All Meguiar's products are 35% off at SCA.
I just stumbled onto this today by accident and will subsequently go and buy some stuff. This is my first post, please be kind.
All Meguiar's products are 35% off at SCA.
I just stumbled onto this today by accident and will subsequently go and buy some stuff. This is my first post, please be kind.
Legend. Thanks!
Everyone should carry ultimate compound. Amazing product.
Why did this get negged? Ultimate compound is awesome.
It's the one product you can carry for quick scratch removal even if you're a noob at paint correction.
Does anyone rate Meguiar's Glass Polishing Compound? I need to remove water stains/outlines from my front and rear windshields.
Toothpaste is a cheap alternative
If that doesn't work, try clay-barring your windscreen.
Use the compound with a machine polisher and you should get a good result.
What's a decent wax in this range that I could use? Just got a brand new Forester and keen to ensure it gets looked after.
I purchased the autoglym package that was on special recently but it didn't come with a wax.
Thanks for any advice.
The carnauba paste wax is excellent and I say that as a car detailer.
Is that in the Meguiar's range or a different brand?
Get a $6 of the 'Mr Fix 9H ceramic coat' from ebay. It's EXCELLENT for the price. I've used it on both my cars and it works better than any wax will. I didn't expect much for a $6 made in China product but it actually works. The $50 ceramic coats probably do work better, but if you're after something cheap to try out, then try this. I believe all the blue bottles with the gold colour lids are the same kind of stuff just branded differently.
Prior to using this I used Nufinish and had some good results if you want to pick up something straight away. Seemed to be fairly long lasting. Waxes are natural and look and feel great for about 2 weeks and then need to be reapplied.
Those bottles look really small, does one bottle cover a medium size car?
Keen to know this as well.
Yep I used about half a bottle on a small hatch back. Used a bottle or less than one on a big SUV.
Hybrid ceramic wax. Either meguiars or turtle wax branded. Spray on, wipe off and lasts for months
NXT polymer sealant (synthetic liquid wax) works well and lasts a few months if you don't use harsh washes.
Ultimate liquid wax is also good, super easy to apply and wipe off, even easier to use than the nxt.
Thanks for the replies. I presume the Autoglym products are PH neutral which I think is what is needed to ensure wax or sealants last longer once they have been applied.
I also have a bottle of the Meguiar's ultimate wash and wax. Does anyone know if that would strip protective coatings once applied? Just wondering when I would use that as part of the changing regime.
I'm sure ultimate wash and wax won't strip away too much wax, but I'm never a fan of car wash with wax, especially when you want to wax or add sealant after the wash. You want a wash that's ph neutral with no wax, yet it's gentle enough not to strip any of the existing wax.
Bowden combo snow canon also 35% off
You have to get the combo which you would need anyway as others have commented their snow wash also much better
Damn it I bought the snow foam last time but have not used it yet due to water restriction.
Interested in the combo.
I have a cheap foam cannon with brass fitting, looks well built but result is not great. I wonder if Bowden's Own is going to be much better?
The cannon is $80 by itself at Autobarn:
@browser: It’s about the same price for both, oh well, I’ve heard it’s much better, I’m only getting this now since we can wash again 01/03 so I’ve heard…..
The snow cannon kit looks decent value:…
Though the foam cannon looks pretty generic.
Has anybody used this and able to comment on functionality / reliability?
Just get those generic $20 ones from eBay. Been using one for a year and results are decent. It's more about the snow foam liquid and concentration. Gold class if a very average snow foam, but good car wash.
Sort of related, can anyone recommend one that uses a garden hose versus a high pressure water cleaner?
To be honest, as far as I've seen, a garden hose won't give sufficient pressure to make the products form the thick foam that gives an optimal dwell time.
There are a few companies that make snow foam guns (foam lance or canon is usually used for high pressure types). Should be able to find some info on car care or detailing forums if you have a dig, sorry I can't recommend anything in this area.
I actually bought 2 different garden hose type snow foam cannon's off ebay last year.
One was complete junk and didn't really work at all, it looked like this:…
Then I tried a different one and it works surprisingly well. That one looked like this:…
It's main 'feature' was it listed a 900ML bottle
Then you need to combine it with a foaming sytle wash.
The wheel cleaner is good value, it turns purple, just like the more expensive iron decontamination products.…
Thanks op. Grabbed some new lambs wool mitts!