For all you Star Wars fanboys out there, noticed the price has dropped from £67 to £57, and after VAT is taken away it comes to £47 which is a pretty good deal considering JB want $119 for it. Even comes with a limited edition film cell for extra geek factor!
Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Blu-Ray) $75.92 AUD

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Apparently (and unfortunately) the old untampered versions are not part of this set.
But it is full of (unseen) extras. They include a scene where we first meet Han and he's snogging some random in the cantina bar.
Betting it's not Callista $&%#ing Flockhart.
She would have been 13 by then. Hot.
so you mean at the end of ep vi we have emo vader show up?
yeeaahhy finally… seems i watched the orignal a looong time ago in a galaxy far far away….
Wait for a week after its release. Expect the price to drop further then.
Usually it is the other way round. Discounting on release for a week or so followed by a return to the usual price.
LOTR got the best discount a week after release. Discounted price remained for a few weeks before price went up again.
Nice - I pre-ordered this way back in May from Amazon UK at the higher price (just in case they stopped the free shipping to Australia), have cancelled that order and re-ordered it for the lower price (they do have that pre-order guarantee thing, but re-ordered so I didn't have to muck around with contacting them etc).
Pretty sure you don't have to contact them and they will just charge you the lower price come shipping time.
Yes, they always do this automatically.
Some people just like to muck around…
Nice find my inner fanboy is squealing like 13 year old girl
But Greedo shoots first.
yeah right. Get a life Kheob. Han Shot first
And anything Lucas says/does otherwise isn't gonna convince us.Yeah I was referring to the fact that Greedo will shoot first in the Blu Ray release.
Your comment needed the sad face :(
We all know the truthNoted.
If he keeps playing with it, it /will/ drop off.
That's what my momma said.
That's what his^ Momma Said
Thank you rickmagnum for pointing out how much more this will cost at JB HIFI. JB HIFI charge $119 vs charge $75.92. JB HIFI is not as cheap as it used to be.
Agreed, JB Aren't cheap anymore, they rely on the public assuming they are and not checking elsewhere
You guys, as well as rickmagnum, clearly do not understand how things work. In Australia, Fox charge $100ex GST for the boxset. Add GST to that and you see that JB are taking a total of $5 profit. That's disregarding the freight, staff prep wage, stickering and advertising cost.
I agree that JB's 'cheap' prices are a perception. Clever marketing pushing loss leaders (ie: New Releases sold at under cost) and then making profit on support and back catalogue titles. DVD retail's a cut throat industry. They're available everywhere, so you can't just chuck it on the shelf with 30% margin on it.
Anyway, the point is JB aren't 'expensive' in relation to the Australian market. The Australian market is expensive compared to the rest of the world. Games, music, dvds. We have the luxury of using the internet to price hunt from overseas markets. We are not the everyday consumer. You have to understand that.
No, i disagree, Jb is expensive in the Australian market now. I searched 4 new release items the other day 1 TV DVD 1 NR DVD and 2 Blry NRs and all were cheaper at Big W, Kmart and even Sanity.
The cost price for the Star Wars set here from FOX is about ~$80 from memory
How much cheaper? On average I'd guess the difference is less than 5%, and certainly none of them compete with an Amazon special.
But even so you may have noticed that usually the specials and price drops happen at all the stores at the same time. This is because the wholesale price changes.
I used to sell computer games from my wee little computer store, and when my supplier changed prices for specials and bulk buy bundles and whatnot I noticed a similar drop at the various known retailers. That same supplier did DVDs, and I noticed the exact same trend with JB, EzyDVD etc.
JB isn't necessarily the cheapest in Australia. But the reason Australian retailers in general aren't cheaper than the rest of the world is of the distributors design, not the retailers.
Swimmingtoad -I guarantee you the wholesale cost price for Star Wars direct from Fox is $100ex gst give or take $1.
And in regards to your shopping around, it's a matter of title and timing. Mass merchants like k-mart and big w will target big N/R's as loss leading marketing ploys to get the customer through the door. Whenever a mass merch advertises a hot price on a latest release, the competition scamper to match it to avoid the expensive perception. After a few days of a title being available, most of the big boys will have a similar price point, unless of course they choose not to focus on that title. (for example, it's not a genre they'd normally push. K-mart won't price point Saw 7 for $20 and scream it from the rooftops.)
All of this is somewhat irrelevant anyway. JB carry SO much more stock variety than the others it's not funny. They can charge more for back cat and non loss leaders because of the convenience their store affords the customer. Big W, K Mart, Target etc use dvd retail as a way to get people into their store. They'll continue to cut the prices to the bone on their copypaste promos they run in conjunction with whatever studio approaches them. Fox churn out the same promo stock every 4-6 months. How many 'limited editions' of Alien, Predator etc have we seen roll onto mass merchants shelves now? Always the same stock. This is what the big boys do. Copypaste last years top 50 selling titles from each studios product list and create a 10 page mega dvd sale catalogue. JB obviously run these deals as well, but they also carry a massive range of secondary titles.
I don't even know where I am anymore.edit - and yes, tantryl is correct about the studios setting the price, not the retailers.
I've seen the wholesale price. It is not $100….
That clearly indicates the retail model in Australia is horribly inefficient. A distributor in Australia sells to the retailers for more than the retailers sell to the consumer in other countries. Until this changes, I will continue to avoid buying in Australia whenever possible.
I can also confirm the Aus wholesale price is around $100ex
Can my blu ray player play this (ie what region is it)
UK region is the same as ours.
Yes (this needs to become a faq). For blue rays we're in the same region as Europe.
Thanks guys
I was waiting to see if this got cheaper anywhere, whether Big W had another 20% off DVD/blu-ray online order again… But I've pre-ordered this now, a $45 saving is too much of a difference not to take advantage of.
Who could possibly repel Bargains of this Magnitude?
Might like to add Lord of the Rings Extended Edition on Blu-Ray for $55.94 (if my maths is right) as opposed to $119 again at JB Hifi. Or Harry Potter Years 1-7Pt1 for $33.20 which I can't even find on JB's site.
BTW Amazon UK free delivery to Australia is extended to end of Sept.
oh a btw, with lord of the rings, each movie is on 2 discs. so u need to get up halfway through the movie and swap to another disc!
Considering that each disc is close to two hours long then getting up for a moment is not necessarily a bad idea unless you welcome varicose vein :)
It's hard to believe that with the millions of fan art creations available to them, they chose this crappy picture for the cover.
When you consider all of the other monumentally stupid decisions Lucas has made with the Star Wars franchise over the past fifteen years, it's a lot easier to believe.
There are so many additional little changes to the OT it is getting stupid. Sure it will be great to own these on Blu but c'mon George, stop making changes for the worse. The new Vadar 'Noooo' is unbelievably bad!!
Have this on preorder. This extra saving is a nice bonus.
I'm really really really tempted by this, but if the Vader "NOOOOOOO!!!" In ROTJ is true, I'm just not buying it. I've purchased the 2004 DVD Special Edition (Hayden Christensen in Jedi. Eurgh) and the 1997 version (Probably the best one, if he didn't do the Greedo change)
Comes a point where if he goes too far, we should just vote with our wallets.
hayden must die…….
even jar jar is a better vader
Good deal but they do not accept paypal. Ordered mine from Dick Smith for $118.
Already pre-ordered it last months, do I have to cancel that or do they just charge me the reduced price later??
Amazon have a Pre-Order price guarantee.
"Pre-order Price Guarantee: order now and if the price decreases between the time you place your order and the release date, you'll be charged the lowest price. Here's how (terms and conditions apply)"
~20 misc changes have been made to the original butchered trilogy for the bluray release. This includes blinking ewoks & a new yelp from Obi-Wan. I'm seriously fedup with this constant butchery
I was going to just get the prequel set but then there'd be no extras aside from the commentaries :(
Tthe value is fine if you like the prequels (you have a sickness, but you can't help it) and you like the additions/changes to the originals (you have no soul, but again, not your fault. I'd say don't feel bad about it, but you have no soul, so you won't mind).
Is there a moment that Lucas will say "there, it's finished" with his movies? Remember, every time you buy his products you're feeding him more money to add more cheesy dialog, or to change key scenes in his classic movies.
I can't wait until Lucas makes a pseudo 3D edition of his movies. Oh, I just can't wait…
LoL. At least he's doing it to the prequel movies (probably re-rendering all the CGI). I guess he couldn't find a way to modify the original three.
Never underestimate a man high on his own supply.…
For those, and there can't be many, who haven't quite had enough of the franchise that keeps on giving, then don't worry as you will soon be able to witness the original films in 3D.
Heh. Article from mid 2008. I guess the Force wasn't strong with this one.
One a year, starting 2012. He may stop if they flop.…
Embrace the insantiy! Do not deny it your love. :)
Just got charged 72.22 + 1 (amazon card checking) Good Deal!
I have the laser disc version :-) does this have new/old versions?