Please Diagnose My Car Noise

i did some investigations based on advice given below.
seems like it is the bearing..
thanks all

hi all,

my fwd hatchback (2003 echo) makes this noise seemingly from the left rear wheel:

I tried rotating/inspecting the tyres.. no change.

Noise is constant driving forward.
It's worse turning right.
It disappears turning left.
It's not noticeable at slow speed.

Don't feel any shaking/vibration.

My guess is wheel bearing failure.

please advise if that's most likely.. or if i should consider something else.

cheers all


  • +1

    Video is private so cannot be played. What did your local mechanic suggest?

  • Diagnosis: TAKE IT TO A MECHANIC (read: Get it Towed)

    It sounds like its a wheel bearing, but its so bad that i would not risk driving it again.
    GET IT TOWED to your mechanic

    • risk of life..
      or risk of doing further damage to other components.. or both?

      • +2

        if it is a wheel bearing, hard to tell from video but makes sense given your description of the symptoms, if its sounding like that then it is very bad (read: FxxKed)… and you risk creating serious damage.

        Worst case: Your wheel could fall off (unlikley.. but from that video the bearing sounds REALLY BAD)

        seriously, take it to a mechanic and if you do drive it there, drive it slowly (or fix it yourself)

  • +6

    Sounds like the flux capacitor is running out of time.

  • +3

    Wheel bearing

  • +2

    The nut behind the wheel…

    Also “wheel bearing”. Left side makes sense because you said it was louder turning right and less turning left. When turning right, the left side wheels have to turn more to keep up with the inside wheels, so they increase in speed, hence more noise turning right.

  • good luck with repack wheel bearings

  • Avoid driving it, get it to a mechanic before it gets worse!

    • the wheel doesn't have any play..
      but apparently that doesn't always occur with failed bearings.

      when rotating it does stop at one point.. as if it's rubbing on brake shoes.

      i switched the tyres/hubs around and have the same result.

      therefore it must be:

      a) wheel bearing warped/broke.a

      b) brake shoe not auto-adjusting correctly.

      I think this all started after driving on an unsealed potholed road.
      so A seems most likely?

      I've already ordered a new bearing for $70.
      seems easy to diy on my car.
      i will report findings.

      thanks for commenting

  • +1

    A person i know who has a Prado, had an issue with a terrible noise it would come and go and mysteriously come back etc.. turned out the hand brake was jamming and not releasing properly. Something to do with the design and the operation of the brake itself.

    • thanks for your comment.
      someone else suggested i checkout the handbrake/drum brake..
      so that could be it.

  • Have you tried WD-40?

  • Sounds more like the drum brake to me.
    Does the sound change when you lightly press the brake or very gently pull the handbrake?

    • hmm.. the sound does change a little so perhaps you are right.

      i've already ordered a new bearing ($70) so will find out soon enough.

      should be easy to install on my car.. just four easy to access bolts.. no abs, no axle/drive attached to rear wheels.

      thanks for your advice.

      • What was the resolution?

        • the part has been delayed in the post.

          should have it around monday so will post back then.

  • Have you tried car forums?

    I replaced the wheel bearing and the noise disappeared.
    Saved $130 and took 30mins to DIY.

    However, the drum is still rubbing on something as it turns.
    Perhaps against the 'backing plate' or the brake shoes.

    I tried swapping the drum with the other wheel, same result, so it's probably not a warped drum.

    chrisfix says that an aged spring may be causing the shoes to not retract fully.
    They've done 150,000km+ and look thin.
    So I think I'll have a go at replacing them/the springs.. see how that goes.

    cheers all

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