I am looking for a multi USB charger with at least 6 ports. Have you any recommendations?
Looking for Multi USB Charger

Napisque on 26/02/2020 - 20:03
Thank you. It is listed in ebay as 29 + shipping. Would officeworks price match or is it okay to get from ebay?
I'm assuming you're referring to this eBay Listing
I don't think Officeworks will price-match an eBay listing, but YMMV.
Maybe check out the range of comsol USB chargers available at officeworks.
I've got one of the 6 port units (https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/comsol-6-p…) - I went with this as it has 2.4 A max output for each USB port, so is great for charging multiple devices at the same time. There are lots of cheaper units out there, but most seem to have limitiations where some ports are 2.4A but others are 1A.