• long running

ABC Reading Eggs Free 30 Days Trial

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Sign up now for a chance to win a Mega Book Pack valued at $252*.
By signing up for the 30-day FREE trial on this page, you will automatically go into the draw to win our bestselling Mega Book Pack – it's the ultimate activity book bundle for children learning to read.

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Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs


  • +14

    These codes will also extend the trial

    • Can you use both code when signing up?

      • yes, max 2 I think per year per child.

        enter them after you sign up for the 30 days.

      • +1

        I signed up 1st got the 30 days trial, then I entered the first code and I have 65 days trial. I couldn't use the 2nd code says something about me reaching maximum code per child. Still 2 months trial is fantastic.

    • can you use these codes to extend existing trials? mine currently ends tomorrow.

      • Yes, as long as you haven't used other codes in the same year.

    • +2

      You'd prefer it comes out of your taxes regardless of how much it's used?

  • Too bad, online only :(

  • +2

    I recall my son using this a few years back but was given a login at his school. Might be worth asking your kids teachers if the school has a subscription before paying for it.

    • Yeah, some schools do use it, however somethings are blocked (mainly games).

  • +1

    It's a great app

    • +1

      Reading Eggs is great at teaching kids to read but I've found the app itself to be buggy.

      • Yeah, and the UI is like the C64 from the 80s

    • It's an OK app, good content for kids learning but considering the price the amount of bugs is pretty disappointing.

  • +1

    Kids absolutely love the games and its educational. 10/10.

    • Reading Eggs Junior or the normal ones?

  • -1

    Always has been a 30 day free trial available

  • Not sure I agree its all that great. It doesn't allow the child to seek help when they are stuck. There should be a way where they can get help to work out the answer instead of being stuck.

    • Best under adult supervision, or they can switch to YouTube while you not arround 😁

      • Any good reading helper YouTube links?

    • +1

      Yeah exactly needs a feature where they can email/sms their parents when they have an issue. Hmm actually maybe their teacher, what was I thinking expecting their parents to be involved in their education… It is 2020 after all.

      Just a joke not a personal attack or comment ;-)

      • Reading your comment I thought was serious for a second…

  • Ha, remember a few years back and Reading Eggs got seriously OzB. I got all my credits removed, I think I had like 18 months of free codes in the end..

  • Is the app available for Android? I cannot find one

  • +1

    I used the second promo code first, it's only for 14 days so use the first one.

  • +1

    TEL001AU appears to be expired

  • Honestly anyone with a kid in prep or kidney needs this.

    • My kid has a kidney. I'm going to sign them up right now! 🙃

  • I am already in monthly subs. Any promo code for a monthly subscription?

  • Are those codes still valid, 4 years later?

    • I signed up for another free trial a couple of weeks ago, I don't recall even needing a code.

  • Any thoughts on Junior vs Normal?

    I've been impressed with the Junior program and activities, but the normal program seems really unpolished and the activities/games are really sluggish. The UI/UX doesn't seem nearly as good

  • We've refrained introducing screen time for our 2.5 year old so far. This may win me over. Any thoughts from similar parents on introducing this?

    • +1

      Got my 3 year old working through letters and sounds at the moment and he's progressing well. Highly recommended, along with Maths Seeds (which he prefers).

  • Looking for subscription can anyone share the plan?

  • +2

    The difficulty curve for 4 year old progression we found quite steep even with parental supervision -Might be better from 5 on wards

  • Does Anyone have thoughts on Junior vs Normal?

    I recently unsubscribed because my daughter used the Junior program and completed all the Junior "Activities" with enthusiasm.
    But then she showed zero interest in the normal program.

    The normal program seems really unpolished and the activities/games are really sluggish. The UI/UX doesn't seem nearly as good.

    Is it all just Flash videos of Sam the Ant teaching phonics?

  • +1

    This should be free and funded by the department of education

  • I have ongoing trauma from this program ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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