Have to Vacate Home Temporarily (Month or Two), Best Option for Internet at New Place?

Have to move out of my home temporarily for reconstructions, still unsure of how long but maybe a month.

New place we're moving into doesn't have NBN so I can't switch over my current connection, probably a pipe-dream but any ideas on which ISP provides ADSL/nbn alternative that isn't riddled with set-up fees, modem fees and no contract? From what I can see so far it looks like I'm going to have to at least pay for a modem (which I don't need) + set up fee.

Live in Victoria, family of three and we use roughly 500GB per month. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated !


  • You're going to struggle to get no contract internet for such a high usage.
    If you cut back to circa 100-200gb for the short term you might find a 4g plan and an old mobile phone more viable.

  • Be sure to check with your ISP whether your current NBN service can be suspended while the home is under reconstruction.

    Guess wireless Internet with a router (used from Gumtree or FB Marketplace) could be the cheaper option?

  • What do you use all the bandwidth for?

    Can you download a month's worth in advance?

    • I'm actually not too sure, I was surprised myself when I checked (have had unlimited for years so never really looked how much we were using). I don't really download/stream much myself.

      Probably not impossible to cut down though, family just needs to watch 240p Youtube and Netflix for a month lmao

  • +2

    Can you use an old phone or a 4G hotspot with a Telstra postpaid Mobile broadband sim?

    15GB-100GB available with no excess data slowing at 1.5mbps…quite slow but should be usable and no contract

  • What about using Telstra Air…one of your neighbours might be beaming it?

  • +2

    Forget fixed line for a month, massive hassle and expense for a short time and it won't even be installed for the first couple of weeks.

    See if Telstra Air is available at the new place, and if it's any good. I know people who have been living off Air hotspots for ages, but not massive internet users.
    Or chuck a good data sim in a spare phone and have it plugged in as a hotspot. Make sure it's a prepaid or something that will simply cap speeds if you go overboard, and then top up as needed.

    If you have any further need of a modem just bring the one you already have, or try Connectify. It can basically turn a windows laptop into a wifi repeater/hotspot. Might be useful if you only get Telstra Air in one odd corner of the new place and need to rebroadcast it, for example.
    I used to use it to enable wifi in my bedroom, which was connected to the rest of house by fixed line. And in shitty hotels that limited the number of users to less than the large group I was with.

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