After an all in one desktop for mum. Web browsing, basic image processing and storing 86 million family photos. Budget of $1,000. Anywhere do better deals than JB Hi-Fi? Thanks! (I want to spend 1k to get the best possible option, not looking for cheaper options.)
$1000 All in One PC

Last edited 01/03/2020 - 11:21
Dell outlet could be good. Any newish computer will do what you need.
I had a good one for you but can only store 85,000,000 family photos.
If you have to spend ~$1000 on a new system, then consider:…
Personally I'd avoid any AIO with an AMD CPU or a mechanical HDD.
For e.g. the AMD process used in the system below is far slower than then 10th gen i3 used in the new Dell example above:……
If you can go for a techfast build and a monitor.
Techfast $720 + $175 kB/mouse/screen combo for $895:
Intel NUC and a monitor that supports VESA mounting on the back of it. Buy a wireless keyboard and mouse combination and you will still have a heap of spare change from $1000…
AIO (All-In-One) PC's are generally not worth it.
They have a mark up, so you have to pay more money for less value. Not to mention that they are harder to service, and can't be upgraded (generally). So it's really worth getting a separate monitor, and a separate PC. The only true reason for AIO PC is for the touchscreen.However, not all AOI's have a touchscreen, and to me a touchscreen feels a bit overrated. You can get touchscreen monitors, but they're sort of rare, aren't very good (Infrared-based instead of Capacitive) and come in small (mostly 23 inches) sizes. Not to mention, most monitors don't have a good hinge/base so that you can use them on an angle like an oversized tablet (drawing, Apps, navigation), then push them into a neutral position to use them as a regular monitor (gaming, video watching, work).
But yeah, OP's mum would probably be better served with a Used Monitor, Used Keyboard, Used Mouse, Used speakers… and something like those small Dell OptiPlex PC's for half his budget. If he's wanting something for longterm, he can get one of those TechFast Deals that pops up every couple of months, and throw in a Monitor which has built-in speakers (quite weak at 2x 2W). And that's the closest he'll come to an AIO PC, except he'll end up paying less money and still end up getting better specs.
Thanks all, appreciate the insight.
If you're getting an AIO, make sure it has an SSD.
With the exception of the Surfaces, none of the ones in JB do.