Hello, I am looking to purchase a Nest Hello - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/product/nest-hello - and was wondering whether my current wiring is suitable.
There's currently a standard doorbell with chime that is connected to an Arlec 5-16V transformer in the house switchboard. https://imgur.com/a/5Hvqz2r
Will this work with the Nest Hello?
I am currently using a 16VAC adapter for my Nest Hello and its working totally fine
Before using Nest Hello I was using Ring Doorbell v1 which requires a power resistor between Adapter and the doorbell
But for Nest Hello, that power resistor actually causes my New Hello to keep reset itself from time to time
By removing the resistor, it is very stable now and never have a issue of dropoff signals or reset
So in short, your 5-16V transformer should work with Nest Hello
just connect the 2 wires directly from the transformer to the doorbell and it will be powered