So the very popular Pixel 2xl deal is now 2 years old, and people would now be coming out of contract, so I am wondering what other people are going to do?
Due to Telstra's monumental incompetence, I ended up with my plan being $39pm for 20GB (wife ended up with $49pm but with a $240 credit at one stage). Both of these are still better than Telstra's current cheapest BYO offering.
Our phones are still working well, and we really need the Telstra network, so a very quick comparison has the $30/30GBpm with Woolworths looking pretty good. And then wait to see if another good plan/deal for a new phone comes about in the near future.
But I am interested to hear what other people are considering doing.
If your phones are still working well, just look for the best / most suited plan on the Telstra infrastructure.
We use Aldi, it works for us.