate me to pickup Spider man too.
Is there an actual confirmation it'll be on Xbox, or do we only know it's exclusive to PS4 for a year, but not what other platforms are?
I think it's a year like everyone else, but I've seen nothing official. You'd be bummed if it came to PC or something in a year but not Xbox at all though.
Spider-Man is worth it if you like Spidey games, but I mean, Spider-Man 2 2004 is still there.
it's coming to Xbox. The Xbox store leaked it accidentally half a year ago before it was even revealed to release on other platforms.
You've got so many games to play with the PS4. FF7, Spiderman, God of War, The Last of Us 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn. The list goes on. Do yourself a favor and get a PS4 Pro.
You're missing out by playing on the Xbox. PS4 has all the multiplatform titles that XBOX has but also has a ton of awesome exclusive games, much bigger selection on there.
Knowing Square Enix always delay. No one knows if the full game will be out
The director said moments ago that it was finished. No more delays
The whole episodic? or just this 1st episode of what is titled midgar?
It's already been delayed. No more after that. It is coming out and when it does, a lot of sickies will be called.
[PS4] Free Final Fantasy VII Theme When You Download The Demo Before May 10th @ PSN
You can't play as Red XIII, guys. Don't support this shit they're trying to rebadge as FFVII.
can't play as Yuffie, Vincent, Cait or Cid either.
Why did they even bother.
wow. tough crowd.
Anyone got there theme yet?
Now just gotta wait for a PS4 deal to show up here……
Just finished the demo. Pretty cool. The battle system is chaotic. I wish there was an option for turn based combat with isometric views or something. Would be heaps more satisfying. The environments lack the atmosphere of the old pre-rendered backgrounds. Can always play the original i guess.
Exactly what I was thinking and chaotic is the word but to be honest I haven’t played a JRPG or even RPG since the original.
I’m hoping the remake isn’t ruined
Yeah… I absolutely love the original, one of my favourite games of all time. But I'm not really getting very excited for this remake. I loved the turn-based combat from the original PS1 version, so not really happy about them ditching that. And really not keen on this episodic structure they're going with - apparently the first episode set in Midgar is roughly the same length as the entire original game. So it sounds like there's padding going on here on a scale not seen since the Hobbit movies. The game was long enough already, it doesn't need to get stretched out like this.
I'll give the demo a shot, but if I want to play it again then I think I'll just go back to the original version.
yeah hope its not just going to be a hack and slash (mash buttons) type of game…. I did play it last night and found after the boss battle those guys with the sword arms crazy hard, then Barret died on me and I couldn't get to kill the turrents.. he eventually came back with 1hp so got through it…
It is definitely not a hack & slash. You need to adapt to the enemies, their movements, and the environment as well. In the sequence you played where Barrett died, you probably didn't heal early enough. You need one ATB bar to use an action/spell/item. Spamming the "square" button will get you nowhere.
there will be a "classic" mode that will play exactly in the original turn-based style.
there will be a "classic" mode that will play exactly in the original turn-based style.
No it won't. All it does is control the auto attacks for you, and you act when the ATB gauge is full to issue special commands. It's still the same battle system but they automated some things for you.
@lostn: Well that’s something at least… I found myself so distracted by having to run around in circles and block and dodge and slash, that I would end up with full ATB bars and low health. At least if it’s automating the blocking and attacking, you can focus on your battle strategy.
I also can’t stand the constant random grunting in the voice acting. Seems to be a Japanese thing cos it’s in all JRPGs and anime. Gonna try giving the demo a second playthrough with the voice volume turned OFF and the semi-auto battle system.
No. It just sets your characters to auto-attack until their ATB gauges are full, and it sets the combat difficulty to "easy".
Midgar was 10% of the original game, and now padded into a full game. Makes you wonder how many episodes it will take to do the rest of the game? 10? Or will the future episodes be a lot shorter?
Developer said it is a full length Final Fantasy game. In this demo alone they made changes to the storyline already. In the original there was no cutscene about the Shinra president. Lots of chatter with other NPCs as well.
My God so many x-bot fangirls here!!! Should've done your homework before buying that corrupt corp (m$) useless-Box!!!
PS4 + Switch = best and only combo for true gamers!!
Thanks OP for the head up.
Happy gaming to all true gamers!
Lol I see what you did there
Ruffled 5 feathers now, not bad for couple hours since I post it! ;-)
Amazon reduced the price for the game preorder to $70 yesterday ($75 without Prime)
I wonder why
To drum up sales, I’d bet. Nefarious jerks, that they are!
Not seeing it $70…. Price gone up again?
Seems the $5 promo credit for orders such as preorders has expired recently.
What happens if you download on your mobile phone? Will it show on my ps4 when I get home?
If your PS4 is set to do auto-downloads (which I think requires PS+?) then if you "buy" it (ie free demo, so $0) on the PS Store from your phone then select "Download to my PS4", it will download right away, so should be on there when you get home.
Standard feature. Doesn’t require PS+, which is nice.
Once you "buy" in and go through checkout, go to your account avatar up the top right then select Download List. Then click the Download to Console button under it. It'll get pushed to your console.
you will see it under library and you can download it no need to go to PS Store.
I don't do auto downloads
Wow…cloud actually looks around, ….the eyes actually moves, blinks and he makes different poses at stand stills.
The tactical mode is really awesome in slow mo.
Ahhhh what a nice comeback to memory lane.
A must get demo!
To everyone freaking out over them "ditching" the turn based gameplay, they aren't… there will be a "classic" mode where you will be able to play it in turn based style exactly like the original.
tbh, the slowness of turn based gameplay has always been my biggest turnoff for these games, and not saying its perfect but i immediately found the real-time system way more fun for how i like to play… looking forward to finally playing this one in the series.
Square enix tried to cater to people like you, and we got ff13…
dont blame me for shit… i stopped playing these games before that one. i just come from the era of fast paced games.
Interesting attitude. Do as before and don't try and innovate.
it's clear that they've explored every possible room for innovation for this remake:
And people who attack 13's combat forget that 12 actually introduced the series to that style, and 15 also had an even more chaotic version of it. Innovation is important, otherwise you end up with companies like Disney doing straight remakes of every movie in their catalog and people actually watching them.
Very interesting conclusion. Don't know how you managed to jump to that
At the time the game was made, I recall coming across an interview where the game designer quite blatantly said they were trying to make the game more fast paced and appealing to the mainstream players that find CoD appealing (a very big game at the time). Definitely not something people who buy a final fantasy game want to hear.
What we got is a shallow and an unengaging battle system which incentives players to just set battles to auto. To add to that, they've turned 80% of the game into a very long corridor.
I have played 5 mainstream final fantasy games so far and I keep coming back to the series because of the great tactical gameplay with pretty good story/characters. Here, the gameplay aspect of it was heavily watered/dumbed down, with a pretty mediocre story, but enough to pull me through
@Butt Scratcher: I wasn't disagreeing that 13 had issues. I hated the auto battle command as well, though it's interesting that 13 gets criticised for its linearity and somehow 10 doesn't. 10 is by far the most linear of the bunch, imo, but I still love it. I also wouldn't put much weight into the staff's words, considering the Versus 13 fiasco.
My point was that SE had tried to innovate prior to 13 with a quicker combat system and it sort-of worked with 12, and they've expanded upon it well with 15 and now seemingly with the 7 remake. I don't think a quicker combat system automatically rules out the remake, especially considering how much attention they've paid to honouring the original whilst providing a fresh experience. At least, that's my take from the demo.
I don't think a graphical upgrade warrants a new remake release. It would instead be like the 10 remaster, which is excellent but had an appropriately quiet launch many years ago. If people want exactly the same experience or are consumed by their own nostalgia, just play the original games / watch the original movies and show, etc.
I wasn't disagreeing that 13 had issues.
I've just explained what I meant because you didn't seem to get what I meant, that's all. I definitely wasn't saying don't change anything…
that's not classic mode.
That just has the AI control your auto attacks for you to build up ATB meter. It is not turn based.
"Classic" is a difficulty level set to easy and have the computer play most of the game for you. It's for accessibility (e.g. people with one hand). It's not a simulation of ATB or turn based.
The "classic" mode is not great. Definitely doesn't make the game like before (turn-based). If you've played FFXV you'll feel at home with this style of gameplay. I'm just happy that I can get to see Cloud haul that big-a** sword of his.
This is basically like turn-based combat with a real time flavour, think Baldur's Gate. I love it!
FF7 is my all time and tbh I'm kinda on the fence about this one. It's too hack and slash can only imagine what it would look like when you start summoning. It does look amazing though and it feels fluid in a sense.
FF7 is one of my favorites too but the remake is all spectacle no substance. When you blow up a 5 hour chunk of gameplay into a full game it's just overindulgent. You're not going to get any variety of environment in your 50 hours. It's all going to be Midgar interiors and the slums for a whole game.
They're also calling it FF7 Remake. Not Remake Part 1. Just FF7 Remake. It's going to mislead a lot of casuals into thinking it's the full remake of the original, not knowing it's only the Midgar segment.
Try it out. Definitely NOT a hack & slash game. FFXV wasn't turn-based but wasn't a hack & slash either so..
I did… it was more or like spamming square for me really with the occasional items and spells. I liked it but that bummed me out a bit and plus Barrett was annoying as hell.
It is the first stage though. Enemies will get tougher as you go further. Barrett has always been like that since the original.
Apparently you can choose between real-time and turn based in the option!
Thanks to autolux for clarification
"To everyone freaking out over them "ditching" the turn based gameplay, they aren't… there will be a "classic" mode where you will be able to play it in turn based style exactly like the original."
lostn with the real clarification
That just has the AI control your auto attacks for you to build up ATB meter. It is not turn based.
"Classic" is a difficulty level set to easy and have the computer play most of the game for you. It's for accessibility (e.g. people with one hand). It's not a simulation of ATB or turn based.
Just played it last night, looks very solid!!! ah what a memory when I heard that opening music …got a bit of goosebumps as well XD
One thing that I didn't really enjoy was playing Barret though..I found it's really hard to control him and really hard to avoid the attack from enemies.
I recall hearing a rumor a while back that the game would be released in pieces, is that the case?
yes. But you wouldn't know from the title of the game. They've hidden the fact that it's only part 1.
Other episodic games will at least say Episode 1 at the end of the title.
Guess it's too hard to say:
Final Fantasy VII Remake: 10% of the original disc 1
The only reason there was multiple disc was the FMV sequences. The game itself fit on one disc.
Definitely not buying it until they release the whole thing in that case.
Square enix basically did that with Deus ex mankind divided, when people realised it for what it was sales went south and we're not getting another one for a while.
Which is a shame. Great game, but story wise, just as it started to go somewhere the game abruptly ends.
You'll be waiting a while then
Just had a chuckle when I remembered the original game was HUGE at 3 CDs, roughly 1.2gb (most of disk 2&3 were empty), then I saw this demo alone clocked in at nearly 8gb.
Definitely thankful for my 113mbps download speed compared to 1997’s 56kbps though.
The release game will be 2x full blurays@100+gb
So based on my calculations thts 6x full blurays for the completed game lol
Haha, and that’s not even factoring in the plethora of patches they will push out.
But you didn't have to download the game back then?
I wanna my ff13versus back FF15 is so crappy
I still wish we got Versus 13, but FF15 was a pretty fine game imo
Here's hoping the full game will be released just in time for me "accidentally" get the coronavirus.
Xbox version?