I am looking for something functional but not too expensive.
Can Anybody Recommend a Mini Vacuum for Cleaning Computers and Electronic Equipment?

Be careful using a vacuum, the rapid airflow creates friction which can cause dramas
Don't vacuum cleaners create static electricity which F up your electrical stuff? I've always just used my garden blower on medium speed.
Don't use a vacuum, use a can of compressed air. Vacuum causes static which can fry your computer. Take all your parts out and give a good clean with air. I used to have problem with dust build up also. You can get dust filters not too much that if u put on computer intake spots will help significantly. Other tips are raising computer off the ground and keeping area around PC dust free.
I bought a mini blower they can found cheap on Ebay i just got a cheapo one from Mitre10.
no idea i think this site made my virus scanner,avast , go ballistic till i cleared the browsing history.
This one looks very similar to my trusty Wertheim Colossus. Mine is extremely powerful & great for small spaces. What I like is the shoulder strap. I just toss it on and work using artists brushes to sweep out the dust. Be sure to clean the filter often to keep it in good condition. And no, vacuuming is NOT going to harm the computer if you're using either an anti-static wrist strap, or by maintaining physical contact with the metal of the case (desktop). Never had a problem in 20+ years.
Why not just use your existing vacuum cleaner?