First deal post, hope this is right.
Just noticed this for free on the MS store. Not sure if its any good but apparently sells for $143.95..
First deal post, hope this is right.
Just noticed this for free on the MS store. Not sure if its any good but apparently sells for $143.95..
Too soon.
I'll upvote you.
He should have bought the terrain awareness and warning DLC.
came here looking for a Kobe joke. not disappointed.
holy shit
Love it. Well done.
looking at some of the RRP on the other junk thats free at the moment, i dont think this is probably any good haha! but hey free is free if it helps someone
Can't argue with free… but savings are more like $14.50 compared to Steam. Looks like 3 positive reviews out of a grand total of 11.
Looking at the graphics, it’s not worth that $143.95.
It's not worth $1.43
What are some other prices it's not worth?
Definitely not tree fiddy.
Humorously the filesize happens to be 140MB, making it roughly $1 per MB.
Maybe it was meant to be 14.95, but someone fat fingered an extra 3 in there.
That would be Scotty from marketing.
I’m not telling him again
graphics look like 2010
It reminds me of The Sims 2, and that was 2003. Remember, GTA IV was 2008.
Sorry - looking at the trailer it just looks awful.
no argument from me! I'd love to do an AMA on any one that paid full price for this
That's 3 minutes of my life I wont get back…
lucky you…i spent 10min
Almost like a trial game, you need to purchase the premium version to get the full game. graphics is bad unfortunately
Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher
It's not that bad, I played Gunship 2000 in 1991, and this looks like it has slightly better graphics.
For a game released in 2018.
How does this compare to Apache vs Havoc?
This deal got worse as I read each extra word. [Thanks for sharing though]
In comparison to FSX or FSX:SE or Xplane 11 this game looks like a toy.
While its always good to see free flight sim platforms this looks pretty cheese on toast, imo!
junk. wouldnt play this for 50 cents
installed it and then 10min later uninstalled it.
Looking forward to FS2020
Are you for real? $143.95? cam on look at it…..
I had more fun pressing the uninstall button and watching paint dry. Thanks for posting though.
They set stupid high prices and constantly put it on sale. Lot of people would install it during the sale period and inevitably enable the subscription. The devs see the cash rolling in. More of a spam than an actual product.
Oh no what am I doing with my life! Why did I need this? 😳
IF you want a realistic helicopter sim, purchase x-plane 11 and download some rotors. (it comes with a few though)
This product is a bit shit because it's so old, but MS Flight Sim 2020 looks amazing.
is there a refund policy for games purchased through the Microsoft store if you don't like it?
I hope they make DayZ Standalone 2.0 off this.
Better idea is just to get a helicopter on GTA 5 the graphics would be much better
Whhaaaat $140 and you still have to add a subscription to get the unlimited version WTF! What rubbish! This is a limited version with crap graphics and game play for $140..
When will they remake sim copter?
Judging by the upvotes, it looks like this deal is really taking off
Bit late for Kobe's pilot.