OK this must be about the oddest freebie I have found
"As for its rather strange name, well that comes from a special porta-filter used to make their signature rich, creamy double shot of espresso coffee, which is known as a naked espresso shot. But true to the owners’ quirky nature, the name is also linked to a peculiar Monday ritual where Tom, Shanny and Jason all turn up to work wearing boxers, and anyone else who does the same gets a free coffee. I’m not sure if anyone has actually walked into the shop with no pants on, but it would be fun to watch if they did.
turning up to a coffee bar on a Melbourne Morning with nothing but boxers on
that has to win on so many levels? right?
Cmon Melbourne sounds like a challenge to me ;p
Hmm, blatantly stolen (or borrowed) from Magnation just down the street from them. Gaslight did it a few years prior.
Still free is free.